
1708 件ヒット (0.023秒):

  •   国際政治経済論  
      大窪 和明  
      後期 月曜日 5講時  


    Since the end of WWII, economic globalization has been progressing with the rapid rise of the mobility of 'money', 'human beings' and 'goods'. This process has increasingly affected international relations, and interactions between politics and economics are being accelerated as a result. This class will provide students with three analytical frameworks in order to understand the following aspects of international relations: International History, International Relations and International Environmental Policy. Students are requested to cultivate capacities to analyze contemporary political and economic affairs and thereby to demonstrate to the society the perspectives and analytical methods with which to resolve accumulating problems in the contemporary world.

  •   欧米国際関係史Ⅱ  
      池田 亮  
      後期 火曜日 2講時  


    This class aims to analyse how and why the Cold War occurred, developed and ended. The Cold War was not merely US-Soviet conflicts over power and ideologies. It was rather what interactions between various actors brought about, and therefore greatly determined how the contemporary world has been shaped. This class is aimed at showing and developing new interpretations of the Cold War.

  •   政治学  
      勝間田 弘  
      前期 木曜日 2講時 マルチメディア棟M206  


    The aim of this course is to gain comprehensive knowledge of world affairs by using various theories of the social sciences. In other words, its aim is to arrive at a thorough understanding of a variety of events taking place in today's globalizing world, by applying various theories used in the fields of Political Science, Economics, and International Relations to those events. In such a world today, conflicts between nations are rampant, but institutionalized forms of cooperation between them are also emerging. This course sheds light on some new aspects of these negative and positive developments while making various social science theories at the advanced level understandable to those who are unfamiliar with such theories.

  •   グローバル・ガバナンス論Ⅱ  
      松本 明日香  
      後期 火曜日 5講時  


    (1) 経済枠組み:環太平洋経済連携(CPTPP)、インド太平洋経済枠組み(IPEF)、日米FTA、地域的な経済連携(RCEP)など

    (2) 安全保障枠組みと経済の融合:インド太平洋戦略、上海協力機構、経済制裁など

    (3) 国際援助・開発枠組み:アジア開発銀行と日本の政府開発援助、アジア国際投資銀行と一帯一路など


    How should Japan and the world deal with new reality in the Eurasian continent and the Indo-Pacific? This class will examine the recent developments of global governance and regional frameworks in the following three spheres: (1) economic initiatives such as the TPP-11, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF), etc.; (2) security initiatives and its fusion with the economic sphere such as the Indo-Pacific, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), etc.; and (3) international aid initiatives such as the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Asian International Investment Bank (AIIB) and OBOR, and NGO. We will examine these three spheres from three different approaches: (1) historical perspectives, (2) theoretical analyses, and (3) qualitative and quantitative analyses.

  •   グローバル・ガバナンス論Ⅰ  
      松本 明日香  
      前期 火曜日 5講時 CALL教室 M305  


    (1) 経済枠組み:環太平洋経済連携(CPTPP)、インド太平洋経済枠組み(IPEF)、日米FTA、地域的な経済連携(RCEP)など

    (2) 安全保障枠組みと経済の融合:インド太平洋戦略、上海協力機構、経済制裁など

    (3) 国際援助・開発枠組み:アジア開発銀行と日本の政府開発援助、アジア国際投資銀行と一帯一路など


    How should Japan and the world deal with new reality in the Eurasian continent and the Indo-Pacific? This class will examine the recent developments of global governance and regional frameworks in the following three spheres: (1) economic initiatives such as the TPP-11, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF), etc.; (2) security initiatives and its fusion with the economic sphere such as the Indo-Pacific, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), etc.; and (3) international aid initiatives such as the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Asian International Investment Bank (AIIB) and OBOR, and NGO. We will examine these three spheres from three different approaches: (1) historical perspectives, (2) theoretical analyses, and (3) qualitative and quantitative analyses.

  •   日本史各論 / Japanese History (Special Lecture)  
      安達 宏昭  
      後期 水曜日 2講時  


    The relationship between modern Japan and Asia shows Japan's position in the world and the issues it faced. This lecture aims to understand the characteristics of Japan's domestic political and economic structure and its position in international politics that can be seen through this relationship. Specifically, lectures will be given on the realities of the wartime economic bloc concept called the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, based on the historical background.

  •   情報社会の政治・経済  
      河村 和徳  
      後期 火曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスC302  

    第4次産業革命の到来・Digital Transformation(DX)・Artificial Intellence(AI)・Robot技術等が日常化している。技術の進展は働き方、仕事の代替=失業、政府や自治体行政の自動化、戦争、芸術創作、選挙・政党・政策決定、民主主義、人間と機械の関係、人間の役割にも大きな変化をもたらしている。


    The advent of the 4th Industrial Revolution, Digital Transformation (DX), Artificial Intellence (AI), and robot technology have become commonplace. Technological progress has brought about major changes in work styles, job substitution = unemployment, automation of government and municipal administration, wars, artistic creation, election, political party and policy making, democracy, the relationship between humans and machines, and the role of humans.

  •   政治学  
      河村 和徳  
      後期 金曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスC105  


    Demand for political reform is increasing in Japan. Even in global society, the year two thousand twenty four is an election year. Elections will be held in Taiwan, the United States, Russia, South Korea, Indonesia, and other countries. As interest in politics increases both domestically and internationally, our goal is to acquire an understanding of political phenomena and the ability to analyze them. In this lecture, we will also focus on changes in the composition of politics, political processes, and power relations in the digital age, and our goal is to acquire concepts, theories, and practical strategies to read and understand politics in the digital age.

  •   比較政治学演習Ⅱ  
      後期 月曜日 5講時  


    The purpose of this exercise is to learn how to see things in comparative politics and what kind of thinking is useful for conceptualizing papers by covering papers that have established a reputation as quasi-classical papers in the field of comparative politics, which is a staple of the field, as well as papers that follow up on subsequent developments in the field.

  •   社会制度論  
      前期 金曜日 3講時  

