
実験心理学研究演習Ⅳ / Experimental Psychology(Advanced Seminar) IV

後期 月曜日 2講時. 単位数: 2. 担当教員/Instructor: 倉元 直樹. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: LIH-PSY613J. 使用言語: 日本語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects



Fundamentals of Psychological Measurement

Course Title (授業題目)

Fundamentals of Psychological Measurement


量的方法論による心理学研究の方法論的基礎となる測定法の理論について基礎から学ぶ。古典的テスト理論(Classical Test Theory)と項目反応理論(Item Response Theory)を対比しながら、理念的な理解を深める。オーソドックスな輪講形式の演習スタイルを基本とするが,受講者の人数や希望によっては発展的な内容を加えたり,受講者が現在取り組んでいる研究を題材として取り交ぜる可能性も考慮する。時折、教科書の例題を基にレポートを課す可能性ががある。

Course Objectives and Course Synopsis(授業の目的と概要)

This class is aimed to learn the fundamentals the theory of measurement method which is the methodological basis of psychology research by quantitative methodology. The lecturer expect students' understanding will be deepened by comparing classical test theory with Item Response Theory. Although it is based on an orthodox seminar style, it is also possible to add an advanced content or a theme of the studies currently being tackled, depending on the number and attendees of students. There is also the possibility of requesting a report based on exercises in the textbook. The lecturer chose a standard English textbook for understanding and writing English papers, but we can change it depending on the student's request.



Learning Goals(学習の到達目標)

To be able to conceive data collection designs for actually conducting research on their own using methods based on psychological measurement theory.




1. イントロダクション(テーマ、および、教科書の紹介)(1コマ)
2.Classical Test Theory(True Scores and Error Variances, Reliability Coefficient and Estimation, Formulas for Estimationg a Reliability Coefficient, Factors Affecting the Reliability Coefficient, Estimating the Standard Error of Measurement, Reliability of Difference Scores)(6~10コマ)
3. Item Response Theory(Basic Concepts and Models, Ability and Item Parameter Estimation, Assessments of Model-Data Fit, The Ability Scale and Information Functions, Item Construction and Bias, Equating, CAT)(6~10コマ)
4. まとめ(1コマ)

Class Schedule and Activities(授業内容・方法と進度予定

1. Introduction (themes and textbooks) (1 class)
2.Classical Test Theory(True Scores and Error Variances, Reliability Coefficient and Estimation, Formulas for Estimationg a Reliability Coefficient, Factors Affecting the Reliability Coefficient, Estimating the Standard Error of Measurement, Reliability of Difference Scores)(6~10 classes)
3. Item Response Theory(Basic Concepts and Models, Ability and Item Parameter Estimation, Assessments of Model-Data Fit, The Ability Scale and Information Functions, Item Construction and Bias, Equating, CAT)(6~10 classes)
(Depending on participants' experience and preparation, we decide whether to place emphasis on the first half or the second half.)
4. Summary(1 class)


出席状況 [40%程度]・小テスト[20%程度]・発表及び討論参加[60%程度]

Grading Plan(成績評価方法)

Attendance status [about 20%] · Quiz [about 20%] · participation in presentation and discussion [about 60%]


(1) Traub, R. E. (1994). Reliability for the Social Sciences: Theory and Applicaions, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA. (2) Hambleton, R. K., Swaminathan, H. and Rogers, H. J. (1991). Fundamentals of Item Response Theory. Sage,Newbury Park, CA.





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