

通年集中 その他 その他. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor: 大坪 嘉行. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: BMC-BIO602B. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 前期:日本語,後期:英語 The first semester: Japanese, The second semester: English.

授業題目/Class Subject

Advanced Molecular and Chemical Life Sciences II (Molecular and Network Genomics)

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

複合生物系における細胞間・生物間相互作用や環境適応因子の高次ネットワークなどの複雑系生命現象の分子基盤の包括的理解が可能な時代になってきた。本講義では、主に微生物と植物を対象に、(1) 遺伝学・ゲノム科学・分子生態学の融合科学、(2) 低分子と高分子から構成される生物間相互作用ネットワークの原理、(3) 形態形成から生殖過程を統御する細胞間相互作用因子・環境適応因子の機能原理、(4) 環境変動下における生物の生存戦略とストレス耐性獲得の基本原理、(5) 大規模ゲノム比較による生物の環境適応メカニズム原理などの最先端研究の講義を行う。さらに、これらの複雑系生命現象を制御する鍵分子や鍵因子に着目した新規育種法や制御法の最先端異分野融合研究について紹介し、その将来性の議論を行う。

It has become an era where a comprehensive understanding of the molecular basis of complex biological phenomena such as intercellular / biological interactions and higher order network of environmental adaptation factors in complex biological systems is possible. In this lecture, we mainly focus on microorganisms and plants, in terms of (1) the interdisciplinary science of genetics/genome science/molecular ecology, (2) the principle of biological interaction network composed of low molecule and macromolecule, (3) functional principles of intercellular interaction factors and environmental adaptation factors that govern morphogenesis to reproductive processes, (4) fundamental principles of survival strategies and stress tolerance under environmental changes, (5) large scale genome comparison. Lecture on state-of-the-art research such as the principle of environmental adaptation mechanisms of living organisms. In addition, we introduce the cutting-edge hybrid researches such as new breeding methods and control methods focusing on key molecules and key factors relevant to these complex biological phenomena, and discuss their future potentials.

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study


The goal of this course is to comprehensively understand the molecular basis of complex biological phenomena such as intercellular/biological interactions in complex biological systems and higher order network of environmental adaptation factors mainly for microorganisms and plants.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and Progress Schedule of the Class

前期:日本語,後期:英語で、いずれもオンラインGoogle Class Room授業で開講する
The first semester: Japanese, The second semester: English, both offered in online Google ClassRoom classes

1. 細菌の環境適応と進化(永田裕二:6月第2週)
2. 微生物の可動性遺伝因子と進化(大坪嘉行:6月第2週)
3. 遺伝子重複によるゲノム進化(牧野能士:6月第3週)
4. アブラナ科植物における自家不和合性反応の分子メカニズム(渡辺正夫:6月第3週)
5. アスパラガスにおける雌雄性分化の分子メカニズム(菅野明:6月第4週)
6. 植物の多様な生存戦略(横山隆亮:6月第4週)
7. 分子ネットワークによるストレス応答と適応戦略I(日出間純:6月第5週)
8. 分子ネットワークによるストレス応答と適応戦略II(東谷篤志:6月第5週)

9. Adaptation and evolution of bacteria in the environment (Yuji Nagata: Oct 1st week)
10. Microbial mobile genetic elements and evolution (Yoshiyuki Ohtsubo: Oct 1st week)
11. Genome evolution by gene duplications (Takashi Makino: Oct. 2nd week)
12. Molecular mechanisms of self-nonself recognition of self-incompatibility in Brassicaceae (Masao Watanabe: Oct. 2nd week)
13. Molecular mechanisms of sex determination in garden asparagus (Akira Kanno: Oct. 3rd week)
14. Stress response and adaptation through molecular network I (Jun Hidema: Oct. 4th week)
15. Stress response and adaptation through molecular network II (Atsushi Higashitani: Oct. 4th week)

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method


Evaluation is performed based on submitted reports (60%), and attendance during class (40%). A student absent from class due to an unavoidable reason (conference, research trip, sickness, etc.) must provide the lecturer with a document that supports the reason (conference abstract, etc.), which may be taken into account in grading.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References


No textbooks will be used.

授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review


Students are required to review approximately 2 hours.


前期:日本語,後期:英語で、いずれもオンラインGoogle Class Room授業で開講する
The first semester: Japanese, The second semester: English, both offered in online Google ClassRoom classes

その他・備考/In Addition・Note


If you have to be absent from class, you must notify the lecturer in advance.

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