
390 件ヒット (0.03秒):

  •   実験心理学演習Ⅳ / Experimental Psychology (Seminar)IV  
      倉元 直樹  
      後期 月曜日 2講時  

    量的方法論による心理学研究の方法論的基礎となる測定法の理論について基礎から学ぶ。古典的テスト理論(Classical Test Theory)と項目反応理論(Item Response Theory)を対比しながら、理念的な理解を深める。オーソドックスな輪講形式の演習スタイルを基本とするが,受講者の人数や希望によっては発展的な内容を加えたり,受講者が現在取り組んでいる研究を題材として取り交ぜる可能性も考慮する。時折、教科書の例題を基にレポートを課す可能性ががある。


    This class is aimed to learn the fundamentals the theory of measurement method which is the methodological basis of psychology research by quantitative methodology. The lecturer expect students' understanding will be deepened by comparing classical test theory with Item Response Theory. Although it is based on an orthodox seminar style, it is also possible to add an advanced content or a theme of the studies currently being tackled, depending on the number and attendees of students. There is also the possibility of requesting a report based on exercises in the textbook. The lecturer chose a standard English textbook for understanding and writing English papers, but we can change it depending on the student's request.

  •   実験心理学研究演習Ⅳ / Experimental Psychology(Advanced Seminar) IV  
      倉元 直樹  
      後期 月曜日 2講時  

    量的方法論による心理学研究の方法論的基礎となる測定法の理論について基礎から学ぶ。古典的テスト理論(Classical Test Theory)と項目反応理論(Item Response Theory)を対比しながら、理念的な理解を深める。オーソドックスな輪講形式の演習スタイルを基本とするが,受講者の人数や希望によっては発展的な内容を加えたり,受講者が現在取り組んでいる研究を題材として取り交ぜる可能性も考慮する。時折、教科書の例題を基にレポートを課す可能性ががある。


    This class is aimed to learn the fundamentals the theory of measurement method which is the methodological basis of psychology research by quantitative methodology. The lecturer expect students' understanding will be deepened by comparing classical test theory with Item Response Theory. Although it is based on an orthodox seminar style, it is also possible to add an advanced content or a theme of the studies currently being tackled, depending on the number and attendees of students. There is also the possibility of requesting a report based on exercises in the textbook. The lecturer chose a standard English textbook for understanding and writing English papers, but we can change it depending on the student's request.

  •   実験心理学各論(心理学統計法) / Statistics on Psychology (Special Lecture)  
      倉元 直樹  
      前期 月曜日 2講時  


    This course mainly target to learn about the theoretical background related to psychological measurement such as quesstionnaires, psychological testing, open-ended questions, essay, interview and so on. The measurement theory is also useful for evaluating the results obtained by those techniques. We approcach Classical Test Theory, that is the basis of commonly used concept 'validity' and 'reliability'. After that, we might try Generalized Theory which is the evolutional theory of CTT or the basis of Exploratory Factor Analysis.


  •   教育測定学特論Ⅱ  
      熊谷 龍一  
      後期 火曜日 2講時 その他  


  •   心理検査法(心理的アセスメント)  
      安保 英勇, 梅田 亜友美, 野口 和人, その他教員, 前田 駿太, 吉田 沙蘭  
      後期 木曜日 1講時 総合研究棟202教室  


  •   中級計量経済学特殊講義Ⅱ  
      KO IAT MENG  
      後期 火曜日 2講時 第3小講義室  

    This course is a one-semester introduction to econometrics. The course will cover fundamental knowledge of linear regression in economic data analysis. Necessary probability and statistic concepts will be taught and reviewed. Empirical applications, rather than theoretical proofs, will be emphasized. Empirical examples will be demonstrated in class. The R program will be taught and used throughout the course.


    Wooldridge, J. M. (2020). Introductory econometrics: A modern approach, 7th ed., Cengage.

    (E-Book available from the university library website)

  •   応用物理計測学 / Measurements in Applied Physics  
      寺門 信明  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。


    ★Google Classroom クラスコード:xtdrlrt





    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    ★Google Classroom, Class-code: xtdrlrt

    1. Object and Summary of Class

    This course covers the basic knowledge that is useful to get reliable experimental results. We will learn about concepts and methods of data analyses frequently used to correctly interpret experimental data, which includes systematic errors of measuring systems, random errors that appear as scattering of data, statistical estimation, hypothesis testing, propagation of errors, least-squares method. We also learn about response characteristic of experimental systems.

    2. Goal of Study

    After realizing the existence of errors in the experimental data, we will understand and be able to use the way to estimate the most probable values and errors, hypothesis testing, and linear regression. We will also understand the significant digits and error propagation. We will be accustomed to use the transfer function to analyze the dynamic response of measuring apparatus.

  •   教育統計学(心理学統計法)  
      久保 沙織  
      前期 月曜日 2講時 総合研究棟206教室  


  •   教育統計学(心理学統計法)  
      久保 沙織  
      前期 月曜日 2講時 その他  


    This course deals with the basic concept of educational and psychological statistics. The level of this course is introductory statistics, and knowledge of elementary mathematics in high school is required to take this class.

  •   心理学研究実習Ⅱ / Psychological Methodology II  
      阿部 恒之, 荒井 崇史, 坂井 信之, 河地 庸介, 辻本 昌弘, RAEVSKIY ALEXAND  
      後期 火曜日 3講時  

    心理学では現象の解明のために,実験・調査・心理検査,あるいは事例研究など,さまざまな手法を活用する。その基本は現象の観察によるデータの収集と解析である。実験実習に参加することによって心理学実験の基本を学ぶとともに,心理学研究の進め方を習得し,活用できることを目指す。実習テーマは毎回異なる。心理学実験では主として実験的方法を用いたメニューを,心理学研究法では,調査・心理検査など,そのほかの手法についてのメニューを用意している。参加者は原則的に毎回レポート提出が義務付けられている。 なお,以下の授業計画は担当者の都合などによる変更の可能性がある。

    Psychologists use various empirical methods like experimental method, survey method, interview method, psychological test, and case-study method to understand and explain behavior. The fundamentals are the observation of behavior and data collection and analysis. In this course, the students practically acquire the knowledge and skills essential for psychological research (psychological experiments, in particular). The students are required to submit the report for each class.
