
151 件ヒット (0.021秒):

  •   維持管理工学 / Maintenance Engineering  
      久田 真, 皆川 浩  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ




    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    Considering the conditions of reinforced concrete structures in service, the methodologies of reasonable maintenance management systems will be lectured.

  •   建設材料学 / Construction Materials  
      久田 真, 皆川 浩, 宮本 慎太郎  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ




    This course introduces the recent topics on the factors deteriorating concrete structures and the practicable methods for improving the durability of concrete.

  •   機械システム保全学 / Mechanical Systems Maintenance Engineering  
      内一 哲哉  


    Maintenance activities play an important role to secure the safety and long-life of various artifacts such as industrial plants, commercial aircrafts. Optimization of the maintenance activities in view of both system safety and economic performance is placed as a major key challenge. In this course, we outline recent progresses of disciplines composing maintenance engineering such as reliability engineering, risk evaluation, nondestructive testing, failure analysis, at first. In addition, we discuss the quantitative evaluation of reliability and risk for optimization of the maintenance activities such as inspection and repair.

  •   保全工学 / Basics for Plant Life Management  
      渡邉 豊, 阿部 博志, 内一 哲哉, 遊佐 訓孝  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ




    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    This course covers the fundamentals and theories of plant maintenance, mainly for nuclear power plants. Basic concepts of maintenance, aging phenomena of structural materials, inspection technologies, integrity assessment, safety regulations and inspection systems are included. The main aging phenomena are pipe wall thinning, stress corrosion cracking, thermal aging, irradiation damage, and fatigue, and the lecture will cover phenomenology, examples, mechanisms, and control methods for each degradation mode. Special lectures and discussions by experts from industry and government will be provided as necessary.

  •   コンクリート工学 / Concrete Engineering  
      皆川 浩, 久田 真, 宮本 慎太郎  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。





    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    1. Objective: This class provides students with basic knowledge of concrete that is most frequently used as a construction material for civil engineering structures.

    2. Outline: Learn materials, concrete production methods and construction methods necessary for concrete production, and understand the relationship between materials, manufacturing / construction methods and the properties of concrete.

    3. Achievement objectives, etc.: Understanding the method and properties of concrete production, acquire the ability to design, supervise correct concrete structures in practice.

  •   耐震工学 / Earthquake Engineering  
      運上 茂樹  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。








    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    1. Object

    This course provides students with the basic theories on the dynamic behavior of infrastructures subjected to earthquake ground motions and the seismic design methods.

    2. Outline

    In this course, students learn the dynamic behavior of structural members such as concrete members, dynamic response analysis of structures, and basic characteristics of earthquake ground motions. Dynamic analysis and the seismic design for bridge structures are demonstrated as a typical example of infrastructures.

    3. Goal

    The purpose of this course is to help students understand the process of seismic design of structures, including mathematical modeling, earthquake response analysis methods and the performance evaluation of structures as well as the basic knowledge for the seismic design.

  •   サステナブル・エンジニアリング / Sustainable Engineering  
      西脇 智哉, 小林 光, 後藤 伴延  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。






    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    The objective of this course is to understand the fundamentals of realizing a safe, healthy, and comfortable architectural space and urban space with the least possible environmental impact by effectively using limited resources.

  •   建築材料基礎論 / Elements of Building Materials Science  
      西脇 智哉  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。


    Google Classroomクラスコード: 3odttec







    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    The objective of this class is to understand the basic knowledge of various building materials; e.g., concrete, steel and alloys, wooden materials, finishing materials, and functional materials.

  •   鉄筋コンクリート構造 / Reinforced Concrete Structures  
      AL WASHALI HAMOO, 前田 匡樹  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。








    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    Objective: To understand the characteristics of reinforced concrete structures and basic concepts of the structural design.

    Outline: Shows the material characteristics and structural characteristics of reinforced concrete structures, and lectures on the mechanical properties of main structural members such as columns, beams, beam-column joints, and shear walls. In addition, the performance required for structures and their evaluation methods will be explained. The basic concept of the structural design of reinforced concrete buildings will be explained

    Achievement target: The goal is to learn how to analyze the flexural and shear behavior of structural members and how to design the structure of simple frames by solving exercise problems by themselves.

    ★In this course, Google Classroom will be used to distribute lecture materials and lecture information.

     The class code is "ulgqhqz".

     Visit Google Classroom and enter the class code.

  •   建築材料学演習 / Exercises in Building Materials  
      西脇 智哉  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。


    Google Classroomクラスコード:zdhvfz7







    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    This lecture and experiments will focus on structural building materials such as concrete, steel, timbers and so on. To understand the behavior of these materials, several kinds of mechanical tests will be performed. To understand how to process measured data by experiments and knowledge about principle experimental equipments are also the target of this lecture.
