
378 件ヒット (0.025秒):

  •   がん生物学 Up-to-date  
      広田 亨  
      2024年8月9日(金) 13:00-18:00 (12:45に現地に集合してください)  


  •   基礎生命工学 / Basic Biotechnology  
      神崎 展, 小玉 哲也  

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    Advances in life science contributes to the innovation of various biotechnologies, which further allows us to realize gene therapy, the regenerative medicine utilizing iPS cells, and so on. This course provides students with fundamental knowledge of molecular biology, biotechnologies, bio-regenerative engineering and the leading-edge medical care, which also includes basic principles of analytical instruments (e.g. PCR analysis, clone, recombinant drugs, next-generation sequencing, ) and their therapeutic applications.

  •   分子生物学  
      菅原 明, 村山 和隆, 横山 敦  
      前期 水曜日 2講時 保健学科第3講義室  


    Understand the molecular mechanisms of how genetic information on the genome is conserved, copied, transcribed, and functions are expressed, and how these mechanisms are regulated. And gain knowledge the principles and methods of molecular biology-based technologies applied in medicine, such as genetic diagnosis, testing, and gene therapy.

  •   がんプロ合同セミナー ( Cancer Professional Joint Seminar )  
      亀井 尚  
      4月~3月 April-March  
      病院がんセミナー 毎月 第3木曜日 17:30~18:30 希少がん・難治がんカンファレンス 毎月 第1木曜日 18:00~19:30 臨床病理カンファレンス 年4回 月曜日 17:00~18:30 院内がん登録実務者養成コース 年6回(9月開始予定) 金曜日 15:00~16:00 がんゲノム診断カンファレンス 毎週水曜日 17:00~18:00 遺伝子診療部教育セミナー 年10回(6月開始予定) 第3火曜日 17:30~18:45 (※都合により開催曜日が変更になる場合があります。) Cancer Seminar: 3rd Thursday 17:30~18:30 Rare cancer and refractory cancer conference: 1st Thursday 18:00~19:30 Clinico-pathological conference: Monday 17:00~18:30, 4 times a year Training course on cancer registry: Friday 15:00~16:00, 6 times a year(From September) Molecular Tumor Board: weekly on Wednesdays, 17:00~18:00 Medical Genetics Seminar Series: 3rd Tuesday 17:30~18:45, 10 times a year 教職員向グループウェアおよび東北がんプロフェッショナル養成プランのホームページ (http://www / ganpro / med / tohoku / ac / jp/)に開催予定を随時掲載します。  

    授業の目的と概要 Aim


    This seminar provides seminars and conferences that enable you to learn higher knowledge on clinical oncology. These are Cancer Seminar, Chemotherapy Conference, Training course on cancer registry, and Molecular Tumor Board.

  •   ゲノム医学( Genomic Medicine )  
      青木 洋子  
      令和6年4月17日(水)~7月10 日(水)[Apr.17 – July.10]  
      水曜日 10:30~12:00 [ Irregular Wednesday 10:30~12:00]  

    ヒトゲノムの特徴など総論を含め、ヒトゲノム解析研究の経過とその成果、新しい解析技術、さらに、precision medicineやオーダーメイド医療(個別化医療)にむけて最新のゲノム研究やゲノム医療について学ぶ。[ Learn about the progress and results of human genome analysis research, including general features such as the characteristics of the human genome, new analysis techniques, and the latest genome research and genome medicine for precision medicine]

  •   ゲノム医学( Genomic Medicine )  
      青木 洋子  
      令和6年4月17日(水)~7月10日(水)[Apr.17 – July10]  
      水曜日 10:30~12:00 [ Irregular Wednesday 10:30~12:00]  

    ヒトゲノムの特徴など総論を含め、ヒトゲノム解析研究の経過とその成果、新しい解析技術、さらに、precision medicineやオーダーメイド医療(個別化医療)にむけて最新のゲノム研究やゲノム医療について学ぶ。[ Learn about the progress and results of human genome analysis research, including general features such as the characteristics of the human genome, new analysis techniques, and the latest genome research and genome medicine for precision medicine]

  •   加齢生物学概論 / Biology of Development and Aging  
      千葉 奈津子  
      前期 木曜日 1講時  


    It is a well-known fact that Japan’s population is aging faster than any other country in the world, and the need for aging research is becoming greater each day. In order to maintain a healthy society, this course provides students with basic and advanced knowledge of aging research to control age-related diseases.

  •   がん診療トレーニング/Oncology Training  
      今谷 晃  

    本科目は,Ⅰがん放射線治療トレーニング,Ⅱがん化学療法トレーニングから構成されている。がんの治療はチーム医療であり,専門職としての技術や能力の他に腫瘍学全般の知識が必要である。本科目では,放射線,抗がん剤の各治療法ならびに画像診断の基礎および臨床を習得する。/Treatment for Cancer is one of the most important team medicine with an advanced professional skill. This course consists of two practices of Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy to understand diagnostic imaging and multidisciplinary therapy for cancer.

  •   分子医科学 生命現象の分子基盤を理解する。 Understand the molecular basis of biological activity both in and between cells.  
      高橋 和広  


    Understand molecular mechanisms of how genetic information on the genome is conserved, copied, transcribed, and functions are expressed, and how these mechanisms are regulated. And gain knowledge the principles and methods of molecular biology-based technologies applied in medicine, such as genetic diagnosis, testing, and gene therapy.

  •   がん看護学セミナーⅡ (Oncology Nursing Seminar Ⅱ)  
      宮下 光令  
      令和5年10月1日(火)~令和5年12月17日(火) From Tuesday, October 1, 2024 to Tuesday, December 17  
      毎週火曜日 14:40~16:10 第5-6回、第10-11回、第14-15回は14:40~17:50 Every Tuesday, From 14:40~16:10 Lecture 5-6・10-11・14-15 Every Tuesday, From 14:40~17:50  

    1) がん患者・家族の受診・診断、病名・予後告知、治療選択、集学的治療、再発・転移時、終末期の患者・家族に関する身体・心理・社会的側面についてアセスメントを行い、人間関係の諸理論を活用し、患者・家族の意思決定を支える看護について探究する。

    2) がん看護専門看護師の役割・活動である教育、相談、調整者としての能力を開発し、家族・重要他者・医療者のストレスマネジメント及び倫理的問題を探究する。

    1) Assess the physical, psychological and social aspects of cancer patients and their families during consultation and diagnosis, disease and prognosis announcement, treatment selection, multidisciplinary treatment, recurrence and metastasis, and at the end of life, and utilise various theories of human relationships to explore nursing care to support patient and family decision-making.

    2) Develop the competencies of the oncology nurse specialist nurse's roles and activities as educator, consultant and coordinator, and explore stress management and ethical issues for families, significant others and healthcare professionals.
