
2577 件ヒット (0.018秒):

  •   医療経済学 [Health Economics]  
      藤森 研司  
      10/9~2/12 [Oct.9-Feb.12]  
      毎週水曜日・14:40~16:10 [Every Wednesday・14:40~16:10]  


    [Special aspects of medicine such as asymmetric information (information divide), uncertainty of results, externalities and welfare are reviewed. To learn financial issues of health care, health care delivery system/patients behavior, incentive through payment system, and the role of subsidy.]

  •   保健医療福祉行政論 [Social welfare and policy in Health care]  
      藤森 研司  
      4/10~9/11 [Apr.10-Sep.11]  
      毎週水曜日・16:20~17:50 [Every Wednesday・16:20~17:50]  


    [Overview the social security system of Japan, including healthcare system, care for the aged, pension, and aid for disability. To learn philosophy of each system, a financial basis, a change of fundamentals over decades, planning and evaluation methods including historical backgrounds.]

  •   医療管理学 [Health Policy and Administration]  
      藤森 研司  
      10/7~2/10 [Oct.7-Feb.10]  
      毎週月曜日・18:00~19:30 [Every Monday・18:00~19:30]  



    [Overview fundamentals and problems of health system in Japan through international comparison.]

  •   緩和ケア看護学特論II / Palliative Nursing Ⅱ  
      宮下 光令  
      10月7日(月)~2月3日(月) / 7th October-3rd February  
      毎週月曜日 16:20~17:50 / Monday 16:20-17:50  


    In this course, students will understand advanced knowledge of palliative nursing. This course cover nursing for palliative care for patients with anti-cancer treatment, complementary and alternative medicine, prognosis, care for family members, bereavement care, home palliative care, role of oncology certified nurse specialist and research in palliative care.

  •   保健医療福祉情報ネットワーク論 Health Care Network and Informatics  
      中山 雅晴  
      2024年10月1日(火)~ 2025年3月25日(火) Oct. 3, 2022 – Mar. 25, 2025  
      毎週 火 曜日 14:40~16:10 Every Tuesday 14:40~16:10  


    Learning the basics on networking of healthcare information and data utilization.


    Learning the basic knowledge about the utilization of medical information and health care to solve social issues related to medical care and welfare.

  •   行動医学特論Ⅰ,(Ⅱ) Basis of Behavioral Medicine Ⅰ,(Ⅱ)  
      金澤 素  
      Ⅰ:2024年4月10日(水)~2024年9月25日(水) Apr 10 – Sep 25, 2024 (Ⅱ:2024年10月2日(水)~2025年2月26日(水) Oct 2, 2024 -Feb 26, 2025) (ISTU:新年度システム更新作業終了後~翌年1月末)(From the beginning of new ISTU system operation to Jan 31, 2025)  
      毎週水曜日 Wednesday 13:00~14:15 (適宜変更あり) Every Wednesday 13:00 ~14:15 (STC)  


    To know the basis of behavioral medicine which is multidisciplinary area integrating medicine, biology, and behavioral science.

  •   ゲノム医学( Genomic Medicine )  
      青木 洋子  
      令和6年4月17日(水)~7月10 日(水)[Apr.17 – July.10]  
      水曜日 10:30~12:00 [ Irregular Wednesday 10:30~12:00]  

    ヒトゲノムの特徴など総論を含め、ヒトゲノム解析研究の経過とその成果、新しい解析技術、さらに、precision medicineやオーダーメイド医療(個別化医療)にむけて最新のゲノム研究やゲノム医療について学ぶ。[ Learn about the progress and results of human genome analysis research, including general features such as the characteristics of the human genome, new analysis techniques, and the latest genome research and genome medicine for precision medicine]

  •   ゲノム医学( Genomic Medicine )  
      青木 洋子  
      令和6年4月17日(水)~7月10日(水)[Apr.17 – July10]  
      水曜日 10:30~12:00 [ Irregular Wednesday 10:30~12:00]  

    ヒトゲノムの特徴など総論を含め、ヒトゲノム解析研究の経過とその成果、新しい解析技術、さらに、precision medicineやオーダーメイド医療(個別化医療)にむけて最新のゲノム研究やゲノム医療について学ぶ。[ Learn about the progress and results of human genome analysis research, including general features such as the characteristics of the human genome, new analysis techniques, and the latest genome research and genome medicine for precision medicine]

  •   行動医学特論(Ⅰ),Ⅱ Basis of Behavioral Medicine (Ⅰ),Ⅱ  
      金澤 素  
      (Ⅰ:2024年4月10日(水)~2024年9月25日(水) Apr 10 – Sep 25, 2024) Ⅱ:2024年10月2日(水)~2025年2月26日(水) Oct 2, 2024 -Feb 26, 2025 (ISTU:新年度システム更新作業終了後~翌年1月末)(From the beginning of new ISTU system operation to Jan 31, 2025)  
      毎週水曜日 Wednesday 13:00~14:15 (適宜変更あり) Every Wednesday 13:00 ~14:15 (STC)  


    To know the basis of behavioral medicine which is multidisciplinary area integrating medicine, biology, and behavioral science.

  •   医学物理学特論Ⅱ/Advanced Lecture on Medical PhysicsⅡ  
      武田 賢  
      2024年4月~2024年7月/From 2024/Apr to 2024/Jul  
      毎週金曜日 16:00 (or 16:30) ~18:00/Every Friday 16:00 (or 16:30) ~18:00  

    医学物理士に必要な放射線医学物理学を修得する。/To learn the radiological medicine physics necessary for medical physicist.
