
2216 件ヒット (0.03秒):

  •   多文化共生思想論Ⅱ  
      前期集中 その他 連講  


    In this lecture, we will introduce basic concepts and research methods in the field of comparative culture and philosophy through a case study comparing the Arts and Crafts Movement, which arose in late 19th-century Britain as a resistance to industrialization, and the Mingei Movement that took place in Japan from the Taisho period to the post-war era. In particular, by comparing the thoughts of William Morris and Yanagi Muneyoshi, who were leaders of their respective movements, we will explore the potential for dialogue between them. Through this exploration, we aim to deepen our understanding of intercultural understanding for multicultural coexistence.

  •   多文化交流史Ⅱ  
      坂巻 康司  
      後期 金曜日 2講時  


    This course is designed to provide students with the way of looking at various theories of cross cultural awareness and understanding the cultural multiplicity through them.

  •   比較文化論各論 / Comparative Culture (Special Lecture)  
      前期 月曜日 3講時  

    This course is intended to introduce basic concepts and approaches for intercultural research by reviewing some important English keywords for researching for broad cultural studies in the humanities. By “cultural studies” we mean broadly any approach used in the School of Arts and Letters for studying forms of knowledge. Every week, the class will look at a particular word that describes a concept, object or topic of relevance and consider its implications and applications to undergraduate studies. To do so, students will be asked to read in advance each week a short text of some kind (usually in photocopy form or as an online source, and sometimes video material as well as writing) which will be explained in class by lecture and group discussion. By the end of the course, students will be asked to do some group work during class in the form of a class survey of a group presentation to each other on material arising from the course.

    本講座は、人文科学における幅広い文化研究を行うための重要な英語キーワードを概観しながら、異文化間研究のための基本的な概念やアプローチを紹介することを目的としています。 ここでいう「カルチュラル・スタディーズ」とは、広く文学部で用いられる、知の形態を研究するためのあらゆるアプローチを意味します。このクラスでは毎週、関連性のある概念、対象、トピックを表す特定の単語を取り上げ、その意味合いと学部での研究への応用について考えます。そのために、受講生は毎週、何らかの短いテキスト(通常はコピーやオンライン資料、時には文章だけでなく映像資料も)を事前に読んでくるように指示され、授業では講義とグループ・ディスカッションによって説明される。コースの終わりには、授業中にグループワークをしてもらい、コースで学んだことについてクラスでアンケートをとり、グループで発表してもらいます。

  •   美学・西洋美術史各論 / Aesthetics and History of European Fine Arts (Special Lectur  
      後期 水曜日 2講時  


    In 20th century philosophy, human embodiment has been thoroughly rethought, especially in the phenomenological line of philosophy inaugurated by Husserl. Recognizing the body as a site of both perception and emotion, involved in both the production and the appreciation of art, made it extremely important for this approach. The analysis of embodiment of M. Merleau-Ponty and Hermann Schmitz, two major phenomenologists, differs significantly, but in both authors the body plays a central role. After introducing the general outlines of phenomenology, we will explore the theory of art in these two authors.

  •   比較人間形成論講義Ⅱ  
      前期集中 その他 連講 その他  


  •   西洋古典文化特論 / Western Classical Culture (Advanced Lecture)  
      荻原 理  
      後期 水曜日 5講時  


    We shall learn basics about Greek and Roman cultures such as history, language, philosophy, religion and arts.

  •   英文学・英語学基礎講読Ⅱ / English Literature and Linguistics (Introductory Reading)II  
      後期 木曜日 3講時  

    Romeo and Juliet is one of the most famous love stories in world literature. Its influence makes it one of the most popular plays by William Shakespeare. In this course, we will study the original English version of Shakespeare’s play and consider a number of aspects of renaissance English drama, world tragedy, ideas of romantic love, and the historical importance of the play for the invention of the modern idea of the teenager. We will study a part of the play together each week in class and watch a number of film versions of the play to see how it can be interpreted and performed. We will also consider some global adaptations of the play and its influence in Japan.

    ロミオとジュリエット』は、世界文学の中で最も有名なラブストーリーのひとつである。その影響により、ウィリアム・シェイクスピアの戯曲の中でも最も人気のある作品のひとつとなっている。このコースでは、シェイクスピアの戯曲の英語原作を学び、ルネサンス期のイギリス演劇、世界の悲劇、ロマンチックな愛の観念、そしてティーンエイジャーという近代的な観念の発明におけるこの戯曲の歴史的重要性など、さまざまな側面について考察する。 毎週クラスで戯曲の一部を一緒に学び、戯曲がどのように解釈され、上演されるかを見るために、いくつかの映画版を鑑賞する。また、この戯曲の世界的な翻案や日本における影響についても考察する。

  •   Seminar in Management a  
      前期 木曜日 2講時 第2小講義室  


    This seminar will instruct you to learn how to model a management theory and research method to proceed management study as a subject of social science. At first we hope you can fundamentally understand a variety of theoretical methods in the field of social science while comparing and analyzing mathematical deductive approach with positivism approach as well as hermeneutic approach.

  •   日本比較思想史特論Ⅰ / Comparative history of Japanese thought(Advanced Lecture)I  
      片岡 龍  
      後期 月曜日 3講時  


    The purpose is to acquire the basic knowledge for studying Japanese thought and culture, and to raise the methodological awareness of the history of thought through dialogue based on presentations that carefully read the text(from 『西光万吉著作集』第3,4巻) and reserch papaers( published in 加藤昌彦『水平社宣言起草者西光万吉の戦後』).

  •   日本比較思想史特論Ⅱ / Comparative history of Japanese thought(Advanced Lecture)II  
      片岡 龍  
      後期 月曜日 3講時  


    The purpose is to acquire the basic knowledge for studying Japanese thought and culture, and to raise the methodological awareness of the history of thought through dialogue based on presentations that carefully read the text(from 『西光万吉著作集』第3,4巻) and reserch papaers( published in 加藤昌彦『水平社宣言起草者西光万吉の戦後』).
