
1756 件ヒット (0.085秒):

  •   生命と自然  
      河田 雅圭  
      前期 木曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスB200  


    Life science has made remarkable progress since the late 20th century. At the same time that the marvelous mechanisms of life have been unraveled, it has become possible to modify the genome through genetic modification and genome editing technologies. In addition to the elucidation of the mechanisms of life, the evolutionary mechanisms of why and how organisms, including humans, have evolved are also becoming clearer. Life science from an evolutionary perspective is not only necessary as a means to solve many of the problems facing modern society, such as medicine, food, and the environment, but is also becoming a necessary education for thinking about fundamental questions such as "What is a human being? In this lecture, after learning about the basic mechanisms of evolution, we will focus on life phenomena from genomes, cells, and individuals to ecosystem bells, and explain them from an evolutionary perspective. Based on these, the course aims to provide students with a basis for thinking about the significance of life phenomena.

  •   生命科学入門  
      河田 雅圭  
      前期 火曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスA202  


    Life science has made remarkable progress since the late 20th century. At the same time that the mechanisms of life have been unraveled, it has become possible to modify the genome through genetic modification and genome editing technologies. In addition to the elucidation of the mechanisms of life, the evolutionary mechanisms of why and how organisms, including humans, have evolved are also becoming clearer. Life science from an evolutionary perspective is not only necessary as a means to solve many of the problems facing modern society, such as medicine, food, and the environment, but is also becoming a necessary education for thinking about fundamental questions such as "What is a human being? In this lecture, among the life phenomena ranging from genomes, cells, and individuals to ecosystem bells, we will focus especially on the phenomena of life related to human society and explain them from an evolutionary perspective. The objective is to provide students with a basis for thinking about the significance of life phenomena on their own.

  •   分子生物学  
      菅原 明, 村山 和隆, 横山 敦  
      前期 水曜日 2講時 保健学科第3講義室  


    Understand the molecular mechanisms of how genetic information on the genome is conserved, copied, transcribed, and functions are expressed, and how these mechanisms are regulated. And gain knowledge the principles and methods of molecular biology-based technologies applied in medicine, such as genetic diagnosis, testing, and gene therapy.

  •   生命科学C  
      千葉 聡、牧 雅之、酒井 聡樹  
      前期 木曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスC302  


    This lecture explains the basic theory an facts for organisms evolution as well as systematics and biodiversity based on evolution

  •   生命科学A  
      田口 友彦、谷本 拓、丹羽 伸介  
      前期 木曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスA200  


    Cells are the fundamental units of life. This course explains the basic concepts of molecular and cellular biology, including structures and functions of proteins, DNA replication and genetic mechanisms, genome structure and gene expression, organelles and membrane transport, cell signaling, cytoskeletons, cell cycle, cell communications, cancer and animal development.

  •   先端生態発生適応科学特論Ⅰ  
      倉永 英里奈  
      通年集中 その他 連講  


    In this course, students will understand the relationship between ontogeny and biological evolution, and the adaptive trait, by learning the mechanisms of ontogeny that drives the evolution of living organisms. In particular, the course will give lectures on individual dynamics that generate interspecific differences and diversity of traits inherent in species, such as morphology, mainly on the contents of genetics, developmental biology, cell biology and genome science.

  •   先端分子化学生物学特論Ⅱ  
      大坪 嘉行  
      通年集中 その他 その他  

    複合生物系における細胞間・生物間相互作用や環境適応因子の高次ネットワークなどの複雑系生命現象の分子基盤の包括的理解が可能な時代になってきた。本講義では、主に微生物と植物を対象に、(1) 遺伝学・ゲノム科学・分子生態学の融合科学、(2) 低分子と高分子から構成される生物間相互作用ネットワークの原理、(3) 形態形成から生殖過程を統御する細胞間相互作用因子・環境適応因子の機能原理、(4) 環境変動下における生物の生存戦略とストレス耐性獲得の基本原理、(5) 大規模ゲノム比較による生物の環境適応メカニズム原理などの最先端研究の講義を行う。さらに、これらの複雑系生命現象を制御する鍵分子や鍵因子に着目した新規育種法や制御法の最先端異分野融合研究について紹介し、その将来性の議論を行う。

    It has become an era where a comprehensive understanding of the molecular basis of complex biological phenomena such as intercellular / biological interactions and higher order network of environmental adaptation factors in complex biological systems is possible. In this lecture, we mainly focus on microorganisms and plants, in terms of (1) the interdisciplinary science of genetics/genome science/molecular ecology, (2) the principle of biological interaction network composed of low molecule and macromolecule, (3) functional principles of intercellular interaction factors and environmental adaptation factors that govern morphogenesis to reproductive processes, (4) fundamental principles of survival strategies and stress tolerance under environmental changes, (5) large scale genome comparison. Lecture on state-of-the-art research such as the principle of environmental adaptation mechanisms of living organisms. In addition, we introduce the cutting-edge hybrid researches such as new breeding methods and control methods focusing on key molecules and key factors relevant to these complex biological phenomena, and discuss their future potentials.

  •   進化から人間を理解する  
      河田 雅圭  
      後期 火曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA104  



    Humans diverged from a common ancestor with chimpanzees about 7 million years ago, and Homo sapiens emerged in Africa about 200 000 years ago. Over the course of human history, various human characteristics have evolved. This section provides an overview of what is known to date about how and why humans have evolved. The aim is then to consider the various human characteristics from an evolutionary perspective.

    Students will deepen their understanding of evolutionary mechanisms and human evolution through questions and discussions during the lectures. Furthermore, by reading and presenting relevant literature, students will deepen their ability to understand human characteristics from a scientific perspective. In addition, by examining various human-related issues from the perspective of evolution, students practise approaches to various problems in human society from a scientific viewpoint.

  •   分子遺伝学 / Molecular Genetics  
      杉本 亜砂子, 丹羽 伸介  
      後期 月曜日 3講時  

    生命の根源であるDNA には生物が生きるために必要不可欠な情報がプログラムされており、親から子、子から孫へと伝えられていく。したがって、遺伝子の構造、形質発現の仕組みを理解することは、あらゆる生命現象を理解するうえで重要である。本講義では、遺伝子研究の歴史と実験手法に触れつつ、個体発生における遺伝子の発現調節メカニズムの概要を学ぶことを目的とする。

    Genomic DNA contains information to be inherited to next generations. This course aim to cover how the genome information is organized and expressed to control complex phenomena in living organisms. History and techniques used in biological research will also be introduced.

  •   分子生物学 / Molecular Biology  
      杉本 亜砂子, 植田 美那子, 倉永 英里奈  
      前期 金曜日 4講時  


    The genetic information of organisms is retained in genomic DNA, and is transferred to daughter cells by cell division and is inherited via germ cells. In this lecture, students will learn the mechanism of translation and expression of genetic information.
