
183 件ヒット (0.022秒):

  •   医療安全管理学  
      金田 朋洋, 一関 雄輝, 稲葉 洋平, 小田桐 逸人, 小林 智哉, 高城 久道  
      後期 火曜日 3講時 保健学科第2講義室  



    ・造影剤の投与に伴う危険因子を認識し、特にアナフィラキシーなど重篤な合併症の発生時に適切に対処するため、速やかに医師等に連絡し、自らが一次救命処置(Basic Life Support:BLS)を適切に実施できる能力を身につける。


    /Learn safeties of patients and medical devices in radiology. To understand the basics of safeties and ethics in radiology department or radiology research.

  •   医療安全管理学  
      三浦 昌人  
      前期 月曜日 4講時 保健学科第3講義室  


    Understand the responsibilities and scope of work of clinical technologists. With consideration for infection control, medical safety, and patient care, the students should be able to perform the following tasks in the field: connecting and operating a component blood collection device in the venous system, removing and inserting electrode equipment, injecting contrast medium through the venous system in ultrasonography, rectal-anal function testing, continuous subcutaneous glucose measurement, specimen collection (including sputum aspiration through nasal or tracheal cannula and tissue collection during endoscopy). The students should also be able to recognize the risk factors associated with these procedures and appropriately deal with complications.

  •   医療安全管理学実習  
      三浦 昌人  
      前期集中 その他 連講  


    The purpose of this course is to understand the responsibilities and scope of clinical technologists and to acquire the ability to perform blood collection, specimen collection (from skin lesions, nasal cavity and pharynx), and sputum suctioning through nasal or tracheal cannula, with consideration for infection control, medical safety, and patient care. The students should be able to recognize the risk factors associated with these procedures and appropriately deal with complications when they occur.

  •   診療放射線技師関係法規  
      千田 浩一  
      後期 月曜日 2講時 保健学科第1講義室  


    Understand the fundamentals of laws and regulations for radiologic technologist.

  •   先端放射線科学概論 Introduction to the advanced radiological science  
      権田 幸祐, 高瀬 圭  
      2024年4月~2025年1月 April, 2024 ~ January, 2025  
      授業で使用する動画は、クラスルーム経由で配信します。履修学生がクラスルームを利用する際は、「講義コード: MM31111」の「クラスコード:y5mts7m」を使用します。 Videos used in this class will be delivered via the classroom / When students will use the classroom, use "class code: y5mts7m" in "lecture code: MM31111" /  


    This course offers an opportunity to experience the learning of recently-developed concepts in basic and clinical radiological sciences.

  •   がん診療トレーニング/Oncology Training  
      今谷 晃  

    本科目は,Ⅰがん放射線治療トレーニング,Ⅱがん化学療法トレーニングから構成されている。がんの治療はチーム医療であり,専門職としての技術や能力の他に腫瘍学全般の知識が必要である。本科目では,放射線,抗がん剤の各治療法ならびに画像診断の基礎および臨床を習得する。/Treatment for Cancer is one of the most important team medicine with an advanced professional skill. This course consists of two practices of Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy to understand diagnostic imaging and multidisciplinary therapy for cancer.

  •   放射線検査学トレーニング / Radiological Examination Training  
      千田 浩一  
      2024年10月~2025年2月* / 2024.10~2025.2*  
      毎週水曜日 (または集中講義)* / Every Wednesday (or Intensive course*)  

    放射線検査や核医学技術分野における高度専門職者となるための、放射線検査などについての実地トレーニングなどを行なう。 / To train the radiological examination and radiation management.

  •   病院薬学概論2  
      富岡 佳久  
      前期前半 水曜日 3講時 薬学部中講義室 / 前期前半 水曜日 4講時 薬学部中講義室  



    The environment surrounding medical treatment in recent years is facing a rapid decline in medical resources as the birthrate and aging population ages. Efficient and effective use of medical expenses, which are medical resources, especially pharmaceutical expenditure accounting for a large proportion of them, has become a national policy, and since 2003 the diagnostic group classification comprehensive evaluation (DPC / PDPS: Diagnosis Procedure Combination / Per-Diem Payment System) was started to a specific function hospital such as a university hospital. At the same time, however, the medical field is also required to improve the quality of medical care, including medical safety that originated from medical accidents caused by misdiagnosed patients. A wide range of measures including medical safety, infection control, measures against high-risk medicine, clinical trials and medical management are indispensable, as well as proper use of medicines.

    In the clinical pharmacy pay, we introduce fundamental tasks such as dispensing and pharmaceutical product management, which are mainly performed in the hospital pharmacy department, and also provide pharmaceutical care such as drug management guidance practice (including patient education) Based on the practice, as well as the addition of 'ward drug work execution addition' introduced by revision of medical treatment fee 2012 and its work, even hospital management work including advanced clinical research work and hospital management, university hospital pharmacy department Learn by giving examples in practice.

  •   先端放射線科学概論 Introduction to the advanced radiological science  
      権田 幸祐, 高瀬 圭  
      2024年4月~2025年1月 April, 2024 ~ January, 2025  
      授業で使用する動画は、クラスルーム経由で配信します。履修学生がクラスルームを利用する際は、「講義コード: MM31111」の「クラスコード:y5mts7m」を使用します。 Videos used in this class will be delivered via the classroom / When students will use the classroom, use "class code: y5mts7m" in "lecture code: MM31111" /  


    This course offers an opportunity to experience the learning of recently-developed concepts in basic and clinical radiological sciences.

  •   先端放射線科学概論 Introduction to the advanced radiological science  
      権田 幸祐, 高瀬 圭  
      2024年4月~2025年1月 April, 2024 ~ January, 2025  
      授業で使用する動画は、クラスルーム経由で配信します。履修学生がクラスルームを利用する際は、「講義コード: MM31111」の「クラスコード:y5mts7m」を使用します。 Videos used in this class will be delivered via the classroom / When students will use the classroom, use "class code: y5mts7m" in "lecture code: MM31111" /  


    This course offers an opportunity to experience the learning of recently-developed concepts in basic and clinical radiological sciences.
