
医用動物学 [Laboratory Animal Science]

毎週火曜日  10:30~12:00,6/11の実習のみ 13:00~17:00(実習希望者が多ければ6/18も実施)        [10:30~12:00 on Tuesday]. 単位数/Credit(s): 1. 授業代表教員/Director: 三好 一郎. 開講期間/Term of Classes: 2024年 4月16日(火)~2024年 6月11日(火)(実習希望者が多ければ6/18も実施) [4/16, 2024(Tue)~6/11 2024(Tue) (Makeup class on 6/18 when the number of applicants exceeds the quota)]. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: -J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.



授業題目/Class subject


[Laboratory Animal Science]



[Ichiro Miyoshi (Professor), Nobuhiko Harada (Assistant professor)]



[No.2 Seminar room]

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class


 The study using laboratory animals is indispensable in biological and medical research for scientific, legal and ethical reasons. The purpose of this class is that the students who will firstly use laboratory animals learn the significance and methods of the animal experiment and a kind of laboratory animals in addition to animal welfare and research ethics. The university qualifies students who attend at least four times of the class for the requirement of EDUCATION and TRAINING provided by the Tohoku University IACUC. In addition, attendances at the first and second of the class are required for the qualification.

学修の到達目標/Goal of study

 The aim of this class is that the students come to be able to perform the animal experiment with the animal welfare and research ethics.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class

(1) 動物実験の研究倫理 (1)
  近年、動物実験の研究倫理の厳格な順守が求められている。動物への倫理的配慮の考え方、日本における  動物実験のルールの枠組みを学ぶ。
(2) 動物実験の研究倫理 (2)
(3) 実験動物の基礎:
(4) 実験動物の感染症と防御法について:
  実験動物を取り扱う上で最も困難なのは感染症の防御である。感染症の種類と統御法、感染事故とその対策  について学ぶ。
(5) 実験動物の苦痛とその軽減(苦痛の分類、麻酔、安楽死):
  動物の福祉を考えた動物実験においては苦痛の軽減が最重要である。苦痛の程度の考え方、軽減法につい  て学ぶ。
(6) 疾患モデル動物と発生工学技術について:

 This course is centered on lectures (six times) and a practical training to handle the small animals.
(1) The research ethic of the animal experiments I: Attendance is required this lecture as EDUCATION and TRAINING in the regulations for animal experimentation at Tohoku University.
In late years the strict observance of the research ethic of the animal experiment is demanded. You learn a way of thinking of the ethical consideration to the animal, the frame of the rule of the animal experiment in Japan.
(2) The research ethic of the animal experiment II: Attendance is required this lecture as EDUCATION and TRAINING in the regulations for animal experimentation at Tohoku University.
You learn the contents of Tohoku University official regulations for animal experiments.
(3) The foundations of laboratory animal science:
You learn the significance of the animal experiments, the kind and control of the laboratory animals, the ideal method of the animal experiment institution.
(4) About infectious diseases and its protection of the laboratory animals:
Since it is very difficult for us to protect the infectious diseases of laboratory animals, you learn the kind of infectious diseases, protection and control methods, and the measures of incidence.
(5) The pain and its relief on the laboratory animals (A classification of the pain, anesthesia, euthanasia):
Refinement (i.e. relief of the pain) is the most important measures in the animal experiment with animal welfare. You learn the degree and relief of the pain.
(6) About an animal model for human disease and embryonic engineering:
As many animal models for human diseases are used in medical research, you learn the significance, how to produce and how to use of the models.
(7-8) The handling training of the small animals:
You learn how to handle the mice and rats basically.

成績評価方法/Evaluation method


We evaluate submitted report, attendance and so on.  

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

  • 国立大学法人東北大学における動物実験等に関する規程とその解説, 東北大学, (2024)
  • 「実験動物学」—獣医学教育モデル・コア・カリキュラム準拠 第2版—, 久和茂他, 朝倉書店 (2018) ISBN/ISSN: ISBN9784254460360 C3061
  • 実験動物の飼養及び保管並びに苦痛の軽減に関する基準の解説, 環境省自然環境局総務課動物愛護管理室 執筆:実験動物飼養保管等基準解説書研究会, アドスリー (2017) ISBN/ISSN: ISBN9784904419724 C3047
  • Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, National Research Council (U. S.), (2011) ISBN/ISSN: ISBN10 : 0309154006ISBN13 : 9780309154000
  • 実験動物の管理と使用に関する指針, 日本実験動物学会 (翻訳), アドスリー (2011) ISBN/ISSN: ISBN10 : 4904419235ISBN13 : 9784904419236

授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review


Students are required to learn repeatedly.

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