
77 件ヒット (0.02秒):

  •   西洋古典文化特論 / Western Classical Culture (Advanced Lecture)  
      荻原 理  
      後期 水曜日 5講時  


    We shall learn basics about Greek and Roman cultures such as history, language, philosophy, religion and arts.

  •   芸術  
      尾崎 彰宏  
      後期 水曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスC104  


    1回目のイントロダクションの授業において、講義のおおよその見取り図を示す。While surveying Western art from ancient times to modern times, I would like to explore the era in which it was produced through works of art. In general, it is often said that art is created by the times, but here I would like to speak from the standpoint that art is the most representative of the times. Students will learn how works of art influenced the formation of society and culture by the aesthetics, ideas, and religions of the time.

    In the first introductory class, a rough sketch of the lecture will be shown.

  •   美学・西洋美術史概論 / Aesthetics and History of European Fine Arts (General Lecture)  
      前期 水曜日 2講時  


    The course will offer an introduction to the main periods, authors and problems in the history of Western Aesthetics, beginning from Ancient Greece up to Kant and Hegel.

  •   ギリシャ語 / Greek  
      嶺岸 佑亮  
      前期 金曜日 4講時  



    We are going to read the 1st book of Aristotle's Physics, which ist one of the most classic text of philosophy. Until the Medieval Age it has been esteemd as the basic text for the natural phanomena. It gives also us the understanding, what the scientific method is.

  •   ギリシャ語 / Greek  
      嶺岸 佑亮  
      後期 金曜日 3講時  




    We are going to read the 1st book of Aristotle's Physics, which ist one of the most classic text of philosophy. Until the Medieval Age it has been esteemd as the basic text for the natural phanomena. It gives also us the understanding, what the scientific method is.

  •   哲学思想演習 / Western Philosophical Thought (Seminar)  
      文 景楠  
      前期 金曜日 3講時  


    This course serves as an introduction to Aristotle's Ethica Eudemia, one of the most important works in his ethical treatises. Students will be required to read the original Greek text with the recent critical edition and commentaries.

  •   芸術  
      尾崎 彰宏  
      前期 木曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスC104  


    1回目のイントロダクションの授業において、講義のおおよその見取り図を示す。While surveying Western art from ancient times to modern times, I would like to explore the era in which it was produced through works of art. In general, it is often said that art is created by the times, but here I would like to speak from the standpoint that art is the most representative of the times. Students will learn how works of art influenced the formation of society and culture by the aesthetics, ideas, and religions of the time.

    In the first introductory class, a rough sketch of the lecture will be shown.

  •   広域文化学総合科目Ⅰ / Global Humanities (Comprehensive Course)I  
      大野 晃嗣  
      前期 水曜日 1講時  


    In Global Humanities department, what aspects of culture, history, language, religion, etc., will we focus on, and from what perspective will we analyze and consider them? The purpose of this course is to learn the basic knowledge and techniques necessary for students of Global Humanities, and to cultivate empathy and adaptability to different cultures through them.

  •   人文社会総論 / General Introduction to Humanities and Social Sciences  
      嶋崎 啓, 小泉 政利, 籠橋 俊光, 田代 志門  
      前期 水曜日 5講時 / 前期 金曜日 4講時  







    ・This course is compulsory for all first-year students of the Faculty of Arts and Letters in the first semester.

    ・In this course, all the 26 departments at the Faculty of Arts and Letters will offer a lecture on Wednesday 5th period or Friday 4th period.

    ・The students are expected to attend all lectures and explore the field of humanity and social science comprehensively.

    ・Four essays are required to complete this course.

    ・All students must take part in the first class session since an orientation will be conducted.

    ・If you have any concerns, please contact the above faculties.

  •   美学・西洋美術史各論 / Aesthetics and History of European Fine Arts (Special Lectur  
      後期 水曜日 2講時  


    In 20th century philosophy, human embodiment has been thoroughly rethought, especially in the phenomenological line of philosophy inaugurated by Husserl. Recognizing the body as a site of both perception and emotion, involved in both the production and the appreciation of art, made it extremely important for this approach. The analysis of embodiment of M. Merleau-Ponty and Hermann Schmitz, two major phenomenologists, differs significantly, but in both authors the body plays a central role. After introducing the general outlines of phenomenology, we will explore the theory of art in these two authors.
