
英文学基礎講読Ⅰ / English Literature (Introductory Reading)I

前期 金曜日 2講時. 単位数: 2. 担当教員/Instructor: 大河内 昌. セメスター: 3. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: LHM-LIT215J. 使用言語: 日本語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects



Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Trough the Lookin-Glass

Course Title (授業題目)

Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Trough the Lookin-Glass



Course Objectives and Course Synopsis(授業の目的と概要)

Close reading of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland & Alice through the Lookin-Glass. These works are written in easy English that even children can understand, but there are various kinds of mysterious and laughing materials. We read closely the texts in order to appreciate the unique taste of these works. In each class, three students make report on the contents of the text and we make discussion based on the report.



Learning Goals(学習の到達目標)

(1) To acquire the knowledge of English literary history
(2) To be able to think logically and critically
(3) To develop the skill of reading literary texts written in English


(1) Introduction
(2) Alice in Wonderland, Chapters 1-2.
(3) Alice in Wonderland, Chapters 3-4.
(4) Alice in Wonderland, Chapters 5-6.
(5) Alice in Wonderland, Chapters 7-8.
(6) Alice in Wonderland, Chapters 9-10.
(7) Alice in Wonderland, Chapters 11-12.
(8) Alice through the Looking-Glass, Chapters 1-2.
(9) Alice through the Looking-Glass, Chapters 3-4.
(10) Alice through the Looking-Glass, Chapters 5-6.
(11) Alice through the Looking-Glass, Chapters 7-8.
(12) Alice through the Looking-Glass, Chapters 9-10.
(13) Alice through the Looking-Glass, Chapters 11-12.
(14) Discussion
(15) Review and exam

Class Schedule and Activities(授業内容・方法と進度予定

(1) Introduction
(2) Alice in Wonderland, Chapters 1-2.
(3) Alice in Wonderland, Chapters 3-4.
(4) Alice in Wonderland, Chapters 5-6.
(5) Alice in Wonderland, Chapters 7-8.
(6) Alice in Wonderland, Chapters 9-10.
(7) Alice in Wonderland, Chapters 11-12.
(8) Alice through the Looking-Glass, Chapters 1-2.
(9) Alice through the Looking-Glass, Chapters 3-4.
(10) Alice through the Looking-Glass, Chapters 5-6.
(11) Alice through the Looking-Glass, Chapters 7-8.
(12) Alice through the Looking-Glass, Chapters 9-10.
(13) Alice through the Looking-Glass, Chapters 11-12.
(14) Discussion
(15) Review and exam



Grading Plan(成績評価方法)

presentation & class participation 50%; term-end exam 50%


Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Trough the Lookin-Glass (Oxford World's Classics, 2009)




office hour: Tuesday 15:00-16:30 and by appointment.

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