
英語研究論文作成法Ⅰ / Advanced English for Academic writing I

前期 水曜日 3講時. 単位数: 2. 担当教員/Instructor: 講師(非). セメスター: 1学期. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: LAL-OAR514E. 使用言語: 英語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects



Advanced Academic Writing I

Course Title (授業題目)

Advanced Academic Writing I


This course is an introduction to the process of academic writing in English. The foremost objective is to enable students to gain practical skills and confidence for communicating effectively in formal English writing. To this end, students will learn and practice the basics for: (1) common and uncommon uses of a variety of punctuation marks; (2) the correct page layout for writing paragraphs and essays; (3) sentence, paragraph, and essay structure for different essay types; and (4) strategies for pre-writing, writing, proofreading and revision.

Note that all writing in this course will essentially be collaborative as a result of input and revision advice from peers and instructor alike. In other words, only revised second drafts of writing will be accepted for evaluation (scoring). Also note that Advanced Academic Writing I is a prerequisite course for acquiring the skills needed for succeeding in Advanced Academic Writing II, which focuses on all steps and related issues in the process of research paper writing in English.

Course Objectives and Course Synopsis(授業の目的と概要)

This course is an introduction to the process of academic writing in English. The foremost objective is to enable students to gain practical skills and confidence for communicating effectively in formal English writing. To this end, students will learn and practice the basics for: (1) common and uncommon uses of a variety of punctuation marks; (2) the correct page layout for writing paragraphs and essays; (3) sentence, paragraph, and essay structure for different essay types; and (4) strategies for pre-writing, writing, proofreading and revision.

Note that all writing in this course will essentially be collaborative as a result of input and revision advice from peers and instructor alike. In other words, only revised second drafts of writing will be accepted for evaluation (scoring). Also note that Advanced Academic Writing I is a prerequisite course for acquiring the skills needed for succeeding in Advanced Academic Writing II, which focuses on all steps and related issues in the process of research paper writing in English.


As a result of completing this course, students will be able to:
1) apply the fundamental rules of page layout in word processing for formal academic essays in English.
2) identify different types of essays and make correct writing decisions related to punctuation, diction,
sentence and paragraph structure, and essay organization.
3) find and correct common grammatical and mechanical mistakes in writing.
4) write an effective self-introductory paragraph, a descriptive essay, a narrative essay, and a process essay.

Learning Goals(学習の到達目標)

As a result of completing this course, students will be able to:
1) apply the fundamental rules of page layout in word processing for formal academic essays in English.
2) identify different types of essays and make correct writing decisions related to punctuation, diction,
sentence and paragraph structure, and essay organization.
3) find and correct common grammatical and mechanical mistakes in writing.
4) write an effective self-introductory paragraph, a descriptive essay, a narrative essay, and a process essay.


1) Semester I Course Introduction; the Writing Process; Plagiarism
2) Page Layout Rules and Word Processing; Writing Email
3) Capitalization Rules; Parts of a Paragraph; Introduction to Assignment 1
4) Basic Sentence Structure; Revision (Proofreading and Editing)
5) Parts of an Essay; Introduction Paragraph; Attention Getters
6) Thesis Statements; Introduction to Assignment 2; Essay Model Analysis
7) Parallelism; Conclusion Paragraph; Colons and Semicolons
8) Writing Workshop for Assignment 2
9) Introduction to Assignment 3; Essay Model Analysis
10) Hyphens and Dashes; Cohesion
11) Writing Workshop for Assignment 3
12) Writing about a Process; Introduction to Assignment 4; Essay Model Analysis
13) Process Writing (continued); Audience and Tone
14) Writing Workshop for Assignment 3; Test Preview/Course Review and Evaluation
15) Semester I Test


The final grade will be determined by: (1) class work, homework, and class attendance; (2) writing assignments, and (3) a semester test.

Grading Plan(成績評価方法)

The final grade will be determined by: (1) class work, homework, and class attendance; (2) writing assignments, and (3) a semester test.


Reference materials and practical activities will be provided on a weekly basis in printed and/or digital form. All assignments and class prints, furthermore, should be saved and carefully stored in a notebook.


There is a lot of homework in this course, especially in completing writing assignments according to strict—yet reasonable—deadlines. Because most of the learning is based on actually doing and redoing a series of tasks, success in this course depends on consistent effort outside of class hours and timely completion of all assignments.


Class attendance is expected at all times. Absences will adversely affect your grade in this course.

In principle, no auditors will be accepted.

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