

後期 木曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスB103. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員(所属)/Instructor (Position): 御手洗 潤、岩瀬 恵一、江口 博行、小野寺 秀明、髙橋 結、ゲルスタ ダメーロ ユリア 所属:法学研究科. 対象学部/Object: 全. 開講期/Term: 2/4/6/8セメスター. 科目群/Categories: 全学教育科目先進科目-カレント・トピックス科目. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: ZAE-OAR803J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


授業題目/Class Subject

福島の復興・再生 “Recovery and revitalization in Fukushima”

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class


More than thirteen years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster. In Fukushima Prefecture, reconstruction is still halfway through, with evacuation orders still in place in some coastal areas, and many issues have just begun to emerge. On the other hand, there are some positive signs, such as the lifting of evacuation orders in some areas of Futaba-machi at the end of August 2022, which means that now in every evacuated municipality people are allowed to return and restart a living. In addition, while new initiatives called "creative reconstruction" such as the Innovation Coast Initiative and the Fukushima Institute for Research, Education and Innovation (F-REI) are being carried out, the population of the affected areas is still very small compared to before the earthquake and many “former” residents live outside the affected area.
We at Tohoku University are not only examining what has happened to the region and its people, but various efforts are being made to resolve the issues, and to create a new future for the region, rather than simply restoring it.
In this seminar, we will discuss the current situation and challenges of the areas affected by the nuclear disaster in Fukushima, and the efforts for reconstruction and revitalization of these areas and as such investigate “Fukushima” as a current topic. The course will cover a wide range of perspectives appropriate for cultivating multifaceted viewpoints, from the progress and challenges of the disaster-stricken areas and communities to the policies of local and national governments, as seen from various academic disciplines, including engineering, agriculture, biology, political science, and anthropology. We hope that both students with deep ties to Fukushima and students who know little about Fukushima will learn together about the current situation and the efforts for reconstruction and revitalization and get involved in the recovery of Fukushima connecting to the idea of "recovery through knowledge". We hope that this lecture will be an opportunity for students to ask themselves questions such as, "What can we do as a local university? and "What can we do now that 13 years have passed? I hope that this lecture will be an opportunity for each and every student to think about what we can do to contribute to the recovery of Fukushima.

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study


By learning about the current situation and issues of the people and areas affected by the Fukushima nuclear disaster and long-term recovery process that some municipalities have been forced to undergo, including the evacuation of towns and cities, the students will be able to understand these issues, to connect to the affected people on a personal level and to learn about the recovery and revitalization efforts conducted by Tohoku University. By learning about the current situation and issues of the affected areas and victims of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, and learning about the reconstruction and revitalization efforts centered on Tohoku University, students will acquire the ability to think about solutions and countermeasures for future disasters, which will further contribute to developing the ability to cope with future disasters and various other difficulties.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and Progress Schedule of the Class

現在のところ想定しているのは以下の通り(順不同。ただし今後の変更もあり得る。変更や具体的な日程はGoogle Classroom及び初回授業にて提示する。

(順不同) 担当者
1 福島県庁(福島復興に向けた福島県の政策)
2 浪江町(浪江の復興に向けた取り組み)
3 伊藤房雄・大谷隆二(福島復興と農学)
4 大和田祐二(福島の創造的復興を目指す中核拠点F-REI)
5 小野寺秀明(福島復興に向けた国の政策②(環境省関係))
6 河村和徳(福島復興と県民意識)
7 ゲルスタ・ユリア(福島復興と伝承①)
8 鈴木正敏(福島復興と生物学(放射線影響研究))
9 高橋結(福島復興とコミュニティ②・ボランティア)
10 田所諭(福島復興と工学②(ロボット))
11 中田俊彦(福島復興と工学③(再生可能エネルギーとカーボンニュートラル社会))
12 御手洗潤(福島の現状と国の政策①(復興庁関係))
13 渡邉豊・堂﨑浩二(福島復興と工学①(福島第一原子力発電所の廃炉と安全確保)
14・15 フィールドワーク(福島県浜通り地区にて、福島第一原子力発電所等を訪問する予定)

In principle, the class will take place in person (however, depending on the Covid-19 situation, a hybrid or online classes will be considered).
The following schedule is preliminary and subject to change. Changes and specific dates will be announced in Google Classroom and at the first class.

Order Topic and Lecturer
1 Fukushima Prefectural Government: Fukushima Prefecture's Policies for the Recovery of Fukushima
2 Namie Town: Namie Town’s Recovery Policies
3 Fusao Iro and Ryuji Otani: Fukushima’s Recovery and Agriculture
4 Yuji Owada: F-REI as a Key Actor for Aiming at Creative Recovery in Fukushima
5 Hideaki Onodera: National Policy for Fukushima Reconstruction ② (Ministry of Environment))
6 Kazunori Kawamura: Recovery of Fukushima and Public Awareness within Fukushima Prefecture
7 Julia Gerster: The Recovery of Fukushima and Disaster Memory
8 Masatoshi Suzuki: Fukushima Recovery and Biology (Radiation Effects Research)
9 Yu Takahashi: Recovery of Fukushima and Community, Volunteering
10 Satoshi Tadokoro: Recovery of Fukushima and Robotics
11 Toshihiko Nakata: Fukushima Reconstruction and Engineering ③ (Renewable Energy and Carbon Neutral Society)
12 Jun Mitarai: Current Situation in Fukushima and National Policies (about the Reconstruction Agency)
13 Yutaka Watanabe and Koji Dozaki: Fukushima Reconstruction and Engineering ① (Decommissioning and Ensuring Safety of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant)
14, 15 Fieldwork in the Hamadori Area of Fukushima Prefecture, Including Interviews with Practitioners of Community Development and a Walk-through Towns Affected by the Nuclear Disaster

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method


Attendance and participation in class (including submission of reaction papers), final report, and fieldwork report will be evaluated.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

  • 福島復興の到達点, 川﨑興太,
  • 福島復興の視点・論点――原子力災害における政策と人々の暮らし, 川﨑興太 他 編著,
  • Hierarchies of affectedness: Kizuna, perceptions of loss, and social dynamics in post-3.11 Japan. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 41, [101304]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2019.101304, Gerster, J. ,
  • 100% Clean, Renewable Energy and Storage for Everything, Mark Z. Jacobson, Cambridge University Press (2020).,
  • 東日本大震災からのスタート ―災害を考える51のアプローチー, 東北大学災害科学国際研究所(編),
  • 東日本大震災からの復興過程と住民意識-民主制下における復旧・復興の課題, 河村和徳・岡田陽介・横山智哉[編著].,
  • 震災後の地域文化と被災者の民俗誌ーフィールド災害人文学の構築 , 高倉浩樹, 山口睦 編, 新泉社 ,
  • 被災地選挙の諸相II 選挙を通じて考える被災地復興の光と影, 河村和徳・伊藤裕顕,
  • 福島 農からの日本再生, 守友裕一・大谷尚之・神代英昭 編著,
  • 震災復興の公共人類学:福島原発事故被災者と津波被災者との協働 , 関谷雄一, 高倉浩樹 編, 東京大学出版会,



授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review


On Saturday, December 7th and Saturday, December 21st (both tentative, subject to change in the future), we will take a day trip to the Hamadori area of Fukushima Prefecture, an area affected by the nuclear disaster. We are planning fieldwork such as visiting the nuclear power plant (we are planning a bus tour that will leave the university in the morning and return to the university in the evening). In addition, students who are unable to participate in the fieldwork due to their own circumstances will be asked to participate in the fieldwork on their own (voluntary fieldwork). After completing fieldwork, a fieldwork report will be required. Additionally, after each class, students are required to submit a simple reaction paper in which they write their impressions and questions. Students should be regularly interested in news related to the reconstruction and revitalization of Fukushima, as well as the technologies and initiatives that contribute to it, and should prepare by reading the reference books listed below, as well as review class content and solidify their knowledge.. Please note that most literature as well as the class itself will be in Japanese.

実務・実践的授業/Practicalbusiness※○は、実務・実践的授業であることを示す。/Note:"○"Indicatesthe practicalbusiness

授業へのパソコン持ち込み【必要/不要】/Students must bring their own computers to class[Yes / No]


Students are encouraged to bring their own PCs to class and refer to the handouts.

その他/In Addition

後期授業期間中の週末又は休日を使用して、原子力災害被災地である福島県浜通り地域へフィールドワークを行う予定なので留意のこと。その際の交通手段の手配及びそれらに要する費用の確保は基本的に大学側で行う。このため、50名程度を上限とし、それを超える場合にはやむをえず選考を行うこともありうる。選考方法については、初回授業にて説明するが、受講希望理由等を問う簡単な様式に記入してもらうことを想定している。 なお、受講生の都合等で当該フィールドワークに参加できない場合は、個人でフィールドワークを実施してもらう予定。その場合の費用は原則として自己負担となる。

授業への参加を検討している学生は、必ずGoogle Classroomに参加のこと。


Please note that fieldwork will be conducted on a weekend or a holiday during the second semester in the Hamadori area of Fukushima Prefecture. The university will arrange the transportation and secure the necessary expenses for the fieldwork. For this reason, the maximum number of participants is limited to about 50, and if the number exceeds this limit, selection may be unavoidable. The selection process will be explained at the first class, and we expect students to fill out a simple form asking why they wish to take the course. If a student is unable to participate in the fieldwork, he/she will be asked to conduct fieldwork on his/her own. In such cases, students are expected to bear their own expenses in principle.

Students who are considering participating in the class must participate in Google Classroom.

This class is based on a collaboration agreement between our university and Fukushima Prefecture, Tohoku university's Green Future Creation Organization, and Namie Town, and was made possible with the cooperation of the Fukushima Prefectural Office and Namie Town Office, including lectures. ing.


岐路に立つ震災復興 / 長谷川公一・保母武彦・尾崎寛直 編。第10章(中田俊彦)被災地復興とエネルギー自律:自律・分散型エネルギーシステムを地域コミュニティにつくるには、東京大学出版会 (2016).

 これと関連したシラバス 学務情報システムで確認