
2506 件ヒット (0.017秒):

  •   クォーク核物理学特論 / Lecture on Advanced Quark Nuclear Physics  
      大西 宏明  
      後期 木曜日 3講時  


    This lecture aims to widely explain and understand hadron physics's fundamental concepts regarding the original paper. In particular, understand how hadrons have been discovered and understood experimentally. In the last part of the lecture, I will introduce recent development in hadron physics. Moreover, future prospects for hadron physics will be discussed.

  •   核放射線物理学特論 / Nuclear Radiation Physics  
      伊藤 正俊, 寺川 貴樹  
      後期 月曜日 3講時  


    The nucleus, which is a finite quantum many-body system, is composed of protons and neutrons and have various properties and structures due to the strong interaction. These have been elucidated experimentally by observing the nuclear reaction and decay. Students will learn knowledge and experimental techniques of nuclear reaction and scattering experiments in the energy region from several MeV to several hundred MeV per nucleon. The experimental studies of nuclear structure and collective motion including recent works are introduced.

  •   核エネルギー物理学 / Nuclear Energy Physics  
      伊藤 悟, 加田 渉  

    本講義のためのGoogle Classroomのクラスコードは「fqnjjaj」である。



    In this class, students will learn about the introductory nuclear physics to understand nuclear properties, nuclear structure, nuclear decay and interaction of radiation with matter, and achieve the basic knowledge of radiation detectors and particle accelerators, and nuclear power generation (nuclear fission and fusion) as applications of nuclear physics.

  •   量子物理学 / Quantum Physics  
      渡邉 昇  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ




    授業方法等はGoogle Classroom(クラスコード: mh7c55t)で通知。

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    The purpose of this course is to introduce quantum-mechanical methods to describe many-electron systems and their interaction with light. Based on the methods, we discuss the electronic structures of atoms and molecules, and learn photo absorption, emission, and scattering phenomena, together with various spectroscopic methods. Students are expected to obtain the principles of methods to describe atoms, molecules, and their interaction with photons.

    The Class format will be announced in Google Classroom (class code: mh7c55t).

  •   原子核物理学 Nuclear physics  
      伊藤 悟, 加田 渉  
      工学部の第4クォーター期間 4th quarter at School of Engineering  
      月曜日4限と水曜日2限 4th period class on Monday and 2nd period class on Wednesday  


    In this class, students will learn about the introductory nuclear physics to understand nuclear properties, nuclear structure, nuclear decay and interaction of radiation with matter, and achieve the basic knowledge of radiation detectors and particle accelerators, and nuclear power generation (nuclear fission and fusion) as applications of nuclear physics.

  •   素粒子物理学基礎 / Basic Course on Elementary Particle Physics  
      岸本 康宏  
      後期 火曜日 3講時  



    The science of particle physics is to understand our world by studying particles which constitute the Universe and their interactions.

    The purpose of this class is to explain the basic concept of the particle physics and important experimental facts, and to learn the basics of the particle physics.

  •   原子核物理学 Nuclear physics  
      伊藤 悟, 加田 渉  
      工学部の第4クォーター期間 4th quarter at School of Engineering  
      月曜日4限と水曜日2限 4th period class on Monday and 2nd period class on Wednesday  


    In this class, students will learn about the introductory nuclear physics to understand nuclear properties, nuclear structure, nuclear decay and interaction of radiation with matter, and achieve the basic knowledge of radiation detectors and particle accelerators, and nuclear power generation (nuclear fission and fusion) as applications of nuclear physics.

  •   原子核物理学 Nuclear physics  
      伊藤 悟, 加田 渉  
      工学部の第4クォーター期間 4th quarter at School of Engineering  
      月曜日4限と水曜日2限 4th period class on Monday and 2nd period class on Wednesday  


    In this class, students will learn about the introductory nuclear physics to understand nuclear properties, nuclear structure, nuclear decay and interaction of radiation with matter, and achieve the basic knowledge of radiation detectors and particle accelerators, and nuclear power generation (nuclear fission and fusion) as applications of nuclear physics.

  •   素粒子論特論 / The Standard Model of particle physics  
      高橋 史宜  
      後期 火曜日 2講時  


    The most microscopic theory that correctly describes the real world is the so-called Standard Model. The Standard Model is a class of quantum field theory, and gauge interactions (electromagnetic interaction, weak interaction, strong interaction) play important roles. I will review the basics of the Standard Model and its possible extensions.

  •   素粒子物理学基礎 / Basic Course on Elementary Particle Physics  
      清水 格  
      前期 水曜日 2講時  


    Elementary particle physics is a discipline which explores the basic constituents of matter and their interactions to understand our universe. In this course, students will learn the basics of elementary particle physics, way of thinking, and experimental technique.
