
351 件ヒット (0.017秒):

  •   超音波の基本から臨床診断、最新のトピックまで From basis of ultrasound to clinical diagnosis and recent topics  
      西條 芳文  
      前期 1st semester  
      金曜日 8:50-10:20 Friday 8:50-10:20  



    The objectives of the lecture on ultrasound technologies are to understand basic knowledge of sound and ultrasound and to understand the architecture of clinical ultrasound imaging machines. Next, clinical ultrasound images are presented in comparison with X-ray CT, MRI, RI or PET. Moreover, recent ultrasound technologies are introduced.

    Because ultrasound imaging is easy to handle compared with large apparatus such as CT, it helps understanding general medical imaging in the process of parametric imaging.

  •   超音波の基本から臨床診断、最新のトピックまで From basis of ultrasound to clinical diagnosis and recent topics  
      西條 芳文  
      前期 1st semester  
      金曜日 8:50-10:20 Friday 8:50-10:20  



    The objectives of the lecture on ultrasound technologies are to understand basic knowledge of sound and ultrasound and to understand the architecture of clinical ultrasound imaging machines. Next, clinical ultrasound images are presented in comparison with X-ray CT, MRI, RI or PET. Moreover, recent ultrasound technologies are introduced.

    Because ultrasound imaging is easy to handle compared with large apparatus such as CT, it helps understanding general medical imaging in the process of parametric imaging.

  •   超音波の基本から臨床診断、最新のトピックまで From basis of ultrasound to clinical diagnosis and recent topics  
      西條 芳文  
      前期 1st semester  
      金曜日 8:50-10:20 Friday 8:50-10:20  



    The objectives of the lecture on ultrasound technologies are to understand basic knowledge of sound and ultrasound and to understand the architecture of clinical ultrasound imaging machines. Next, clinical ultrasound images are presented in comparison with X-ray CT, MRI, RI or PET. Moreover, recent ultrasound technologies are introduced.

    Because ultrasound imaging is easy to handle compared with large apparatus such as CT, it helps understanding general medical imaging in the process of parametric imaging.

  •   超音波技術学  
      西條 芳文  
      前期 金曜日 1講時 保健学科第5講義室  



    The objectives of the lecture on ultrasound technologies are to understand basic knowledge of sound and ultrasound and to understand the architecture of clinical ultrasound imaging machines. Next, clinical ultrasound images are presented in comparison with X-ray CT, MRI, RI or PET. Moreover, recent ultrasound technologies are introduced.

    Because ultrasound imaging is easy to handle compared with large apparatus such as CT, it helps understanding general medical imaging in the process of parametric imaging.

  •   医用イメージング / Biomedical Imaging  
      西條 芳文, 荒川 元孝, 神崎 展, 本間 経康, 渡部 浩司  

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    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    To understand the objectives and applications of biomedical imaging and to learn the principle and clinical cases of each imaging modality.

  •   総合画像診断技術学演習  
      小林 智哉  
      前期集中 その他 連講  





    For examinations that rely on body position and viewing angles, such as stomach X-ray (barium examination) and ultrasonography, examination technique has a great effect on diagnosis.

    Students will learn normal and lesion images, and will deepen their understanding by simulating the examination with an overview of the examination.

    In recent years, 3D image processing of CT and MRI images has come to account for a large proportion of radiological technologists' work.

    Based on imaging anatomy, learn normal and lesion imaging with effective use of 3D image processing.

  •   臨床撮影技術学Ⅱ  
      稲葉 洋平  
      後期 金曜日 4講時 保健学科第3演習室  



     To understand the basics of imaging related to ultrasonography, fundus examination, CT, MRI, and interventional radiology.

    To understand a comprehensive understanding of clinical imaging methods, usefulness and problems based on anatomical background.

  •   放射線検査学実習Ⅱ(7セメ)  
      金田 朋洋, 一関 雄輝, 稲葉 洋平, 臼井 章仁, 小田桐 逸人, 小林 智哉, 高城 久道  
      前期集中 その他 連講  

    放射線検査学に関する応用的実技を修得するため臨床実習を行う。/ This class conducts clinical training to acquire applied practical skills related to radiologic examination.

  •   医用情報技術科学特論 / Fundamental Radiological Science  
      本間 経康  
      Semester (from April to September)  


    Each faculty member in the fundamental radiological science field teaches from the point of view of their respective expertise to an accurate and high level of understanding.

  •   MRI基礎工学  
      増谷 佳孝, 一関 雄輝  
      前期 水曜日 1講時 保健学科第2講義室  


    Learning MRI principles and their fundamentals including physics, chemistry and mathematics in addition to related techniques for clinical applications
