
3191 件ヒット (0.021秒):

  •   環境とエネルギーの安全保障問題 / Environmental Security and Energy Security  
      明日香 壽川  
      後期 火曜日 3講時  


  •   環境とエネルギーの安全保障問題 Environmental and energy security issues  
      明日香 壽川  
      後期 Second Semester  
      火曜日 3講時 Tuesday, 3 lecture hours  


    There is a newly examined problem of environmental security, such as global warming, but on the other hand, traditional energy security and environmental problems still show its importance. This subject will examine the environmental/energy issues around the world from the socioeconomic perspectives. Lecture will be taken seminar form and positive participation and presentation of all students are expected. In the class, we discuss the challenges each country faces both to mitigate and to adopt to the problems. In addition, we try to understand that the idea of the security has changed over the course of time through the concrete examples in the world.

  •   環境とエネルギーの安全保障問題 Environmental and energy security issues  
      明日香 壽川  
      後期 Second Semester  
      火曜日 3講時 Tuesday, 3 lecture hours  


    There is a newly examined problem of environmental security, such as global warming, but on the other hand, traditional energy security and environmental problems still show its importance. This subject will examine the environmental/energy issues around the world from the socioeconomic perspectives. Lecture will be taken seminar form and positive participation and presentation of all students are expected. In the class, we discuss the challenges each country faces both to mitigate and to adopt to the problems. In addition, we try to understand that the idea of the security has changed over the course of time through the concrete examples in the world.

  •   先進社会環境学概論Ⅱ / Introduction to Environmental Studies for Advanced Society 2  
      松八重 一代  
      後期 木曜日 2講時  


  •   水環境論 / Hydro-Environmental Studies  
      小森 大輔  
      後期 木曜日 4講時  




  •   学問論演習  
      勝間田 弘  
      後期 木曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA403  


    The aim of this course is to gain comprehensive knowledge of world affairs, by focusing on what is reported by the media, including newspapers and TV stations. The world is changing today. Some of the advanced-industrial countries are beginning to distance themselves from liberal international institutions, although they used to be the champions of such institutions for a long time in the postwar era. To illustrate, the United Kingdom has withdrawn itself from the European Union, and the United States have shown little intention of returning to the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership). For their part, rising powers such as China and Russia are seeking to establish their own international institutions. The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) implemented by China seems to embody the country's intention to increase its influence on developing nations in Southeast Asia, Middle East and Africa, and to establish its own regional order whose nature is distinct from the existing one maintained by the European and North American powers. Meanwhile, a number of new challenges are emerging on a global scale. The deterioration of the environment is in progress, and technical challenges such as the management of nuclear energy and the development of outer space are becoming complex. On the basis of the presentations made by students, this course aims to promote mutual learning among them on these latest developments.

  •   環境科学演習 / Seminar on Environmental Studies  
      小端 拓郎  
      前期 月曜日 4講時 / 前期 月曜日 5講時  

    このコースでは、太陽光発電などの再生可能エネルギーを使用して都市エネルギーシステムを脱炭素化する方法について学ぶ。授業では、数人の学生でグループを作り、データ収集、分析、グループディスカッション、プレゼンテーションを行い、ディスカッションやプレゼンテーションの方法も学ぶ。 後半では、履修メンバーの研究内容に合わせてグループわけし、グループごとに地球環境問題、エネルギー・資源枯渇などの環境課題とその解決策について課題を設定し、調査、討論、発表を通して各課題についての理解を深めるとともに、討論や発表の技法を学ぶ。講義は、隔週で行う。

  •   国際事情  
      勝間田 弘  
      前期 火曜日 5講時 CALL教室 M301  


    The aim of this course is to gain comprehensive knowledge of international affairs while learning presentation skills. In today's global society, a number of challenges persist. Security tensions between states are on the increase in various parts of the world, and disruptive activities of terrorists and extremists are spreading across the globe. Yet cooperative efforts are also emerging. In particular, international institutions have been established, in areas such as trade, investment, human rights, and the environment. On the basis of the presentations made by students, this course aims to promote mutual learning among them on these latest developments.

  •   エネルギーや資源と持続可能性  
      久保田 健吾、他  
      後期 水曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスC105  


    The purpose of this subject is to acquire basic knowledge about various issues related with the social sustainability, such as energy and resources. Faculty members of graduate school of environmental studies give lectures including the latest topics in omnibus style.

  •   国際資源エネルギー戦略論 / Energy and Resource Strategies  
      小端 拓郎  
      前期 火曜日 1講時  

    持続可能な世界を実現するために何をすべきか? この課題を実現するためには、将来のリーダーがエネルギーや資源の現状を把握し、グローバルな視点で将来の展望を考えることが不可欠である。 この講義では、学生は持続可能性に重点を置いて、エネルギーと資源の開発と消費の長所と短所を特定し、体系的に評価する方法を学ぶ。気候変動は、エネルギーシステムの急速かつ実質的な変化を必要としている。 しかし、再生可能エネルギーを利用した急速な脱炭素化は、さまざまな環境的・社会的負担を引き起こす可能性がある。 資源とテクノロジーの使用の変更には代償が伴うが、適切な手段で速やかなトランジッションをどのように促進できるかを考える。5人の講師が、講義を行います。
