
760 件ヒット (0.027秒):

  •   分子医科学 生命現象の分子基盤を理解する。 Understand the molecular basis of biological activity both in and between cells.  
      高橋 和広  


    Understand molecular mechanisms of how genetic information on the genome is conserved, copied, transcribed, and functions are expressed, and how these mechanisms are regulated. And gain knowledge the principles and methods of molecular biology-based technologies applied in medicine, such as genetic diagnosis, testing, and gene therapy.

  •   分子生物学  
      菅原 明, 村山 和隆, 横山 敦  
      前期 水曜日 2講時 保健学科第3講義室  


    Understand the molecular mechanisms of how genetic information on the genome is conserved, copied, transcribed, and functions are expressed, and how these mechanisms are regulated. And gain knowledge the principles and methods of molecular biology-based technologies applied in medicine, such as genetic diagnosis, testing, and gene therapy.

  •   分子・遺伝生物学 I ( Molecular Biology)  
      中山 啓子  
      2024年 6月 13日(木)~2024年 7月4日(木) Thursday, June 13, 2024 ~ Thursday, July 4, 2024  
      毎週木曜日 8:50~12:10 Every Thursday 8:50~12:10  




    This course provides students with advanced knowledge of basic molecular biology, especially of the latest findings and

    leading-edge techniques, and helps students understand physiological actions of molecules within living organisms, as

    well as the pathological condition by breakdown of molecular functions.

  •   分子医科学 Molecular medical sciences  
      五十嵐 和彦  
      生化学合同講義 4月-12月 ISTU収録講義 4月-3月オンデマンド Biochemistry Lecture Series, April - December ISTU Lectures, April-March, on demand  
      生化学合同講義 毎週水曜日9時-12時(講義形式およびスケジュールはグーグルクラスで案内予定) ISTU, ネットワーク聴講 Biochemistry Lecture Series, 9 / 00-12 / 00, Wednesday (Details will be announced via Google Class) ISTU Lectures, anytime you like  


    Acquire basic knowledge on molecular medicine and related fields

  •   分子生物学 / Molecular Biology  
      杉本 亜砂子, 植田 美那子, 倉永 英里奈  
      前期 金曜日 4講時  


    The genetic information of organisms is retained in genomic DNA, and is transferred to daughter cells by cell division and is inherited via germ cells. In this lecture, students will learn the mechanism of translation and expression of genetic information.

  •   基礎生命工学 / Basic Biotechnology  
      神崎 展, 小玉 哲也  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。



    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    Advances in life science contributes to the innovation of various biotechnologies, which further allows us to realize gene therapy, the regenerative medicine utilizing iPS cells, and so on. This course provides students with fundamental knowledge of molecular biology, biotechnologies, bio-regenerative engineering and the leading-edge medical care, which also includes basic principles of analytical instruments (e.g. PCR analysis, clone, recombinant drugs, next-generation sequencing, ) and their therapeutic applications.

  •   分子医科学 Molecular medical sciences  
      五十嵐 和彦  
      生化学合同講義 4月-12月 ISTU収録講義 4月-3月オンデマンド Biochemistry Lecture Series, April - December ISTU Lectures, April-March, on demand  
      生化学合同講義 毎週水曜日9時-12時(講義形式およびスケジュールはグーグルクラスで案内予定) ISTU, ネットワーク聴講 Biochemistry Lecture Series, 9 / 00-12 / 00, Wednesday (Details will be announced via Google Class) ISTU Lectures, anytime you like  


    Acquire basic knowledge on molecular medicine and related fields

  •   生物化学ⅠA(AMC) /  The Molecular Design of Life and Biological Energy Transduction  
      髙橋 聡  
      後期 木曜日 2講時  

     分子レベルにおける生命現象を学ぶことで、生化学、分子生物学、生物物理学などの学問分野を理解すること を目指します。

     生化学のテキストとして世界的な定評のあるストライヤー生化学(原書)を基に講義を進めます。 教科書の通読を必要とする宿題を毎回課し、採点して返却します。過度な暗記は要求せず、教科書のどこになにが書いてあるかを覚え、必要な時にいつでも確かめる態度を持つことを目指します。






     To learn the biological phenomena at the molecular level and to gain a deeper understanding of biochemistry, molecular biology and biophysics.

        Students will learn:

        1. Structures and properties of sugars and lipids,

        2. Structures and properties of biological membranes,

        3. Biological energy transduction.

     It is desirable to consistently attend the discussions in Biochemistry IIA concerning the DNA and RNA synthesis and metabolism of biomolecules.

  •   生命科学A  
      田口 友彦、谷本 拓、丹羽 伸介  
      前期 木曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスA200  


    Cells are the fundamental units of life. This course explains the basic concepts of molecular and cellular biology, including structures and functions of proteins, DNA replication and genetic mechanisms, genome structure and gene expression, organelles and membrane transport, cell signaling, cytoskeletons, cell cycle, cell communications, cancer and animal development.

  •   免疫科学 / Immunological Science ('Immunological Science' in English (MD200) is independently provided)  
      石井 直人  
      ISTUにて随時 Anytime in ISTU  
      ISTUにて随時 Anytime in ISTU  


    Instead of this class, students who does not understand Japanese can take a lecture of 'Immunological Science' (MD200), which is independently provided as a G30 course lecture in ISTU.
