
原子核物理学 Nuclear physics

月曜日4限と水曜日2限 4th period class on Monday and 2nd period class on Wednesday. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 授業代表教員/Director: 伊藤 悟, 加田 渉. 開講期間/Term of Classes: 工学部の第4クォーター期間 4th quarter at School of Engineering. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: -J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.



授業題目/Class subject

Nuclear physics


伊藤 悟/ITO Satoshi
加田 渉/KADA Wataru


工学研究科 量子エネルギー工学専攻 量子第1講義室
Classroom 1 at the Department of Quantum Science and Energy Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

In this class, students will learn about the introductory nuclear physics to understand nuclear properties, nuclear structure, nuclear decay and interaction of radiation with matter, and achieve the basic knowledge of radiation detectors and particle accelerators, and nuclear power generation (nuclear fission and fusion) as applications of nuclear physics.

学修の到達目標/Goal of study

Students are required to achieve the basic knowledge of nuclear physics, and to be able to understand their applications in medical fields.

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class

1.原子核の基本概念 I
2.原子核の基本概念 II
3.原子核の模型 I
4.原子核の模型 II
5.原子核の崩壊と放射線 I
6.原子核の崩壊と放射線 II
7.放射線と物質との相互作用 I
8.放射線と物質との相互作用 II
9.粒子検出器 I
10.粒子検出器 II, 粒子加速器 I
11.粒子加速器 II
12.原子力と核融合 I
13.原子力と核融合 II

1. Basic properties of nuclei I
2. Basic properties of nuclei II
3. Theoretical models of nuclei I
4. Theoretical models of nuclei II
5. Nuclear decay and radiation I
6. Nuclear decay and radiation II
7. Interaction of radiation with matter I
8. Interaction of radiation with matter II
9. Radiation detectors I
10. Radiation detectors II, Particle accelerators I
11. Particle accelerators II
12. Nuclear fission and fusion I
13. Nuclear fission and fusion II
14. Cosmic nucleosynthesis
15. Summary and examination

成績評価方法/Evaluation method

Evaluation will be done based on results of the examination, reports and attendance.

教科書および参考書/Textbook and References

授業時間外学修/Preparation and Review

Previewing and reviewing each class is strongly recommended.

その他・備考/In Addition・Notes

本講義のためのGoogle Classroomのクラスコードは「ltaxq2m」である。
Detailed information of the class and lecture notes will be provided with Google Classroom.
The class code is "ltaxq2m".

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