
4158 件ヒット (0.063秒):

  •   グローバル学習  
      渡部 留美  
      前期 木曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA102  


    This course is an essential subject for the Global Leader Certificate of the Tohoku University Global Leadership (TGL) Program. The course, through active learning, aims at enhancing the student’s knowledge of intercultural communication and understanding, and skills in planning and presentation. Eventually, this course is intended to boost the student’s global leadership, including global perspectives, goal-oriented mindset and self-management/planning skills, in order to achieve their targeted goals. This course will be conducted in Japanese basically, with English used as a supplement depending on the content of the classes.

  •   グローバル学習  
      米澤 由香子  
      前期 木曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA101  


    This course is mandatory for the Global Leader Certificate of the Tohoku University Global Leadership (TGL) Program. The course, through active learning, aims at enhancing the student’s knowledge of inter-cultural communication and understanding, and skills in planning and presentation. Eventually, this course is intended to boost the student’s global leadership, including global perspectives, goal-oriented mindset and self-management/planning skills, in order to achieve their targeted goals. This course will be conducted in Japanese basically, with English used as a supplement depending on the content of the classes.

  •   グローバル学習  
      小嶋 緑  
      前期 火曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA105  


    This course is an essential subject for the Global Leader Certificate of the Tohoku University Global Leadership (TGL) Program. The course, through active learning, aims at enhancing the student’s knowledge of intercultural communication and understanding, and skills in planning and presentation. Eventually, this course is intended to boost the student’s global leadership, including global perspectives, goal-oriented mindset and self-management/planning skills, in order to achieve their targeted goals. This course will be conducted in Japanese basically, with English used as a supplement depending on the content of the classes.

  •   グローバル学習  
      新見 有紀子  
      前期 火曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA102  


    This course is an essential subject for the Global Leader Certificate of the Tohoku University Global Leadership (TGL) Program. The course, through active learning, aims at enhancing the student’s knowledge of intercultural communication and understanding, and skills in planning and presentation. Eventually, this course is intended to boost the student’s global leadership, including global perspectives, goal-oriented mindset and self-management/planning skills, in order to achieve their targeted goals. This course will be conducted in Japanese basically, with English used as a supplement depending on the content of the classes.

  •   グローバル学習  
      三隅 多恵子  
      前期 木曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA105  


    This course is an essential subject for the Global Leader Certificate of the Tohoku University Global Leadership (TGL) Program. The course, through active learning, aims at enhancing the student's knowledge of intercultural communication and understanding, and skills in planning and presentation. Eventually, this course is intended to boost the student's global leadership, including global perspectives, goal-oriented mindset and self-management/planning skills, in order to achieve their targeted goals. This course will be conducted in Japanese basically, with English used as a supplement depending on the content of the classes.

  •   グローバル学習  
      渡部 由紀  
      前期 火曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA101  


    This course is mandatory for the Global Leader Certificate of the Tohoku University Global Leadership (TGL) Program. The course, through active learning, aims at enhancing the student’s knowledge of inter-cultural communication and understanding, and skills in planning and presentation. Eventually, this course is intended to boost the student’s global leadership, including global perspectives, goal-oriented mindset and self-management/planning skills, in order to achieve their targeted goals. This course will be conducted in Japanese. English may be used as a supplemental language, depending on the content of the class.

  •   グローバル学習  
      米澤 由香子  
      後期 水曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA105  


    This course is mandatory for the Global Leader Certificate of the Tohoku University Global Leadership (TGL) Program. The course, through active learning, aims at enhancing the student’s knowledge of inter-cultural communication and understanding, and skills in planning and presentation. Eventually, this course is intended to boost the student’s global leadership, including global perspectives, goal-oriented mindset and self-management/planning skills, in order to achieve their targeted goals. This course will be conducted in Japanese basically, with English used as a supplement depending on the content of the classes.

  •   グローバル学習  
      新見 有紀子  
      後期 水曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA106  


    This course is an essential subject for the Global Leader Certificate of the Tohoku University Global Leadership (TGL) Program. The course, through active learning, aims at enhancing the student’s knowledge of intercultural communication and understanding, and skills in planning and presentation. Eventually, this course is intended to boost the student’s global leadership, including global perspectives, goal-oriented mindset and self-management/planning skills, in order to achieve their targeted goals. This course will be conducted in Japanese basically, with English used as a supplement depending on the content of the classes.

  •   多文化PBL  
      小嶋 緑  
      後期 木曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスC304  

    In this PBL course, groups of Japanese and international students will be provided with opportunities to conduct research and give proposals on promotion of DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) on university campus. Students will deepen their understanding of minorities in Japanese society and Tohoku University's policy of promoting DEI, and conduct their own research projects to identify problems through interviews, surveys and literature reviews, and propose how we can promote DEI campuses. This class incorporates intercultural co-learning methods where students from different backgrounds will collaborate on the projects.


  •   キャリア関連学習  
      米澤 由香子  
      後期 月曜日 5講時 CALL教室 M204  

    In this course, students will learn the basic knowledge, skills and attitudes that are needed to create their own careers, by viewing careers as a lifelong process of continuous learning and action. These basic knowledge, skills and attitudes are necessary not only for students considering employment after undergraduate study, but also for students who wish to study at graduate school or pursue a research career.

    The course will promote students to: (1) learn from guest speakers with a variety of cultural, educational and professional backgrounds in order to gain knowledge and information that will be useful in shaping their own career perspectives; (2) engage in collaborative learning with other students in order to understand the significance of working together; and (3) review the results of their learning by providing presentations and writing reports in order to reflect the results of their studies, set career goals, and take concrete action. In particular, participating students are facilitated to actively interact with others by speaking and listening to each other, in order to maximize their learning. Guest speakers will include leading global figures from different fields and ways of working.

    This course will be conducted in English. A certain level of skill in interacting and discussing in English is required.



