
705 件ヒット (0.022秒):

  •   日本語教育学実習 / Teaching of Japanese Language (Practice)  
      小河原 義朗  
      後期集中 その他 その他  


    This class provides students with opportunities to participate in Japanese language education internship abroad for 2 weeks. The students will see what people are learning Japanese language oversea and how Japanese language classes are conducted, and have experience to teach Japanese in classes as a student teacher.

  •   日本語教育学研究実習Ⅲ / Applied Japanese Linguistics(Practice)III  
      小河原 義朗  
      通年集中 その他 その他  


    This class provides students with opportunities to participate in Japanese language education internship abroad for 2 weeks. The students will see what people are learning Japanese language oversea and how Japanese language classes are conducted, and have experience to teach Japanese in classes as a student teacher.

  •   日本語教育学基礎実習 / Teaching of Japanese Language (Introductory Seminar)  
      島崎 薫  
      後期集中 その他 その他  


    In this overseas internship program, students will visit Japanese language education sites overseas for two weeks during their long vacation to learn what kind of Japanese language learners are studying in overseas Japanese language education sites and what kind of classes are being conducted, observe and participate in Japanese language classes, and conduct workshops on Japanese culture with local student learners of Japanese. In addition to holding workshops to learn about the local language and culture, participants will also learn about the process of cross-cultural adaptation and attitudes toward cross-cultural acceptance in preparation for the on-site training. The content of the Japanese culture workshop will also be discussed during the pre-training. In the on-site training, students will not only observe and participate in classes, but also discuss the content of the Japanese culture workshop with local students, so that through communication with local Japanese language learners with different linguistic and cultural backgrounds, they will deepen their understanding of how people from different cultures perceive things and the aspects and strategies of communication. The aim is to deepen understanding of how people from different cultures perceive things, communication styles and strategies, and to improve interpersonal and cross-cultural coordination skills through communication with local Japanese language learners with different language and cultural backgrounds.

  •   海外短期研修(基礎B)  
      髙松 美能、坂本 友香、小嶋 緑、渡部 由紀、米澤 由香子、粕壁 善隆、小池 武志  
      前期集中 その他 連講 その他  




    The goal shared with the overseas training program is to not only improve language ability but also to develop communication skills, assertiveness, and the ability to take action. It is also to, based on the specialties learned at university, confirm the results of your studies up to that point, and discover new issues. To further enrich your field training and achieve your goals, students will participate in hands-on training on campus before departing and will learn about adjusting to different cultures as well as about crisis management. After returning to Japan, there will be a session to report on your experiences which will serve as an opportunity to think among the participants about how the fruits of the training could be utilized in academic life.

  •   海外短期研修(基礎B)  
      髙松 美能、坂本 友香、小嶋 緑、渡部 由紀、米澤 由香子、粕壁 善隆、小池 武志  
      後期集中 その他 連講 その他  




    The goal shared with the overseas training program is to not only improve language ability but also to develop communication skills, assertiveness, and the ability to take action. It is also to, based on the specialties learned at university, confirm the results of your studies up to that point, and discover new issues. To further enrich your field training and achieve your goals, students will participate in hands-on training on campus before departing and will learn about adjusting to different cultures as well as about crisis management. After returning to Japan, there will be a session to report on your experiences which will serve as an opportunity to think among the participants about how the fruits of the training could be utilized in academic life.

  •   海外短期研修(基礎B)  
      髙松 美能、坂本 友香、小嶋 緑、渡部 由紀、米澤 由香子、粕壁 善隆、小池 武志  
      前期集中 その他 連講 その他  



    The goal shared with the overseas training program is to not only improve language ability but also to develop communication skills, assertiveness, and the ability to take action. It is also to, based on the specialties learned at university, confirm the results of your studies up to that point, and discover new issues. To further enrich your field training and achieve your goals, students will participate in hands-on training on campus before participating in online program and will learn about adjusting to different cultures. After attending the online program, there will be a session to report on your experiences which will serve as an opportunity to think among the participants about how the fruits of the training could be utilized in academic life.

  •   海外短期研修(展開B)  
      末松 和子、渡部 由紀、髙松 美能、メレス リチャード、セシリア シルバ、粕壁 善隆、小池 武志  
      前期集中 その他 連講 その他  



  •   インターンシップ / Internship  
      嶋崎 啓  
      通年集中 その他 その他  


     (1) 4月 履修を希望する学生は、ガイダンスに出席する。

     (2) 4月~7月 履修学生は、学部が提供する受入企業等の情報をもとに、あるいはみずから情報を収集して、各自インターンシップに応募し、受入内諾書を得しだい教務係に提出する。

     (3) 夏期休業中 履修学生は、実習を行い、実習修了証明書および報告書・評価書(いずれも学部で定めた様式による)を終了後1週間以内に教務係に提出する。

     (4) 1月 履修学生は、報告会で報告する。


  •   海外短期研修(発展A)  
      髙松 美能、小嶋 緑  
      前期集中 その他 連講 その他  




    This course, in conjunction with the programs offered by our partner universities, aims at providing effective learning by offering pre and post-training sessions. Students prepare for the particular program by collecting information, set a goal, and work at it based on the plan. Students have an opportunity to reflect on what they have learned through the overall program.

  •   インターンシップ特別研修 / Internship training  
      掛川 武  
      通年集中 その他 連講  


    Credits will be granted when you attend international researches (field surveys, analyses, etc) more than one week.
