
3037 件ヒット (0.03秒):

  •   英語研究論文作成法Ⅱ / Advanced English for Academic writing II  
      後期 水曜日 3講時  

    Advanced Academic Writing II is a continuation of Advanced Academic Writing I (AAWI) from the spring semester; therefore successful completion of AAWI is prerequisite for taking this course. Using the fundamental skills of academic writing acquired during the spring semester, students will focus on producing a fully documented research paper in English (8-12 substantial paragraphs in length). Students will thus systematically study the research process and learn how to present research into a cohesive, logically organized paper, with a special focus on proper format and citation of source material. This process will also include writing an abstract (summary) and an oral presentation of research findings.

    Advanced Academic Writing II is a continuation of Advanced Academic Writing I (AAWI) from the spring semester; therefore successful completion of AAWI is prerequisite for taking this course. Using the fundamental skills of academic writing acquired during the spring semester, students will focus on producing a fully documented research paper in English (8-12 substantial paragraphs in length). Students will thus systematically study the research process and learn how to present research into a cohesive, logically organized paper, with a special focus on proper format and citation of source material. This process will also include writing an abstract (summary) and an oral presentation of research findings.

  •   英語論文作成法 / Creative Writing  
      後期 水曜日 2講時  

    Academic Writing II is a continuation of Academic Writing I (AWI) from the spring semester; therefore successful completion of AWI is prerequisite for taking this course. Using the fundamental skills of academic writing acquired during the spring semester, students will focus on producing a fully documented research paper in English (8-12 substantial paragraphs in length). Students will thus systematically study the research process and learn how to present research into a cohesive, logically organized paper, with a special focus on proper format and citation of source material. This process will also include writing an abstract (summary) and an oral presentation of research findings.

    Academic Writing II is a continuation of Academic Writing I (AWI) from the spring semester; therefore successful completion of AWI is prerequisite for taking this course. Using the fundamental skills of academic writing acquired during the spring semester, students will focus on producing a fully documented research paper in English (8-12 substantial paragraphs in length). Students will thus systematically study the research process and learn how to present research into a cohesive, logically organized paper, with a special focus on proper format and citation of source material. This process will also include writing an abstract (summary) and an oral presentation of research findings.

  •   英語論文作成法 / Creative Writing  
      前期 水曜日 2講時  

    This course is an introduction to the process of academic writing in English. The foremost objective is to enable students to gain practical skills and confidence for communicating effectively in formal English writing. To this end, students will learn and practice the basics for: (1) common and uncommon uses of a variety of punctuation marks; (2) the correct page layout for writing paragraphs and essays; (3) sentence, paragraph, and essay structure for different essay types; and (4) strategies for pre-writing, writing, proofreading and revision.

         Note that all writing in this course will essentially be collaborative as a result of input and revision advice from peers and instructor alike. In other words, only revised second drafts of writing will be accepted for evaluation (scoring). Also note that Academic Writing I is a prerequisite course for acquiring the skills needed for succeeding in Academic Writing II, which focuses on all steps and related issues in the process of research paper writing in English.

    This course is an introduction to the process of academic writing in English. The foremost objective is to enable students to gain practical skills and confidence for communicating effectively in formal English writing. To this end, students will learn and practice the basics for: (1) common and uncommon uses of a variety of punctuation marks; (2) the correct page layout for writing paragraphs and essays; (3) sentence, paragraph, and essay structure for different essay types; and (4) strategies for pre-writing, writing, proofreading and revision.

         Note that all writing in this course will essentially be collaborative as a result of input and revision advice from peers and instructor alike. In other words, only revised second drafts of writing will be accepted for evaluation (scoring). Also note that Academic Writing I is a prerequisite course for acquiring the skills needed for succeeding in Academic Writing II, which focuses on all steps and related issues in the process of research paper writing in English.

  •   英語研究論文作成法Ⅰ / Advanced English for Academic writing I  
      前期 水曜日 3講時  

    This course is an introduction to the process of academic writing in English. The foremost objective is to enable students to gain practical skills and confidence for communicating effectively in formal English writing. To this end, students will learn and practice the basics for: (1) common and uncommon uses of a variety of punctuation marks; (2) the correct page layout for writing paragraphs and essays; (3) sentence, paragraph, and essay structure for different essay types; and (4) strategies for pre-writing, writing, proofreading and revision.

    Note that all writing in this course will essentially be collaborative as a result of input and revision advice from peers and instructor alike. In other words, only revised second drafts of writing will be accepted for evaluation (scoring). Also note that Advanced Academic Writing I is a prerequisite course for acquiring the skills needed for succeeding in Advanced Academic Writing II, which focuses on all steps and related issues in the process of research paper writing in English.

    This course is an introduction to the process of academic writing in English. The foremost objective is to enable students to gain practical skills and confidence for communicating effectively in formal English writing. To this end, students will learn and practice the basics for: (1) common and uncommon uses of a variety of punctuation marks; (2) the correct page layout for writing paragraphs and essays; (3) sentence, paragraph, and essay structure for different essay types; and (4) strategies for pre-writing, writing, proofreading and revision.

    Note that all writing in this course will essentially be collaborative as a result of input and revision advice from peers and instructor alike. In other words, only revised second drafts of writing will be accepted for evaluation (scoring). Also note that Advanced Academic Writing I is a prerequisite course for acquiring the skills needed for succeeding in Advanced Academic Writing II, which focuses on all steps and related issues in the process of research paper writing in English.

  •   通信工学技術英語特別講義B / Writing and Presentation for English Technical Paper B  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ



    To explain the basic structure of an academic essay, line by line, so students can construct an effective and convincing essay entirely in English. The class will cover the introduction paragraph, the body paragraph, and the conclusion paragraph, as well as the processes involved in developing effective titles, appropriate citation formatting, and basic grammar tips to help students draft the best academic essay that they are capable of.

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    To explain the basic structure of an academic essay, line by line, so students can construct an effective and convincing essay entirely in English. The class will cover the introduction paragraph, the body paragraph, and the conclusion paragraph, as well as the processes involved in developing effective titles, appropriate citation formatting, and basic grammar tips to help students draft the best academic essay that they are capable of.

  •   工学英語Ⅱ / English in Technology II  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。


    To explain the basic structure of an academic essay, line by line, so students can construct an effective and convincing essay entirely in English. The class will cover the introduction paragraph, the body paragraph, and the conclusion paragraph, as well as the processes involved in developing effective titles, appropriate citation formatting, and basic grammar tips to help students draft the best academic essay that they are capable of.




    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    To explain the basic structure of an academic essay, line by line, so students can construct an effective and convincing essay entirely in English. The class will cover the introduction paragraph, the body paragraph, and the conclusion paragraph, as well as the processes involved in developing effective titles, appropriate citation formatting, and basic grammar tips to help students draft the best academic essay that they are capable of.




  •   比較文化論各論 / Comparative Culture (Special Lecture)  
      後期 月曜日 3講時  

    This lecture course is a continuation of the course in the Spring semester but is open to all students. It is intended to introduce basic concepts and approaches for intercultural research by reviewing some important English keywords for researching for broad cultural studies in the humanities. By “cultural studies” we mean broadly any approach used in the School of Arts and Letters for studying forms of knowledge. Every week, the class will look at a particular word that describes a concept, object or topic of relevance and consider its implications and applications to undergraduate studies. To do so, students will be asked to read in advance each week a short text of some kind (usually in photocopy form or as an online source, and sometimes video material as well as writing) which will be explained in class by lecture and group discussion. By the end of the course, students will be asked to do some group work during class in the form of a class survey of a group presentation to each other on material arising from the course.

    本講義は春学期に引き続き開講するものであるが、全学生を対象とする。人文科学における広範なカルチュラル・スタディーズを研究するための重要な英語キーワードを確認しながら、異文化間研究のための基本的な概念やアプローチを紹介することを目的としています。 ここでいう「カルチュラル・スタディーズ」とは、文学部で用いられる、知識の形式を研究するためのあらゆるアプローチを広く意味します。このクラスでは毎週、関連性のある概念、対象、トピックを表す特定の単語を取り上げ、その意味合いと学部での研究への応用について考えます。そのために、受講生は毎週、何らかの短いテキスト(通常はコピーやオンライン資料、時には文章だけでなく映像資料も)を事前に読んでくるように指示され、授業では講義とグループ・ディスカッションによって説明される。コースの終わりには、授業中にグループワークをしてもらい、コースで学んだことについてクラスでアンケートをとり、グループで発表してもらいます。

  •   学術英語演習Ⅱ / Academic English II  
      後期 水曜日 3講時  

    In this class, students will learn how to write an academic essay in continuous English prose of at least five paragraphs. Each week, we will review a stage of the writing process from preparing a topic and thesis statement to organizing and editing paragraphs. In the first half of the semester, students will write a five-paragraph essay, and in the second half we will look at the correct use of sources, in academic work, avoiding plagiarism and using types of citation. By the end of the course, students should produce a second essay on an academic topic of their own choice with citation and documentation.

    Please note that this class will be limited to 35 students. It will also be offered in the first semester.



  •   国際コロキアムA  
      前期 火曜日 3講時  

    This course aims to initiate participants to the basic skills of academic research and academic writing. Participants will be given opportunity to present their research outline and/or their papers during the semester.

  •   国際コロキアムⅠ  
      前期 火曜日 3講時  

    This course aims to initiate participants to the basic skills of academic research and academic writing. Participants will be given opportunity to present their research outline and/or their papers during the semester.
