
1568 件ヒット (0.041秒):

  •   生体分子解析学概論 (Introduction to Biomolecular Analysis)  
      眞野 成康  
      金曜日 16:20‐17:50  


    (This lecture provides methods and practical examples necessary for analysis of Biomolecules.)

  •   ゲノム医学( Genomic Medicine )  
      青木 洋子  
      令和6年4月17日(水)~7月10 日(水)[Apr.17 – July.10]  
      水曜日 10:30~12:00 [ Irregular Wednesday 10:30~12:00]  

    ヒトゲノムの特徴など総論を含め、ヒトゲノム解析研究の経過とその成果、新しい解析技術、さらに、precision medicineやオーダーメイド医療(個別化医療)にむけて最新のゲノム研究やゲノム医療について学ぶ。[ Learn about the progress and results of human genome analysis research, including general features such as the characteristics of the human genome, new analysis techniques, and the latest genome research and genome medicine for precision medicine]

  •   分子医科学 Molecular medical sciences  
      五十嵐 和彦  
      生化学合同講義 4月-12月 ISTU収録講義 4月-3月オンデマンド Biochemistry Lecture Series, April - December ISTU Lectures, April-March, on demand  
      生化学合同講義 毎週水曜日9時-12時(講義形式およびスケジュールはグーグルクラスで案内予定) ISTU, ネットワーク聴講 Biochemistry Lecture Series, 9 / 00-12 / 00, Wednesday (Details will be announced via Google Class) ISTU Lectures, anytime you like  


    Acquire basic knowledge on molecular medicine and related fields

  •   ゲノム医学( Genomic Medicine )  
      青木 洋子  
      令和6年4月17日(水)~7月10日(水)[Apr.17 – July10]  
      水曜日 10:30~12:00 [ Irregular Wednesday 10:30~12:00]  

    ヒトゲノムの特徴など総論を含め、ヒトゲノム解析研究の経過とその成果、新しい解析技術、さらに、precision medicineやオーダーメイド医療(個別化医療)にむけて最新のゲノム研究やゲノム医療について学ぶ。[ Learn about the progress and results of human genome analysis research, including general features such as the characteristics of the human genome, new analysis techniques, and the latest genome research and genome medicine for precision medicine]

  •   分子医科学 Molecular medical sciences  
      五十嵐 和彦  
      生化学合同講義 4月-12月 ISTU収録講義 4月-3月オンデマンド Biochemistry Lecture Series, April - December ISTU Lectures, April-March, on demand  
      生化学合同講義 毎週水曜日9時-12時(講義形式およびスケジュールはグーグルクラスで案内予定) ISTU, ネットワーク聴講 Biochemistry Lecture Series, 9 / 00-12 / 00, Wednesday (Details will be announced via Google Class) ISTU Lectures, anytime you like  


    Acquire basic knowledge on molecular medicine and related fields

  •   分子生物学  
      菅原 明, 村山 和隆, 横山 敦  
      前期 水曜日 2講時 保健学科第3講義室  


    Understand the molecular mechanisms of how genetic information on the genome is conserved, copied, transcribed, and functions are expressed, and how these mechanisms are regulated. And gain knowledge the principles and methods of molecular biology-based technologies applied in medicine, such as genetic diagnosis, testing, and gene therapy.

  •   健康と医学  
      本間 経康、高瀬 圭  
      後期 金曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスB103  


    /Health is defined as a state of well-being, encompassing both mental and physical normalcy, having no problems with daily life. Any impairment in this state due to various reasons constitutes illness or disease. The purpose of this class is to provide basic knowledge about maintaining health, understanding the origins of diseases encountered on a daily life, and how to deal with them. Fifteen professors from the School of Medicine present overviews of disease diagnosis and treatment in their respective specialized fields, as well as the latest research findings.

  •   "基礎医学II Basic Medicine 2"  
      古川 徹  
      5月17日、6月7日、6月14日、6月21日 May 17; June 7; June 14; June 21.  
      5月17日(金):14:00~17:00 6月7日(金): 13:00~16:00 6月14日(金): 8:50~12:00 6月21日(金): 8:50~12:00 Friday, May 17:PM2:00-5:00 Friday, June 7: PM1:00-4:00 Friday, June 14: AM8:50-12:00 Friday, June 21: AM8:50-12:00  


    To learn pathogeneses of human diseases by studying alterations of molecules,structure and functions of cells and organs.

  •   基礎人類遺伝学 (Basic Human Genetics)  
      青木 洋子  
      金曜日 14:40~16:10  

    遺伝カウンセリングにおける情報提供の基礎になる人類遺伝学の基礎的知識を、遺伝医学の側面から系統的に学ぶ。[Systematically learn the basic knowledge of human genetics, which is the basis of information provision in genetic counseling, from the aspect of genetic medicine]

  •   病態分子解析学  
      村山 和隆  
      後期 水曜日 4講時 未設定  

