
1778 件ヒット (0.044秒):

  •   実践ロシア語Ⅰ  
      ラエフスキー アレクサンドル  
      前期 火曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA306  


    The purpose of this course is to provide personalized guidance and coaching to students of Russian language who are particularly interested in learning it. The aim is to give opportunities for students to expand their Russian language proficiency. We aim to acquire a well-balanced operational ability in areas of pronunciation, sentence comprehension, speech and sentence production, and vocal interaction in Russian language.

  •   実践ロシア語Ⅱ  
      ラエフスキー アレクサンドル  
      後期 火曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA306  

    本授業の目的は、ロシア語の学生のうち特に希望するものを対象に、個別化されたガイダンスとコーチングのもとで、学生それぞれの学習目的・目標、現状の能力、学習条件に合わせた形でのロシア語運用能力拡張の機会を提供することにある。ロシア語の音声・文章理解・音声・文章産出・音声でのやりとりの各技能領域についてバランスの取れた運用能力を獲得することをめざす。 また、もう一つ大事なのは、楽しくロシア語を練習するのも重要なポイントです。

    The purpose of this course is to provide personalized guidance and coaching to students of Russian language who are particularly interested in learning it. The aim is to give opportunities for students to expand their Russian language proficiency. We aim to acquire a well-balanced operational ability in areas of pronunciation, sentence comprehension, speech and sentence production, and vocal interaction in Russian language. And having fun while studying is also very important!

  •   実践スペイン語Ⅰ  
      セシリア シルバ  
      前期 水曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA301  


    This course is aimed at offering to those students who have finished at least a first year of Spanish language learning with willingness to learn further, an additional opportunity to enhance their proficiency in this language under a personalized guidance and coaching according to each student’s needs and readiness. This course will rely on CEFR for reference and the students will acquire a balanced proficiency of Spanish in each of its domains of oral and written comprehension, oral and written output and oral interaction.

    Classes will meet on Wednesdays (5) and Fridays (5). Topics, materials, and activities of both days are coordinated; therefore, students can choose to attend the class only one day or both.

    2024: in case of online classes, material will be distributed in GoogleDrive, and there will be a real-time communication with the facilitators (teacher and TA) on Google Meet.

  •   実践スペイン語Ⅰ  
      エディ モンティージャ  
      前期 金曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA304  


    Object and Summary of Class

    This course is aimed at offering to those students who have finished at least the first year of Spanish language program an additional opportunity to enhance their proficiency in this language under a personalized guidance and coaching according to each student’s needs and readiness. This course will rely on CEFR for reference and the students will acquire a balanced proficiency of Spanish in oral and written comprehension, oral and written output and oral interaction.

  •   実践スペイン語Ⅱ  
      エディ モンティージャ  
      後期 金曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA304  


    Object and Summary of Class

    This course is aimed at offering to those students who have finished at least the first year of Spanish language program an additional opportunity to enhance their proficiency in this language under a personalized guidance and coaching according to each student’s needs and readiness. This course will rely on CEFR for reference and the students will acquire a balanced proficiency of Spanish in oral and written comprehension, oral and written output and oral interaction.

  •   実践スペイン語Ⅱ  
      セシリア シルバ  
      後期 水曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA204  


    This course is aimed at offering to those students who have finished at least a first year of Spanish language learning with willingness to learn further, an additional opportunity to enhance their proficiency in this language under a personalized guidance and coaching according to each student’s needs and readiness. This course will rely on CEFR for reference and the students will acquire a balanced proficiency of Spanish in each of its domains of oral and written comprehension, oral and written output, and oral interaction.

    Classes will meet on Wednesdays (5) and Fridays (5). Topics, materials, and activities of both days are coordinated; therefore, students can choose to attend the class only one day or both.

    2024: in case of online classes, material will be distributed in GoogleDrive, and there will be a real-time communication with the facilitators (teacher and TA) on Google Meet.

  •   展開ロシア語Ⅳ  
      柳田 賢二  
      後期 金曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスA203  



    This course provides all explanations of Russian grammar in Japanese. Students who are unable to comprehend this Japanese paragraph are ineligible to enroll in this course.

  •   基礎フランス語Ⅱ  
      深井 陽介、ベレック クロエ  
      後期 火曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスA404 / 後期 金曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスA404  




    The purpose of this class is for beginners to learn basic French through their knowledge of English.

    Students will acquire a worldview different from English or Japanese.

    Students will learn francophone culture through music and visual images.

  •   基礎フランス語Ⅱ  
      中本 武志、ベレック クロエ  
      後期 火曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスA303 / 後期 木曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスA205  





    The purpose of this class is for beginners to learn basic French through their knowledge of English.

    Students will acquire a worldview different from English or Japanese.

    Students will learn francophone culture through music and visual images.

    Chloé BELLEC, a native speaker of French, is in charge of practical lessons, and Nakamoto, in charge of grammar.

  •   基礎スペイン語Ⅱ  
      田林 洋一  
      後期 火曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスA305 / 後期 木曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスA305  


    The object of this class is to develop the basic ability of Spanish. In the acquisition of the second language, we are required not only to have the ablity of oral communication, but also to read and write in that language. In this class we focus on learning Spanish grammar. We also plan to study Spanish culture, history, literature etc, through visual materials.
