
164 件ヒット (0.024秒):

  •   Career Development  
      後期 水曜日 6講時 経済学部第1演習室  

    The objective of this course is for students to deepen their understanding of their future careers and broaden their choices. For international students, the focus will be on comparing the career environments in Japan and their home countries, as well as gaining a comprehensive understanding of job hunting in Japan.

  •   キャリア設計演習 / Carrier Design Seminar  
      猪股 歳之  
      後期 木曜日 3講時  


    In this class, students of the Graduate School of Arts and Letters will deepen their understanding of basic matters such as Japan's economic structure and labor legislation, have a concrete image of the actual "working" field, and take the initiative in their future careers. We will provide practical educational guidance in collaboration with the Center for Career Support so that you can plan. Credits earned will be counted as graduation credits as a skill-specialized education subject (check the Student Handbook).

  •   キャリアデザイン講座 / Carrier Design Course  
      猪股 歳之  
      後期 木曜日 3講時  


    In this class, students of the Faculty of Arts and Letters will deepen their understanding of basic matters such as Japan's economic structure and labor legislation, have a concrete image of the actual "working" field, and take the initiative in their future careers. We will provide practical educational guidance in collaboration with the Center for Career Support so that you can plan. Credits earned will be counted as graduation credits as an undergraduate specialized education subject (check the Student Handbook).

  •   キャリア関連学習  
      竹内 上人  
      前期 月曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスA203  


    This Program will teach international students how to work in Japanese companies through the experience of the Human Resources General Manager.

    Japanese students are also welcome. Students can understand the mechanism of hiring Japanese companies.

    This is a practical career design and internship preparation program for international students before starting a career or internship at the selected companies that operate in Japan.

    This program will be designed with careful study and analysis of the working environment focused on the company in Japan.

    Working in concert with the actual internship program (Career education practice for international students) the goal of this program is not only to master international students' practical working skills but also to create a mutual understanding between the students and companies. 





  •   キャリア関連学習  
      竹内 上人  
      後期 月曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスA203  


    This Program will teach international students how to work in Japanese companies through the experience of the Human Resources General Manager.

    Japanese students are also welcome. Students can understand the mechanism of hiring Japanese companies.

    This is a practical career design and internship preparation program for international students before starting a career or internship at the selected companies that operate in Japan.

    This program will be designed with careful study and analysis of the working environment focused on the company in Japan.

    Working in concert with the actual internship program (Career education practice for international students) the goal of this program is not only to master international students' practical working skills but also to create a mutual understanding between the students and companies. 





  •   アントレプレナー入門塾  
      高浦 康有、早坂 昌彦  
      前期 火曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスB102  



    This lecture aims to provide students with a systematic and practical introduction to the fundamentals of entrepreneurship, which they will need to design their own careers, regardless of which department they are in or whether they start their own business or not.

    The lectures are endowed by the NTT Group and are intended to enhance the learning effect by having practitioners and experts from various fields as guest speakers throughout the lectures and by proceeding interactively based on the methodology of experiential learning.

  •   産業心理学特論(産業・労働分野に関する理論と支援の展開)  
      若島 孔文  
      前期 火曜日 6講時 その他  


  •   キャリア・スキル開発特別演習  
      末松 千秋  
      前期 木曜日 2講時 その他  

    This course introduces students to the typical decision-making in Japan, especially in Japanese companies. The classes will cover not only the ways of Japanese decision-making but also those of the Western world. In contrast with these mechanisms, things peculiar to Japan will be highlighted. Japanese companies are famous for the consensus decision-making. What are advantages and disadvantages of the consensus decision-making? What have Japanese companies changed to the management board in order to alleviate the disadvantages? Is there any good way to reach a consensus easier? While answering these questions, the course will emphasize the things Japanese are most concerned about to illustrate the Japanese culture. Two main objectives of the course are to provide the knowledge of Japanese style discussions and to provide the basic skills of the facilitator who helps make the process of reaching a consensus decision easier.


  •   地域企業論特殊講義  
      前期 金曜日 6講時 第3小講義室  

    The purpose of the course is for students to understand the features of Japanese businesses, especially focusing on SMEs and Regional Enterprises (REs) and their surroundings. In addition, related theories and concepts are introduced showing examples.

    This lecture will be given face-to-face, Friday 18:00-19:30. 小講3 (Small Lecture room, 3)

    Any changes will be communicated as soon as possible.

    Materials used in the lecture will be provided by the instructor.

  •   国際教養特定課題  
      末松 千秋  
      後期 木曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスC201  

    This course introduces students to Japanese corporate culture with the history of changes in employment practices. The classes will cover the Japanese Style Management, Bubble Economy, and the Lost 20 Years. How did Japanese companies develop their management style? Why were Japanese manufacturers regarded as the strongest? What caused the Bubble Economy? Why did they have to give up the practices once thought to be essential? While answering these questions, the course will emphasize the role of employment practices to illustrate the Japanese culture. Two main objectives of the course are to possess the knowledge of Japanese employment practices and to understand the rationales for changes in the practices for the past 20 years.

