

前期 金曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA304. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員(所属)/Instructor (Position): エディ モンティージャ 所属:. 対象学部/Object: 全. 開講期/Term: 3セメスター. 科目群/Categories: 全学教育科目言語科目-スペイン語. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: ZLF-SPA211J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


授業題目/Class Subject

One Level Higher of Spanish Proficiency for Every Student

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class


Object and Summary of Class
This course is aimed at offering to those students who have finished at least the first year of Spanish language program an additional opportunity to enhance their proficiency in this language under a personalized guidance and coaching according to each student’s needs and readiness. This course will rely on CEFR for reference and the students will acquire a balanced proficiency of Spanish in oral and written comprehension, oral and written output and oral interaction.

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study

学生各自がすでに獲得しているスペイン語運用能力に応じて、コース修了時により高い段階の運用能力を獲得していることを目指します。例えば、CEFR A1に近いレベルのスペイン語運用能力を持つ学生はA1レベルの運用能力、A1レベルのスペイン語運用能力を持つ学生はA2レベルの運用能力、A2レベルのスペイン語運用能力を持つ学生はB1レベルの運用能力、B1レベルのスペイン語運用能力を持つ学生はB2レベルの運用能力を獲得するなどのようにです。

Goal of Study
Based on CEFR levels, upon completing this course, students will have acquired a higher level of proficiency in Spanish than they already had at the beginning of the course. That is to say, those students who have less than A1 level of Spanish by CEFR criteria at the start will have acquired A1 level, those with A1 level at the start will have A2, those with A2 level, A3, and so on.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and Progress Schedule of the Class

A1  レベル 直説法現在
A2  レベル 直説法過去
B1/B2レベル 直説法現在・直説法過去・接続法
Contents and Progress Schedule of the Class:
At first sessions, an assessment will be made on each student’s needs and readiness in order to formulate a training menu for each student and design the learning activities that best fit for each student and the whole group and subgroups. During the rest of the course, students will go through the learning activities individually or by group. A considerable amount of independent study hours will be required outside the class. The training menus and the learning activities will be revised according the study progress. Besides, students who simply wish to improve their skills, to prepare for study abroad programs in a Spanish speaking country, to prepare for the standardized Spanish language tests (e.g., DELE and SIELE), and improve the skills acquired at a Spanish speaking country are also expected to take this course.
Level A1 Present tense (indicative mood)
Level A2 Past tense (indicative mood)
Level B1/B2 Present and past tense (indicative mood), subjunctive mood
第1回 授業紹介、 グループ活動(口頭練習):クラスメートを知る, 会話:Me llamo Diego.
第2回 模擬試験第1読解・聴解、 会話:¿Cómo es él?、トピックス:Rutina diaria, descripción
第3回 模擬試験第1書く能力・オーラル能力、トピック:fiestas, 会話表現(人の注意を引く)
第4回 模擬試験第2読解・聴解、トピック:Mi tiempo libre, 読解:Los sábados por la noche
第5回 模擬試験第2書く能力・オーラル能力、会話表現 (少しの時間)、読解:Cuando era pequeña
第6回 模擬試験第3読解・聴解、トピック:文化の違い, ロールプレイ:ホームステイ
第7回 模擬試験第3書く能力・オーラル能力、語会話表現:Aceptar y rechazar invitaciones
第8回 まとめ
第9回 模擬試験第4読解・聴解、トピック:Planes futuros
第10回 模擬試験第4書く能力・オーラル能力、トピック:Viajes, 会話:En el aeropuerto
第11回 模擬試験第5書く能力・オーラル能力、トピック:Compras, 会話:En la tienda 
第12回 模擬試験第5読解・聴解、トピック:情報の尋ね方、
第13回 模擬試験第6書く能力・オーラル能力、トピック:En el teléfono, 会話:Excusas
第14回 模擬試験第6読解・聴解、会話表現 : Expresando sentimientos, 会話:Comiendo fuera
第15回 まとめ
Based on the student’s level:
1. Class introduction
2. Practice examination 1: reading comprehension, listening
3. Practice examination 1: writing and oral activities
4. Practice examination 2: reading comprehension, listening
5. Practice examination 2: writing and oral activities
6. Practice examination 3: reading comprehension, listening
7. Practice examination 3: writing and oral activities
8. Global summary
9. Practice examination 4: reading comprehension, listening
10. Practice examination 4: writing and oral activities
11. Practice examination 5: reading comprehension, listening
12. Practice examination 5: writing and oral activities
13. Practice examination 6: reading comprehension, listening
14. Practice examination 6: writing and oral activities
15. Final review

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method


Evaluation Method
The evaluation will be based on the progress the student will have archived in his/her proficiency enhancement in Spanish, measured with reference to CEFR, and his/her engagement in the study, assessed taking into consideration the amount of study hours outside the class and participation in the learning activities.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

    授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review

    Preparation and Review:
    As mentioned above, students will be required to dedicate a considerable amount of time to the individual study outside the class according to their purpose and objectives of the study.

    授業へのパソコン持ち込み【必要/不要】/Students must bring their own computers to class[Yes / No]

    It is not necessary for the students to bring their own computers to class.

    その他/In Addition

    基礎スペイン語IIの履修を修了した者であれば、実践スペイン語I-1、I-2、II-1、II-2のどの科目を履修することも可能です。 また、本科目は金曜日4校時および5校時に開講するが、同時に両方の授業を履修することも可能です。展開スペイン語科目と同時に履修することも可能です。なお展開スペイン語科目を代替するものではありません。
    2024年度オンライン授業の場合、Google Classroomで教材を配布します。更に、各授業ではMeet(またはZOOM)で学生は教師とリアルタイムにコミュニケーションができます。
    開講時に指示します。 辞書が必要です。その他のスペイン語教材を作成し、配布します。

    Those students who have finished Elementary Spanish II are allowed to take any of the Personalized Intermediate Spanish I-1, I-2, II-1, II-2 courses. Each course will be offered in two different classes on Fridays at the fourth and the fifth periods and those who wish so are allowed to take both classes. Those students registered in the Intermediate Spanish course are also allowed to take this course at the same time. This course does not substitute any Intermediate Spanish course.
    In case of online classes, material will be distributed in Google Classroom. Besides, in each class there will be a real-time communication with the teacher via Zoom or Google Meet.

     これと関連したシラバス 学務情報システムで確認