
5298 件ヒット (0.015秒):

  •   日本語変異論研究演習Ⅲ / Variation of Japanese(Advanced Seminar)  
      前期 水曜日 2講時  



     Investigation method to grasp structure of a dialect and a geographical expanse is considered specifically. Dialectology by a dialect geography in addition to a descriptive study and social dialectology or a vernacular document is taken up. The record of dialect conversation is made one theme. A dialect investigation is performed actually in the second half in a semester or the summer holidays, so a participant has to participate in that from the stage of preparations. If it is difficult to conduct a field survey due to the effects of coronavirus infection, we plan to switch to an online survey.

  •   日本語学演習 / Japanese Linguistics (Seminar)  
      中西 太郎  
      前期 水曜日 2講時  



     Investigation method to grasp structure of a dialect and a geographical expanse is considered specifically. Dialectology by a dialect geography in addition to a descriptive study and social dialectology or a vernacular document is taken up. The record of dialect conversation is made one theme. A dialect investigation is performed actually in the second half in a semester or the summer holidays, so a participant has to participate in that from the stage of preparations. If it is difficult to conduct a field survey due to the effects of coronavirus infection, we plan to switch to an online survey.

  •   行動科学実習 / Behavioral Science (Laboratory Work)  
      小川 和孝  
      前期 水曜日 4講時 / 前期 水曜日 5講時  


    This course offers knowledge and skills that are needed to conduct quantitative social surveys. Students experience a set of processes on social surveys, including establishing hypotheses, designing questionnaires, statistical data analysis, and writing a report. The survey will be aimed at students of Tohoku University. The main theme of the survey will be "Life and attitudes of students of Tohoku University."

  •   教育学実習  
      福田 亘孝  
      通年 木曜日 4講時 その他 / 通年 木曜日 4講時 総合研究棟201教室  


  •   農村調査実習  
      角田 毅  
      5セメ 前期集中 その他 連続講義  
      前期集中 その他 その他  


    This class will be conducted in a practical form. Students will acquire practical methods of social surveys, including preparation of survey forms, field surveys, consolidation, etc., for specific rural surveys by participating in practical training. By conducting thorough preparations for investigation (at least 20 hours including preparing survey forms etc.), basic knowledge of graduation research of the 4th year can be acquired.

  •   環境地理学特殊講義Ⅰ / Fieldworks in overseas regional studies  
      磯田 弦, 理学部非常勤講師  
      後期集中 その他 連講  


    Fieldwork is one of the most important research methods in geography. Visiting a place and collecting local voices and data is an extremely important research activity for understanding the place and land. On the other hand, fieldwork is also difficult because it is not always possible to determine whether the research results are sufficient for the effort of fieldwork until the stage of collecting or analyzing data in the field. In this lecture, we will learn about fieldwork in geography from various aspects. While the importance of fieldwork has been emphasized, the discussion on the methods of fieldwork has been overlooked. We will deepen our understanding of fieldwork by introducing perspectives from other academic disciplines.

  •   記述言語学各論 / Descriptive Linguistics(Special Lecture)  
      内藤 真帆  
      前期 水曜日 4講時  


    This course introduces the fundamentals of research methodologies in Linguistics, covering everything from preparing the research project to them conducting it and analyzing the results. Students will research pidgin and creole, and analyze the data according to the perspective and methods of various approaches, such as descriptive linguistics, socio-linguistics, and linguistic anthropology.

  •   記述言語学特論Ⅰ / Descriptive Linguistics(Advanced Lecture)I  
      内藤 真帆  
      前期 水曜日 4講時  


    This course introduces the fundamentals of research methodologies in Linguistics, covering everything from preparing the research project to them conducting it and analyzing the results. Students will research pidgin and creole, and analyze the data according to the perspective and methods of various approaches, such as descriptive linguistics, socio-linguistics, and linguistic anthropology.

  •   国際教育開発論研究演習Ⅱ  
      劉 靖  
      後期 木曜日 5講時 その他  


  •   地理学特選科目Ⅵ / Fieldworks in overseas regional studies  
      磯田 弦, 理学部非常勤講師  
      後期集中 その他 連講  


    Fieldwork is one of the most important research methods in geography. Visiting a place and collecting local voices and data is an extremely important research activity for understanding the place and land. On the other hand, fieldwork is also difficult because it is not always possible to determine whether the research results are sufficient for the effort of fieldwork until the stage of collecting or analyzing data in the field. In this lecture, we will learn about fieldwork in geography from various aspects. While the importance of fieldwork has been emphasized, the discussion on the methods of fieldwork has been overlooked. We will deepen our understanding of fieldwork by introducing perspectives from other academic disciplines.
