

通年 木曜日 4講時 その他 / 通年 木曜日 4講時 総合研究棟201教室. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor: 福田 亘孝. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: PES-EDU381J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects

授業題目/Class subject

Practicum of Social Survey and Data Science

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class


Social surveys provide much information to understand the world around us, and they are used in diverse fields of sociology. This course is designed to teach students the skills necessary to collect, use, and interpret survey data. By the end of the class, students should be able to critically assess the quality of survey data and be able to design and conduct an original survey. The course includes lectures, discussions, hands-on survey projects, and students' presentations. Students develop, implement, and analyze a survey regarding a topic of their own choosing. Hence, students will have to propose their own hypotheses, make up a questionnaire and conduct a survey. Also, the hypotheses are examined with the data collected by their survey. The project work is usually performed in pairs. The project is orally presented and discussed in a class and with a written final report. Students also review, evaluate, and discuss other students’ projects.

学習の到達目標/Goal of study


Goals of the course are:
(1) To familiarize you with social scientific research and methods of social survey
(2) To develop your own empirical research questions and ability to find answers.
(3) To critically assess the quality of social surveys conducted in previous research
(4) To know how to use a variety of tools and approaches to conduct your survey

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class

1 はじめに:「研究倫理」と「調査倫理」
2 年間スケジュールと調査企画案の説明
3 調査企画案の確定と調査方法の決定
4 仮説構成と質問項目の決定
5 調査票の作成とプリテスト
6 調査対象者の決定と対象者原簿の作成
7 調査票の修正と依頼状・催促状の作成
8 調査対象者原簿確定と調査票・依頼状・催促状の最終チェック
9 調査依頼状と調査票の印刷
10 調査依頼状の発送
11 フィールド・ワークのマニュアル作成
12 フィールド・ワークについての解説
13 調査票の回収状況の確認と回収調査票の整理
14 エディティングとコーディングの準備
15 フィールド・ワーク(1)
16 フィールド・ワーク(2)
17 調査票の点検 有効調査票の確定
18 コーディング
19 コンピュータへのデータ入力
20 SPSSの使い方(1)
22 SPSSの使い方(2)
21 集計とデータ・クリーニング
22 単変量分析
23 二変量分析
24 多変量分析
25 調査報告書の構成と執筆分担案の検討
26 執筆内容の具体化
27 報告書の草稿の報告
28 分析結果のプレゼンテーション(1)
29 分析結果のプレゼンテーション(2)
30 報告書原稿の提出と検討

Week 1: Introduction: ethical issues in social research
Week 2: Purposes of a survey and the management of data collection
Week 3: Methods of data collection
Week 4: Hypotheses and designing questions
Week 5: Preliminary questionnaire and pretests
Week 6: Target populations and sampling frames
Week 7: Evaluating survey questions and instruments
Week 8: Sampling and non-measurement error
Week 9: Cognitive processes in answering questions
Week 10: Reliability of answers
Week 11: Nonresponse in sample surveys
Week 12: Supervising Survey interviewing
Week 13: Editing and Constructing a code
Week 14: Fieldwork (1)
Week 15: Fieldwork (2)
Week 16: Adjusting for nonresponse and weighting
Week 17: Coding survey data
Week 18: Formatting a data file
Week 19: SPSS Lab (1)
Week 20: SPSS Lab (2)
Week 21: Data cleaning and calculation sampling errors
Week 22: Tabulation of survey data
Week 23: Bivariate analysis of data
Week 24: Multivariate analysis of data
Week 25: Survey data documentation and meta data
Week 26: Summary of survey results
Week 27: Oral presentation of survey results (1)
Week 28: Oral presentation of survey results (2)
Week 29: Writing a final report
Week 30: Administrative and technical procedures for safe-guarding confidentiality

成績評価方法/Evaluation method


Class participation, attendance, and discussion (20%)
Oral presentation (30%)
Project report (50%)

教科書および参考書/Textbook and references

  • 社会調査法入門, 盛山和夫, 有斐閣 (2004)
  • ガイドブック社会調査, 森岡清志, 日本評論社 (2006)
  • SPSSによる応用多変量解析, 三輪 哲・林 雄亮, オーム社 (2014)
  • 社会統計学ベイシック, 片瀬一男・阿部晃士・高橋征仁, ミネルヴァ書房 (2015)
  • 社会統計学アドバンスト, 片瀬一男・阿部晃士・高橋征仁, ミネルヴァ書房 (2019)
  • 社会統計学, ボーンシュテット&ノーキ, ハーベスト社 (1992)
  • 心理統計学の基礎, 南風原朝和, 有斐閣 (2002)

授業時間外学習/Preparation and Review

★必要に応じてReading AssignmentとWriting Assignmentを課す

★Students read required texts accurately before the class.
★Students thoroughly review topics dealt with in each class.
★Students have to write a project report on a topic investigated by their survey, and submit it by the end of the term.

実務・実践的授業/Practicalbusiness※○は、実務・実践的授業であることを示す。/Note:"○"Indicatesthe practicalbusiness

その他/In addition

★本授業科目は、日本社会学会、日本教育社会学会、日本行動計量学会が共同で設立した一般社団法人社会調査協会の定める「社会調査士のための必修科目」のうち、「G. 社会調査の実習を中心とする科目」として認定の申請を予定している授業科目である。社会調査士資格については、http://jasr.or.jp/を参照のこと。

★Students should complete required assignments before they attend the class.
★Students should attend the class with good manners.
★The schedule of the class is a map, not a fixed train timetable, and it may be changed. Also, the grading method is subject to change.


【Office Hour】
Thursdays 13:10-13:40
Prior booking is required.

クラスコード enfxbi6

Google Classroom Class Code

関連資料の入手方法はgoogle classroomにおいて指示する。

This course is provided in a hybrid mode. Students mainly participate in a class online through Zoom or Google Meet. It may be conducted in person, it may be conducted in person. All necessary information on joining this course online will be posted by email or on Google Classroom before the class.

 これと関連したシラバス 学務情報システムで確認