

前期集中 その他 連講 その他. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor: その他教員. 履修年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course Numbering: PES-EDU215J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects

授業題目/Class subject

[Archives for Creation: Art, Memory, and Transmission]

授業の目的と概要/Object and Summary of Class

 公文書や歴史資料の保管場所として考えられてきたアーカイブは、近年そのあり方を大きく変貌させつつある。この授業は、アーカイブという記憶機関のあり方について、その歴史的背景を理解しつつ、現代におけるアーカイブの意義を「socio-technical system」(Lemieux 2022)という視点から講じるものである。
 その上で本講義は、「芸術とアーカイブ」という問題に焦点を当てる。現代芸術 contemporary art をめぐる近年の状況について説明したのち、芸術の記録法、芸術を次世代に伝える方法としてのアーカイブなどについて考察する。最終的には、新たな創造を生み出すための土壌となる「創造のためのアーカイブ」を、「社会的なコモンズ」として実現するための構想と可能性について検討する。

[Archives, which have been considered as a place to store official documents and historical materials, are now undergoing a major transformation in recent years. This class will discuss the significance of archives in today's world from the perspective of "socio-technical system" (Lemieux 2022), based on an understanding the historical backgrounds of archives as memory institution.
 Specifically, the historical background of archives as memory institutions will be explained, followed by an overview of recent developments. We will then discuss the social functions of contemporary archives, mainly from the perspective of "social foundations of trust," while also explaining recent technological developments concerning archival activities.
 And we will focus on the issue of "art and archives. After explaining recent situations of contemporary art, the lecture will discuss methods of recording artistic activities, and archiving as a way to transmit art to the next generation.
 Finally, we will examine the concept of "archives for creation,” which will serve as the foundations for future creations. This also means envisioning the archives as "social commons.”
 Through the above, this class will theoretically and concretely discuss the historical background of archives and their contemporary aspects, mainly in terms of art, memory, and transmission.]

学習の到達目標/Goal of study


[①To understand what archives are and their historical background.
②To understand the recent changes in archives and archival studies, and their role in society today, comparing to libraries and museums.
③To understand the creative and educational functions of archives.
④To learn about recent trends in archives and archiving, especially those in the field of the arts.
⑤To learn about the concepts and various practices concerning “arts resource archives” that will generate new creations.
⑥To situate archives as one of the most important resources for contemporary citizens and learners for various purposes.]

授業内容・方法と進度予定/Contents and progress schedule of the class


第1日 アーカイブとはなにか
・イントロダクション:socio-technical systemの人類学

第2日 アーカイブの社会的機能

第3日 芸術とアーカイブ

第4日 これからの社会に向けて


[This class will be carried out by lectures and discussions. Discussions will be held each time and students may be asked to express their opinions in the class.

Contents of the lecture;

Day 1: What is archiving?
Introduction: anthropology of the socio-technical system
Archives: traditional definitions
Archives and it’s transformation in the 20th century: evidence and memory
Archives and it’s transformation in the 21st century: identity and community

Day 2: The social functions of archives
What is a memory institution?
On archives, libraries and museums: commonalities and differences
Disinformation and the foundations of “social trust”
Distributed ledger technology and archives

Day 3 Art and archives
Archiving the arts: why museums alone are insufficient
Archiving the arts: how to record the artistic activities
Revitalizing archives: archives as a foundation for new creation
Creating local and decentralised archives and sharing them widely

Day 4: For the society of the future
Archives as 'social foundations of trust'
Archives as ‘social and cultural commons for creation'

Planned contents may be subject to slight changes depending on the situation.]

成績評価方法/Evaluation method

授業への積極的な参加 50%
レポート 50%

[Active participation in class: 50%
Submission of final report: 50%]

教科書および参考書/Textbook and references

  • コミュニティ・アーカイブをつくろう!, 佐藤知久・甲斐賢治・北野央, 晶文社 (2018) 資料種別:図書
  • Searching for trust : blockchain technology in an age of disinformation, Victoria L. Lemieux, Cambridge University Press (2022) 資料種別:図書
  • "All shook up" : the archival legacy of Terry Cook, Tom Nesmith, Greg Bak, and Joan M. Schwartz(editors), Society of American Archivists , Association of Canadian Archivists (2020) 資料種別:図書
  • アーカイブの思想 : 言葉を知に変える仕組み, 根本彰, みすず書房 (2021) 資料種別:図書
  • アーカイブズ論 : 記録のちからと現代社会, スー・マケミッシュ [ほか] 編, 明石書店 (2019) 資料種別:図書

授業時間外学習/Preparation and Review


[Students are advised to read one of the recommended reference textbooks in advance. During class time, students should prepare for the next day's lesson content.]

 これと関連したシラバス 学務情報システムで確認