
3933 件ヒット (0.026秒):

  •   法とジェンダー演習  
      後期 金曜日 3講時  


      We will discuss themes in gender, law and policy, such as gender stereotypes and biases in law and legal practice, the portrayal of women in the courts and justice systems of Japan and a number of common law jurisdictions, such as Canada, Australia and the US. We will also look at the law concerning transgender persons, following two recent Supreme Court of Japan judgments relating to transgender persons. We will start the semester with more general topics about law and gender, but will concentrate on domestic violence during the latter part of the semester. This seminar aims to cultivate a deeper understanding of gender and the law, as well as to introduce a comparative perspective through readings concerning gender and law in different countries/jurisdictions.

  •   法とジェンダー演習  
      前期 金曜日 3講時  


      We will discuss themes in gender, law and policy, such as gender stereotypes and biases in law and legal practice, the portrayal of women in the courts and justice systems of Japan and a number of common law jurisdictions, such as Canada, Australia and the US. We will also look at the law concerning transgender persons, following two recent Supreme Court of Japan judgments relating to transgender persons. We will start the semester with more general topics about law and gender, but will concentrate on domestic violence during the latter part of the semester. This seminar aims to cultivate a deeper understanding of gender and the law, as well as to introduce a comparative perspective through readings concerning gender and law in different countries/jurisdictions.

  •   国際総合演習II  
      後期 水曜日 2講時  


     We will discuss current topics in family law and policy in Japan and abroad. We will explore, among other things the various legal issues surrounding LGBT families, the legal and policy controversy surrounding assisted reproductive technologies, and the law and policies concerning family violence. This seminar aims to cultivate a deeper understanding and a more global perspective on issues in family law and policy.

  •   多様性・グローバリゼーションと法演習  
      後期 月曜日 5講時  


    In this seminar we will be discussing the role, challenges and limitations of the law in a diverse and increasingly globalizing world by looking at 1) sexual minorities and the law, 2) gender and the law, 3) transnational businesses and the law, 4) religion and the law, and 5) the international movement of people and the legal challenges that this brings about.

  •   法学  
      井上 泰人、他  
      後期 金曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスA200  


    The objective of this course is to develop abilities in solving problems through learning how law is involved in societal issues. The study of law is an academic discipline that considers how to provide stability to society in which people live together. The lectures will provide basic knowledge about law, and on the basis of such knowledge, consider specific issues within actual society from a legal perspective.

  •   現代日本社会論Ⅱ  
      妙木 忍  
      前期 木曜日 3講時 CALL教室 M301  


    The purpose of this course is to give an overview of the development of gender studies and research in Japan. It also aims to analyze Japanese society from the perspective of gender. Through reading papers, lectures, and discussion, the course will handle topics such as education, labor, family, and care work. Furthermore, through a reading of Chizuko Ueno’s 2019 Matriculation Ceremony Congratulatory Address at the University of Tokyo, this course will help students grasp social problems in Japan from the perspective of gender, and explore how we can take independent action to change society.

  •   法学  
      大江 裕幸、他  
      後期 水曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスA101  


    The objective of this course is to develop abilities in solving problems through learning how law is involved in societal issues. The study of law is an academic discipline that considers how to provide stability to society in which people live together. The lectures will provide basic knowledge about law, and on the basis of such knowledge, consider specific issues within actual society from a legal perspective.

  •   日本法演習  
      前期 木曜日 4講時  


    This course will serve as (1) an introduction to Japanese law to those who are new to the subject, (2) a chance to analyze and discuss a wide range of issues in Japanese law, and (3) a chance to gain a more global perspective for those who have already taken courses in Japanese law. After learning/reviewing some basic concepts, we will be discussing a range of specific topics in different areas of Japanese law. Please note that this year there will be much more family law content (and fewer other topics) than previous years (see Preliminary Class Schedule below on details of topics that will be explored in this seminar). Where appropriate, comparative perspectives from other countries will be introduced. The aim of this seminar is to (1) acquire/review the basic concepts of (Japanese) law, (2) deepen the participants’ understanding of Japanese law and Japanese society, and (3) provide a global perspective on social issues in Japan and on the approach of Japanese law in tackling these issues.

  •   社会学各論 / Sociology (Special Lecture)  
      妙木 忍  
      後期 水曜日 2講時  


    The purpose of this course is to give an overview of the history of feminism and interpret the Housewife Controversy, part of Japan’s heritage of thought. It also aims to analyze social mechanisms such as why the controversy revolved around women despite also concerning men and wider society, and why controversy regarding women’s choice of life course continues even as the era and talking points change. Furthermore, through a reading of Chizuko Ueno’s 2019 Matriculation Ceremony Congratulatory Address at the University of Tokyo, this course will help students grasp social problems in Japan from the perspective of gender, and explore how we can take independent action to change society.

  •   社会学特論Ⅲ / Sociology(Advanced Lecture)III  
      妙木 忍  
      後期 水曜日 2講時  


    The purpose of this course is to give an overview of the history of feminism and interpret the Housewife Controversy, part of Japan’s heritage of thought. It also aims to analyze social mechanisms such as why the controversy revolved around women despite also concerning men and wider society, and why controversy regarding women’s choice of life course continues even as the era and talking points change. Furthermore, through a reading of Chizuko Ueno’s 2019 Matriculation Ceremony Congratulatory Address at the University of Tokyo, this course will help students grasp social problems in Japan from the perspective of gender, and explore how we can take independent action to change society.
