
2781 件ヒット (0.025秒):

  •   現代日本学各論Ⅳ /  
      通年集中 その他 その他  


    Learn about the definition, history, and narrative of manga. Manga is a very popular culture in Japan. Because of this, we tend to think that we know something about "manga". However, it is actually very difficult to answer the question, "What is manga?". To illustrate this point, we take a variety of concrete examples, both old and new. Participants are encouraged to actively participate in discussions.

  •   現代日本学学芸分析特論Ⅱ / Japanese Studies Liberal Art (Advanced Lecture) II  
      通年集中 その他 その他  


    Learn about the definition, history, and narrative of manga. Manga is a very popular culture in Japan. Because of this, we tend to think that we know something about "manga". However, it is actually very difficult to answer the question, "What is manga?". To illustrate this point, we take a variety of concrete examples, both old and new. Participants are encouraged to actively participate in discussions.

  •   現代日本学各論Ⅰ /  
      茂木 謙之介  
      後期 火曜日 4講時  


    This course offers an opportunity to think about possibility of Japanese Studies,from analyze of representation of Post-war Japanese royal family. In particular, this course focus on images of the Emperor and royal family in the 2010s and think about the meaning of those

    images in post-war Japanese society. This course calls for audiences active participation.

  •   フランス文学各論Ⅲ / French Literature (Special Lecture)III  
      後期 火曜日 3講時  


    This course delves into narratology, a literary theory that scrutinizes the structure and narrative functions within a story. Drawing upon Gérard Genette's treatise, we will explore key concepts and dissect how stories are constructed by examining specific literary works. Students will acquire the necessary methodology to scrutinize the subject matter and content of literary pieces through a comprehensive analysis of narrative forms.

  •   日本思想史各論 /  
      引野 亨輔  
      後期 火曜日 4講時  


    For modern Japanese people, another worlds are mainly seen as important materials for manga and anime, but there is no doubt that in the past, another worlds and the afterlife have had a great influence on the formation of Japanese thought. However, even though the land of Yomi described in the Nihon Shoki(Chronicle of Japan completed in 720) and the Pure Land described by medieval Buddhist monks are the same afterlife, their characteristics are very different. How have another worlds and afterlife changed over the course of history for the Japanese people? In this course, we will use ancient and medieval Buddhist tales as material to explore the transformation of the idea of another worlds and afterlife, and further examine its historical background.

  •   日本思想史基礎講読 / History of Japanese Philosophy (Introductory Reading)  
      引野 亨輔  
      前期 金曜日 2講時  


    When commercial publishing was established in the Edo period, many popular books for the general public were published, which had a major impact on society. In this course, students will read some books printed in woodblock prints published during the Edo period, and through that experience, will acquire basic ability to read historical materials and understand Japanese traditional culture.

  •   多文化間コミュニケーション  
      宿利 由希子  
      後期 火曜日 3講時 川北キャンパスA404  

    「彼女はにっこりした」「彼女は微笑を浮かべた」…このような表現から、どんな女性をイメージするだろう。「にっこりする」「微笑を浮かべる」は英語ではどちらも “smile” だが、日本語母語話者は“smile” する、異なる人物をイメージすることがある。また、日本語母語話者は、このような表現と人のイメージの関係を(時に操作的に)利用して情報伝達をしている。この授業では、日本語母語話者学生と外国人留学生がことばの「操作性」を材料に日本語や日本文化について考え、他言語との違いや共通点を学び、また協働作業を行う。


    What kind of woman do you imagine from such expressions as "kanojo ha nikkori sita” or “kanojo ha bishou wo ukabeta” (both mean “she smiled")? "Nikkori suru" and "bishou wo ukaberu" are synonyms for the English word "smile.” From expressions indicating the same action, native Japanese speakers may imagine different images of the person. And they use this relationship between representation and personhood to convey information, sometimes manipulatively. In this class, Japanese and international students will think about Japanese language and culture, and

    learn the differences and commonalities between Japanese and other languages through collaborative work using such “manipulability” of language as a material. (This course is conducted in Japanese.)

  •   日本思想史特論Ⅳ / History of Japanese Thought(Advanced Lecture)IV  
      引野 亨輔  
      後期 火曜日 4講時  


    For modern Japanese people, another worlds are mainly seen as important materials for manga and anime, but there is no doubt that in the past, another worlds and the afterlife have had a great influence on the formation of Japanese thought. However, even though the land of Yomi described in the Nihon Shoki(Chronicle of Japan completed in 720) and the Pure Land described by medieval Buddhist monks are the same afterlife, their characteristics are very different. How have another worlds and afterlife changed over the course of history for the Japanese people? In this course, we will use ancient and medieval Buddhist tales as material to explore the transformation of the idea of another worlds and afterlife, and further examine its historical background.

  •   看護学概論  
      朝倉 京子, 杉山 祥子  
      前期 水曜日 2講時  






    ・ Learning about nursing and the development of nursing and Deepen your understanding of the key concepts of nursing.

    ・Developing a deeper understanding of professionalism and responsibilities of nursing professionals.

    ・Deepen understanding of nursing ethics

  •   日本文学各論 / Japanese Literature (Special Lecture)  
      前期集中 その他 その他  


    Considering the entirety and characteristics of Japanese early modern literature, with a focus on the field of refined literature, students will explore the various aspects and achievements of its development. While solidifying foundational knowledge about Japanese books (as objects) and mastering the basic processes of transliteration and annotations, students delve into exploring relationships with other genres and examining the distinctive characteristics of the Edo period. Throughout this process, they acquire research methods that incorporate empirical analysis. We freely traverse between the fundamentals and applications, tracking the latest research in early modern literature. Together, we contemplate what literature/classics are. We also want to explore what significance that holds for us living in the present day.
