
3835 件ヒット (0.021秒):

  •   ドイツ文学演習Ⅲ / German Literature (Seminar)III  
      森本 浩一  
      前期 金曜日 4講時  

    フランツ・カフカ(Franz Kafka: 1883-1924)の小説をテキストとして、ドイツ文学作品を原文で読解・解釈する訓練を行います。映画化された作品も鑑賞する予定です。文学研究や他の関連する話題に関する簡単な講義なども行いたいと考えています。

    The aim of this course is to help students improve the ability to read and interpret the literary text written in German, by the practice of close reading of Franz Kafka's fiction. We'll also watch some filmed works related to texts. Brief lectures on literary studies and other relevant subjects will be also given incidentally.

  •   ドイツ文学演習Ⅳ / German Literature (Seminar)IV  
      森本 浩一  
      後期 金曜日 4講時  

    フランツ・カフカ(Franz Kafka: 1883-1924)の小説をテキストとして、ドイツ文学作品を原文で読解・解釈する訓練を行います。映画化された作品も鑑賞する予定です。文学研究や他の関連する話題に関する簡単な講義なども行いたいと考えています。

    The aim of this course is to help students improve the ability to read and interpret the literary text written in German, by the practice of close reading of Franz Kafka's fiction. We'll also watch some filmed works related to texts. Brief lectures on literary studies and other relevant subjects will be also given incidentally.

  •   ドイツ文学研究演習Ⅱ / German Literature (Advanced Seminar) II  
      森本 浩一  
      後期 金曜日 4講時  

    フランツ・カフカ(Franz Kafka: 1883-1924)の小説をテキストとして、ドイツ文学作品を原文で読解・解釈する訓練を行います。映画化された作品も鑑賞する予定です。文学研究や他の関連する話題に関する簡単な講義なども行いたいと考えています。

    The aim of this course is to help students improve the ability to read and interpret the literary text written in German, by the practice of close reading of Franz Kafka's fiction. We'll also watch some filmed works related to texts. Brief lectures on literary studies and other relevant subjects will be also given incidentally.

  •   ドイツ文学研究演習Ⅰ / German Literature (Advanced Seminar) I  
      森本 浩一  
      前期 金曜日 4講時  

    フランツ・カフカ(Franz Kafka: 1883-1924)の小説をテキストとして、ドイツ文学作品を原文で読解・解釈する訓練を行います。映画化された作品も鑑賞する予定です。文学研究や他の関連する話題に関する簡単な講義なども行いたいと考えています。

    The aim of this course is to help students improve the ability to read and interpret the literary text written in German, by the practice of close reading of Franz Kafka's fiction. We'll also watch some filmed works related to texts. Brief lectures on literary studies and other relevant subjects will be also given incidentally.

  •   中国文学演習 / Chinese Literature (Seminar)  
      矢田 尚子  
      前期 金曜日 2講時  



    【Course Objectives】This course aims to improve the students' ability to read texts of Chinese classical writings in a basic and traditional way, and to collate texts, which are necessary to study classical Chinese literature.

    【Course Synopsis】Chu Ci is an anthology of Chinese poetry, which is one of the origins of Chinese verse literarture. In this course, we interpret Li sao, a representative piece of Chu Ci. The course is centered on students' presentations and question and answer sessions. In every class, presenters are required to prepare handout for the assigned part of the text, and other students are required to ask questions on and to comment on the presentation. Through discussions, students will reach deeper understanding of the text.

  •   英文学基礎講読Ⅰ / English Literature (Introductory Reading)I  
      大河内 昌  
      前期 金曜日 2講時  


    Close reading of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland & Alice through the Lookin-Glass. These works are written in easy English that even children can understand, but there are various kinds of mysterious and laughing materials. We read closely the texts in order to appreciate the unique taste of these works. In each class, three students make report on the contents of the text and we make discussion based on the report.

  •   中国文学演習 / Chinese Literature (Seminar)  
      矢田 尚子  
      後期 金曜日 2講時  



    【Course Objectives】This course aims to improve the students' ability to read texts of Chinese classical writings in a basic and traditional way, and to collate texts, which are necessary to study classical Chinese literature.

    【Course Synopsis】Chu Ci is an anthology of Chinese poetry, which is one of the origins of Chinese verse literarture. In this course, we interpret Li sao, a representative piece of Chu Ci. The course is centered on students' presentations and question and answer sessions. In every class, presenters are required to prepare handout for the assigned part of the text, and other students are required to ask questions on and to comment on the presentation. Through discussions, students will reach deeper understanding of the text.

  •   中国語学中国文学研究演習Ⅰ / Chinese Language and Literature(Advanced Seminar)I  
      矢田 尚子  
      前期 金曜日 2講時  



    【Course Objectives】This course aims to improve the students' ability to read texts of Chinese classical writings in a basic and traditional way, and to collate texts, which are necessary to study classical Chinese literature.

    【Course Synopsis】Chu Ci is an anthology of Chinese poetry, which is one of the origins of Chinese verse literarture. In this course, we interpret Li sao, a representative piece of Chu Ci. The course is centered on students' presentations and question and answer sessions. In every class, presenters are required to prepare handout for the assigned part of the text, and other students are required to ask questions on and to comment on the presentation. Through discussions, students will reach deeper understanding of the text.

  •   中国語学中国文学研究演習Ⅱ / Chinese Language and Literature(Advanced Seminar)II  
      矢田 尚子  
      後期 金曜日 2講時  



    【Course Objectives】This course aims to improve the students' ability to read texts of Chinese classical writings in a basic and traditional way, and to collate texts, which are necessary to study classical Chinese literature.

    【Course Synopsis】Chu Ci is an anthology of Chinese poetry, which is one of the origins of Chinese verse literarture. In this course, we interpret Li sao, a representative piece of Chu Ci. The course is centered on students' presentations and question and answer sessions. In every class, presenters are required to prepare handout for the assigned part of the text, and other students are required to ask questions on and to comment on the presentation. Through discussions, students will reach deeper understanding of the text.

  •   文学  
      嶋崎 啓、他  
      後期 水曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスA105  


    In this course, we will approach various literary works across a wide range of regions, languages, periods, and genres, including Japanese literature, Chinese literature, English literature, German literature, and French literature, from the perspective of "comparison" (reading and comparing multiple texts). Through the lectures, students will learn about the characteristics and significance of various literatures and the methods of literary studies.
