

前期 月曜日 1講時. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 対象学科・専攻/Departments: 共通基盤科目. 学期/Term: 前期. 履修年度: 2024. 使用言語: 主に日本語・部分的に英語 Mainly Japanese with some sessions provided fully or partially in English.



授業題目/Class Subject

人文情報科学概論/Humanities and Social Studies in Information Sciences



・Google Classroomを用いて、情報の共有を行う。クラスコードは別途アナウンスされる。


Faculty in GSIS Human-Social Information Sciences Department will discuss issues around advanced information society from their respective field of research.

・This class will use Google Classroom for communication. Classcode to be announced.
・In Session 1 on April 8, course overview will be given in Japanese between 8:50 and 9:40. Course overview in English to follow between 9:50 and 10:30. Students must attend at least one of them. If unable to attend in-person for inevitable reasons, contact the course coordinator. Contact address to be found below.
・Class style (face-to-face in a classroom, hybrid, and/or on-demand) from the second session and onwards will be announced in Session 1.

学修の到達目標/Goal of Study


Students will understand the significance, values, and importance of human-social information science, construct respective academic identities, and explore the essential characteristics of interdisciplinary information sciences.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class

(1) イントロダクション~講義概要説明(岡田 彩 社会構造変動論)
(2) 多様性と情報ユニバーサルデザイン(徳川 直人 社会構造変動論)
(3) 文学と視覚情報(森田 直子 メディア文化論)
(4) メディアテクノロジーと文化(坂田 邦子 メディア文化論)
(5) 論理と情報(大森 仁 人間情報哲学)
(6) テクノロジーを哲学する(森 一郎 人間情報哲学)
(7) 教育コンテンツとラーニングアナリティクス(長濱 澄 情報リテラシー論)
(8) 地理情報と複雑ネットワーク(藤原 直哉 地域計量システム分析)
(9) 経済と情報(伊藤 亮 都市社会経済システム分析)
(10) 選挙における公正と情報通信技術(河村 和徳 政治情報学)
(11) 言語変化・変異とコーパス(小川 芳樹 言語テキスト解析論)
(12) 自然言語処理におけるマルチモーダル理解(齊藤 いつみ 言語情報学)
(13) マンガの認知心理学(和田 裕一 認知心理情報学)
(14) 災害と認知・心理・情報(邑本 俊亮 コミュニケーション心理学)
(15) 脳科学と情報科学の接点(細田 千尋 学習心理情報学)


(1) Introduction: Course Overview (Aya Okada from Social Structure and Change Lab)
(2) Human Diversity and Universal Design in Info (Naohito Tokugawa from Social Structure and Change Lab)
(3) Literature and Visual Information (Naoko Morita from Media and Culture Lab)
(4) Media Technology and Culture (Kuniko Sakata from Media and Culture Lab)
(5) Logic and Information (Hitoshi Omori from Philosophy of Human Information Lab)
(6) The Question Concerning Technology (Ichiro Mori from Philosophy of Human Information Lab)
(7) Educational Content and Learning Analytics (Toru Nagahama from Media and Information Literacy Lab)
(8) Geographical Information and Complex Networks (Naoya Fujiwara from Regional Econometrics Analysis Lab)
(9) Economics and Information (Ryo Itoh from Socio-Economic Analysis of Urban System Lab)
(10) Electoral Integrity and ICT (Kazunori Kawamura from Political Informatics Lab)
(11) Language Change/Variation and Corpus (Yoshiki Ogawa from Text Structure and Linguistic Information Lab)
(12) Natural Language Processing and Multimodal Understanding (Itsumi Saito from Language and Information Science Lab)
(13) Cognitive Psychology of Manga (Yuichi Wada from Visual Cognition Lab)
(14) Disasters and Cognition, Psychology and Information (Toshiaki Muramoto from Cognitive Psychology of Communication Lab)
(15) The Interactions of the Brain Science and the Infomatic Science (Chihiro Hosoda from Human Learning and Memory Lab)

*Subject to change.

成績評価方法/Evaluation Method


・Students will be evaluated on 3 essays and 15 minute papers.
・Students must submit minute papers for more than two thirds of the sessions as well as all three essays.
・Topics and expected word counts will be given by faculty in each session.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and references




    Essays must be submitted three times.


    (1) 各回の内容については、各担当教員に直接連絡してください。
    (2) 事務的な質問や連絡は、コーディネーター岡田まで(aya.okada.e3 at tohoku.ac.jp - "at"を @ と置き換えてください)。


    (1) For questions on each lecture, contact the faculty member individually.
    (2) For inquiries on logistics, contact the course coordinator Aya Okada (aya.okada.e3 at tohoku.ac.jp - replace "at" with @).

    その他/In addition

    (1) 各回の実施形態(対面/ハイブリッド/オンデマンド配信等)については、第1回にてアナウンスする。
    (2) 資料配布やレポート提出等は、Google Classroomで行う。クラスコードは、別途アナウンスする。
    (3) 講義回数の3分の1以上欠席した場合(=ミニットペーパー未提出)は、履修放棄とみなす。


    (1) Class style for each session (face-to-face in a classroom, hybrid, and/or on-demand) will be announced in Session 1.
    (2) Google Classroom will be used as the platform for distributing handouts and submitting essays. Classcode to be announced.
    (3) Absence for more than one third of the sessions (= not submitting minute papers) will be considered as an abandonment of the course.

    Reference: Sekimoto, E. (Eds.). (2009). Introduction to Humanities and Social Science in Information Sciences (in Japanese). Tohoku University Press.

     これと関連したシラバス 学務情報システムで確認