
3988 件ヒット (0.023秒):

  •   人文社会科学の最前線  
      大木 一夫、他  
      後期 月曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA202  


    Students will acquire comprehensive and basic thinking skills in the humanities and social sciences by attending lectures that provide easy-to-understand explanations of cutting-edge topics in the humanities and social sciences and by writing reports on topics of interest to them.

  •   人文社会総論 / General Introduction to Humanities and Social Sciences  
      嶋崎 啓, 小泉 政利, 籠橋 俊光, 田代 志門  
      前期 水曜日 5講時 / 前期 金曜日 4講時  







    ・This course is compulsory for all first-year students of the Faculty of Arts and Letters in the first semester.

    ・In this course, all the 26 departments at the Faculty of Arts and Letters will offer a lecture on Wednesday 5th period or Friday 4th period.

    ・The students are expected to attend all lectures and explore the field of humanity and social science comprehensively.

    ・Four essays are required to complete this course.

    ・All students must take part in the first class session since an orientation will be conducted.

    ・If you have any concerns, please contact the above faculties.

  •   人文情報科学概論  
      前期 月曜日 1講時  


    ・Google Classroomを用いて、情報の共有を行う。クラスコードは別途アナウンスされる。



  •   人文社会科学特別科目 / Humanities and Social Sciences (Special Course)  
      越智 郁乃  
      前期 木曜日 1講時  



    This course is designed to provide doctoral students of the Graduate School of Arts and Letters with a broad range of academic knowledge in the humanities and social sciences. The purpose is to provide students with the broad background necessary to carry out exploratory research as researchers, or to cultivate the bird's-eye view required of highly specialized professionals. In order to achieve these aims, lectures are given in an omnibus format by faculty members from the Department of Japanese Studies, the Department of Global Humanities, and the Department of Integrated Human Sciences in the Graduate School of Arts and Letters.

     This semester, the common theme is "War and Peace". We will discuss it from multiple perspectives in the humanities and social sciences. The lectures will be given in an online format.

  •   人文社会序論 / Introduction to Humanities and Social Sciences  
      小河原 義朗  
      後期 金曜日 2講時  


    This class provides students with opportunities to think about what Japanese language education is. The students will have various kinds of experiences such as carrying out micro teaching activity and analyzing conversation with foreign exchange students.

  •   人文社会序論 / Introduction to Humanities and Social Sciences  
      西原 志保, 茂木 謙之介  
      前期 木曜日 3講時  


    This course covers the basic knowege of Inovative Japanese Studies to help students understand the characteristics of Japasese Studies. Japasese Studies is a discipline which think about Japan from various points of view. So in this course, the lecturer introduces some methods.

  •   東北大学のひとびと  
      加藤 諭、安達 宏昭、中川 学、曽根原 理、高橋 禎雄  
      後期 金曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA101  


    【In this lecture, you will learn about the history of the people involved in Tohoku University. You will learn how members of Tohoku University have been trying to live in different times and environments.】

  •   心理学  
      辻本 昌弘  
      後期 水曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスA200  


    This course explains psychological theories of cognition, learning, emotion and social behavior.

  •   ミカタの科学  
      冨田 知志  
      前期 金曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA106  




    The word "Science" in this Class corresponds not only to natural sciences, like physics and mathematics, but also to the humanities and social sciences. We thus welcome all students with a wide variety of backgrounds.

    In scientific research, a way of viewing different things from the same viewpoint is called analogy. Analogy enables us to understand an object deeply. Moreover, it is helpful for us to set a problem and make a hypothesis. On the other hand, we understand identical object deeply also by viewing from different points of view. In this way, bird's-eye view at a variety of distance and angle is a powerful technique in scientific research.

    In this Class, we experience the technique by re-visiting well-known concepts in natural science, for example, mass, and touching cutting edge research topics, for example, metamaterials. Additionally, we consider also how to view science itself. At in-class collaboration, you should explain your ideas, hear opinions from your classmates and teachers, and give a presentation of your ideas and opinions. In this way, you will build up integrated intelligence without the border among the natural sciences, humanities and social sciences.

  •   人文社会序論 / Introduction to Humanities and Social Sciences  
      茂木 謙之介, 西原 志保  
      後期 木曜日 3講時  


    This course covers the basic knowege of Inovative Japanese Studies to help students understand the characteristics of Japasese Studies. Japasese Studies is a discipline which think about Japan from various points of view. So in this course, the lecturer introduces some methods.
