
655 件ヒット (0.025秒):

  •   特講)ツーリズムとインバウンドの経済学Ⅰ  
      前期 木曜日 3講時 経済学部第1講義室  




    ”Inbound” refers to foreign tourists who is visiting Japan. In light of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the government (Japan Tourism Agency) and other local governments across the country are working to develop international tourism businesses based on inbound tourists.

    ・In order to develop human resources who can promote local tourism businesses in response to these social conditions, we have set up a set of lectures (in a classroom) and exercises (practical training) aimed at promoting understanding of the tourism industry for a wide range of students. We will provide the following education.

    ・Knowledge of inbound tourism is useful for business opportunities and regional development, not only for people considering employment in the tourism, transportation, and service industries, but also for those seeking employment in the finance, government, and manufacturing industries.

  •   特講)ツーリズムとインバウンドの経済学Ⅱ  
      後期 木曜日 4講時  




    ”Inbound” refers to foreign tourists who is visiting Japan. In light of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the government (Japan Tourism Agency) and other local governments across the country are working to develop international tourism businesses based on inbound tourists.

    ・In order to develop human resources who can promote local tourism businesses in response to these social conditions, we have set up a set of lectures (in a classroom) and exercises (practical training) aimed at promoting understanding of the tourism industry for a wide range of students. We will provide the following education.


  •   ツーリズムとインバウンドの経済学Ⅰ  
      前期 木曜日 3講時 経済学部第1講義室  




    ”Inbound” refers to foreign tourists who is visiting Japan. In light of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the government (Japan Tourism Agency) and other local governments across the country are working to develop international tourism businesses based on inbound tourists.

    ・In order to develop human resources who can promote local tourism businesses in response to these social conditions, we have set up a set of lectures (in a classroom) and exercises (practical training) aimed at promoting understanding of the tourism industry for a wide range of students. We will provide the following education.

    ・Knowledge of inbound tourism is useful for business opportunities and regional development, not only for people considering employment in the tourism, transportation, and service industries, but also for those seeking employment in the finance, government, and manufacturing industries.

  •   ツーリズムとインバウンドの経済学Ⅱ  
      後期 木曜日 4講時 経済学部第1講義室  




    ”Inbound” refers to foreign tourists who is visiting Japan. In light of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the government (Japan Tourism Agency) and other local governments across the country are working to develop international tourism businesses based on inbound tourists.

    ・In order to develop human resources who can promote local tourism businesses in response to these social conditions, we have set up a set of lectures (in a classroom) and exercises (practical training) aimed at promoting understanding of the tourism industry for a wide range of students. We will provide the following education.


  •   公共政策学(農林水産政策Ⅰ)  
      松村 孝典  
      前期 木曜日 3講時  

     本講義においては、農林水産政策を中心に、国、都道府県、市町村、民間企業において、公共政策等がどのような社会的ニーズに基づき、どのような考えのもと、どのような政策ツール(例 法律なのか、予算なのかなど)が選択され立案されていったのか、また、その過程で、政治、関係行政機関、生産現場等とどのような調整がなされたのか、政策を確立するに当たって、何が課題になったのか、具体的な実例を下に、解説する。


    ※This class aims to promote a systematic understanding of Japanese agricultural,forestry and fisheries policies.

  •   公共政策学(農林水産政策Ⅱ)  
      松村 孝典  
      後期 木曜日 3講時  

     本講義においては、農林水産政策を中心に、国、都道府県、市町村、民間企業において、公共政策等がどのような社会的ニーズに基づき、どのような考えのもと、どのような政策ツール(例 法律なのか、予算なのかなど)が選択され立案されていったのか、また、その過程で、政治、関係行政機関、生産現場等とどのような調整がなされたのか、政策を確立するに当たって、何が課題になったのか、具体的な実例を下に、解説する。


    ※This class aims to promote a systematic understanding of Japanese agricultural,forestry and fisheries policies.

  •   福島の復興・再生  
      御手洗 潤、岩瀬 恵一、江口 博行、小野寺 秀明、髙橋 結、ゲルスタ ダメーロ ユリア  
      後期 木曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスB103  




    More than thirteen years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster. In Fukushima Prefecture, reconstruction is still halfway through, with evacuation orders still in place in some coastal areas, and many issues have just begun to emerge. On the other hand, there are some positive signs, such as the lifting of evacuation orders in some areas of Futaba-machi at the end of August 2022, which means that now in every evacuated municipality people are allowed to return and restart a living. In addition, while new initiatives called "creative reconstruction" such as the Innovation Coast Initiative and the Fukushima Institute for Research, Education and Innovation (F-REI) are being carried out, the population of the affected areas is still very small compared to before the earthquake and many “former” residents live outside the affected area.

    We at Tohoku University are not only examining what has happened to the region and its people, but various efforts are being made to resolve the issues, and to create a new future for the region, rather than simply restoring it.

    In this seminar, we will discuss the current situation and challenges of the areas affected by the nuclear disaster in Fukushima, and the efforts for reconstruction and revitalization of these areas and as such investigate “Fukushima” as a current topic. The course will cover a wide range of perspectives appropriate for cultivating multifaceted viewpoints, from the progress and challenges of the disaster-stricken areas and communities to the policies of local and national governments, as seen from various academic disciplines, including engineering, agriculture, biology, political science, and anthropology. We hope that both students with deep ties to Fukushima and students who know little about Fukushima will learn together about the current situation and the efforts for reconstruction and revitalization and get involved in the recovery of Fukushima connecting to the idea of "recovery through knowledge". We hope that this lecture will be an opportunity for students to ask themselves questions such as, "What can we do as a local university? and "What can we do now that 13 years have passed? I hope that this lecture will be an opportunity for each and every student to think about what we can do to contribute to the recovery of Fukushima.

  •   人間環境地理学 / Understanding the relationship between human society and the global environment on Geography  
      関根 良平  
      後期 火曜日 2講時  


    Students of this class learn a process and the geographical theories. On the basis of it, human society and local environment are understood from a geographical viewpoint.

  •   多文化PBL  
      渡部 留美  
      後期 火曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスA406  



    Students from diverse cultural backgrounds will participate in discussions and cooperative projects to generate proposals for solving problems facing the Sendai shopping districts.

    Through this class,student will deepen their understanding of Sendai's industry and shopping district, and learn how to communicate, how to proceed with project work, and how to analyze data. Students will study solutions to problems in cooperation with other members, and acquire the ability to create presentation materials, make presentations in groups, and listen to other presentations.

  •   グローバル特定課題  
      田代 学  
      後期 火曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスC303  


    ・この授業は大半の回をWeb(Zoom)で実施しますが、発表がある回はできるだけ対面で実施します(@青葉山. ※移動時間を考慮して開始時刻は若干遅らせます)。


    *As a background, many international conferences and meetings have been organized. That's why this class is aiming to train undergraduate (or graduate) students to be able to give presentations and to have meaningful discussions in English.

    *Most classes are organized in a web meeting style (Zoom) and most presentation classes are held at CYRIC. *Instructions and explanations on basic issues will be delivered mainly in Japanese, and later in English if possible. All participants may need basic knowledge on both Japanese and English languages.
