
4288 件ヒット (0.037秒):

  •   国際教養PBL  
      髙松 美能  
      後期 木曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスA204  

    The aim of this course is to apply the knowledge about human rights to analyze various topics, to argue and to write about human rights issues from personal perspectives, and to develop a plan to take action for human rights in reality.

    We will try to create a classroom environment, where students study with each other and each of our views is heard and taken into consideration. Your active participation in the classroom is expected.


  •   国際事情  
      髙松 美能  
      前期 火曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスA204  

    The aim of this course is to apply the knowledge about human rights to analyze various topics, to argue and to write about human rights issues from personal perspectives, and to develop a plan to take action for human rights in reality.

    We will try to create a classroom environment, where students study with each other and each of our views is heard and taken into consideration. Your active participation in the classroom is expected.



  •   多文化理解PBL特別演習  
      高橋 美能  
      後期 木曜日 3講時 その他  


    The aim of this course is to apply the knowledge about human rights to analyze various topics, to argue and to write about human rights issues from personal perspectives, and to develop a plan to take action for human rights in reality.

    We will try to create a classroom environment, where students study with each other and each of our views is heard and taken into consideration. You are highly expected to participate as a facilitator in group discussions, and lead to make the group presentations.

  •   多文化理解PBL特別演習  
      高橋 美能  
      後期 木曜日 3講時 その他  


    The aim of this course is to apply the knowledge about human rights to analyze various topics, to argue and to write about human rights issues from personal perspectives, and to develop a plan to take action for human rights in reality.

    We will try to create a classroom environment, where students study with each other and each of our views is heard and taken into consideration. You are highly expected to participate as a facilitator in group discussions, and lead to make the group presentations.

  •   多文化教育論特論  
      髙松 美能  
      後期 月曜日 2講時 その他  


  •   多文化PBL  
      髙松 美能  
      前期 木曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスB101  


    The aim of this course is firstly, to discuss the issues related to the Great East Japan Earthquake and natural disaster, and through it, to raise communication skills, actively participate in the class, and gain international awareness. You will learn about the facts and knowledge but also the skills to analyze the problems and find the solutions through experiencing a collaborative project with students from different backgrounds under the same goal. We will communicate in Japanese, but you are allowed to use English if necessary, in order to overcome the language barrier.

  •   国際教養特定課題  
      渡部 由紀  
      後期 火曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA305  

    This course will examine the issues of Japanese universities and their students in the process of globalization, from a variety of perspectives ranging from the individual experience to the role of higher education in the larger Japanese society. Discussions based on relevant readings, lectures, and student presentations will be the platform for this course. In addition to classroom discussion, students will explore one of five selected issues of universities and their students in the globalizing and diversifying society as a group project. This course requires a certain level of English proficiency. TOEFL ITP 530 or higher is desirable.

    本科目では、グローバル化の過程おける日本の大学と学生の問題を、個人の体験から、日本社会における高等教育の役割に至るまで、さまざまな観点から考察します。この科目は、関連する読書、講義、学生のプレゼンテーションに基づいたディスカッションを中心とした授業です。また、学生はグローバル化・多様化する社会における大学とその学生に関する5つの課題のうち1つを取り上げて、グループプロジェクトを行います。この授業はすべて英語で行います。ディスカッションを中心とした授業のため、一定の英語力(TOEFL ITP 530以上が望ましい)が必要です。

  •   発達障害学講義Ⅰ  
      野口 和人  
      後期 火曜日 2講時 総合研究棟201教室  


  •   生命倫理学(検査)  
      浅井 篤, 圓増 文, 及川 正範  
      後期 月曜日 5講時 保健学科大講義室  


    (1) 臨床場面において、患者の意思を尊重しながら、倫理性・社会性・科学性に基づいた合理的な意思決定が行えるように修練する。

    (2) 人間の生老病死にまつわる科学技術と医療、社会との関わりを考察することで、医療職に求められる高い水準の規範、倫理観、死生観を涵養する。

    (3) 社会の要請に対応したプロフェッショナリズムを身に付け、適切なリーダーシップや倫理・心理・社会的問題に対応できる能力を養う。

    概要 :



    (1) To be able to make rational decisions based on ethical, social, and scientific aspects while respecting patients' intentions in clinical settings.

    (2) To cultivate the high-level norms, ethics, and views of life and death required for medical profession by examining the relationship between science and technology, medical care, and society related to human aging and mortality.

    (3) To acquire professionalism that responds to the demands of society, and to develop appropriate leadership and the ability to respond to ethical, psychological and social issues.


    Lecture is a main part of this course, including occasional small group discussions.

  •   教育学  
      八鍬 友広  
      前期 火曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスB104  



    This course will discuss the historical development of modern education, focusing on key educational concepts and their historical backgrounds.

    What do you consider to be the original landscape of school? It might be a space called a "classroom," divided by age groups, with desks and chairs neatly arranged. When we think about it, there are various other events related to school that we take for granted. For example, special books called "textbooks" are used in the classroom, "examinations" are given periodically, boys and girls study in the same class in public elementary and junior high schools, but for some reason they may be separated after high school, education up to a certain age is considered "compulsory education," and so on. We tend to accept these aspects without question because they have firmly established their position in our society. In this lecture, I would like to introduce various aspects of modern education that have been formed in this way, along with related educational (or peripheral academic) concepts. Through this, I hope students not only understand the formation of modern education but also develop the ability to critically question these aspects.
