
364 件ヒット (0.058秒):

  •   地域ケアシステム看護学特論Ⅰ Community care system: Advanced nursing theory I  
      大森 純子, 岩本 萌, 中野 久美子, 原 ゆかり, 松永 篤志  
      April 9, 2024 - July 23, 2024 2024年4月9日~2024年7月23日  
      Tuesday 16:20~17:50 毎週火曜日 16:20~17:50  

    To learn about the theory and practice of developing and constructing community care systems to provide support based on an understanding of the health, health care environment, and health systems necessary to meet the diverse needs of people living in the community and to improve their quality of life.


  •   公衆衛生看護学特論Ⅰ Public Health Nursing:Concept & TheoriesⅠ 対人援助技術および個別ケアマネジメント Interpersonal support and individual care management  
      大森 純子, 岩本 萌, 中野 久美子, 原 ゆかり, 松永 篤志  
      2024年4月9日(火)~7月23日(火) 4/9/2024-7/23/2024  
      毎週火曜日 16:20~17:50 Every Tuesday 16:20~17:50  


    To learn about methodology to provide individual care management, preventive measures and to suggest solution for health problem through subjective and autonomic measures for the people living in the community with health issues.

  •   公衆衛生看護学実習Ⅰ Public Health Nursing Practice I 多様な場で活躍する保健師の基本的な支援技術の理解 Understanding of basic support skills for public health nurses working in diverse settings  
      松永 篤志, 岩本 萌, 原 ゆかり  
      2024年10月1日(月)~2025年3月31日(月) 10/1/2024-3/31/2025  
      実習施設によって異なるため、随時提示する。 As it varies depending on the practical training facility, it will be presented as needed /  




    ・To learn about the development process of individual care practiced by public health nurses in response to the needs of people living in the community, and the basic support techniques used through participation in public health nurse activities at municipalities and public health centers.

    ・To understand management function of public health nurses by learning about developmental process of community health care system through clinical practicum at municipalities and prefectures (health center).

    ・To learn about practice and activities in school/occupational health settings.

  •   公衆衛生看護学実習Ⅱ Public Health Nursing Practice Ⅱ 地域保健活動の展開 Development of individual care management and community health care activities based on community assessment.  
      松永 篤志, 岩本 萌, 原 ゆかり  
      2024年10月1日(月)~2025年3月31日(月) 10/1/2024-3/31/2025  
      実習施設によって異なるため、随時提示する。 As it varies depending on the practical training facility, it will be presented as needed /  



    ・To acquire core knowledge and skills (interview / consultation skills, cooperation / coordination skills, etc.) necessary for solving individual health issues through continuous involvement with mothers and children, the elderly, people with disabilities, etc. ..

    ・To acquire core knowledge and skills for problem solving of community health issues with various stakeholders through activities based on community assessment and diagnosis.

  •   老年看護学実習(3年)  
      尾﨑 章子, 清水 恵  
      通年集中 その他 連講  


    Understand health and health problems of older adults/people received home care services and their families in communities, and how to provide nursing care according to needs. And learn collaboration and coordination of services with related health service facilities and roles of nurses in integrated community care systems.

  •   老年看護学実習(4年)  
      尾﨑 章子, 清水 恵  
      前期集中 その他 連講  


    Understand health and health problems of older adults/people received home care services and their families in communities, and how to provide nursing care according to needs. And learn collaboration and coordination of services with related health service facilities and roles of nurses in integrated community care systems.

  •   公衆衛生看護学活動論Ⅱ Community Health Care System Nursing:Assessment &Skills Ⅱ 地域ケアマネジメントのための方法論 Methodology for development of community health care system  
      大森 純子, 岩本 萌, 中野 久美子, 原 ゆかり, 松永 篤志  
      2024年4月12日(金)~7月26日(金) 4/12/2024-7/26/2024  
      毎週金曜日 14:40~17:50 Every Friday 14:40~17:50  


    To learn about skills and knowledge to identify health problems through community assessment and evaluation.

  •   公衆衛生看護学活動論Ⅰ Community Health Care System Nursing:Assessment &Skills Ⅰ 公衆衛生看護管理機能の理解 Understanding managerial functions of public health nursing  
      大森 純子, 岩本 萌, 中野 久美子, 原 ゆかり, 松永 篤志  
      2024年10月1日(火)~2025年1月28日(火) 10/1/2024-1/28/2025  
      毎週火曜日 16:20~17:50 Every Tuesday 16:20~17:50 ※変更する場合がある  


    To learn about theory and practice of managerial functions of public health nursing needed for public health nurse practices in a process of solving health issues in communities and developing community health care system through community empowerment.

  •   地域看護学  
      大森 純子, 原 ゆかり, 松永 篤志  
      後期 水曜日 3講時 保健学科第2講義室 / 後期 水曜日 4講時 保健学科第2講義室  


    To understand the subject, place, and characteristics of community nursing and the health issues of people living in the community and to learn how community nursing is practiced.

  •   精神看護学実習(4年)  
      吉井 初美, 坂井 舞, 中西 三春  
      前期集中 その他 連講  

    精神疾患を有する対象者とその家族を理解し, 看護師として必要な態度を養う。更にケアを検討し実践できる基礎的能力を養う。

    Aim and outline; To understand people with mental disorders and their families, and to build a professional attitude as nurses. To develop a basic ability to consider and practice the care.
