
386 件ヒット (0.039秒):

  •   キャリア教育Ⅰ(2年)  
      朝倉 京子, 杉山 祥子, 高田 望  
      前期 月曜日 1講時 保健学科第1講義室  

    1. キャリアデザインについての理解を深める

    2. 先輩看護職のキャリアを知り、自分のキャリアについて考える機会とする

    1. To deepen understanding of career design.

    2. To learn about the careers of senior nurses and to think about one's own career

  •   キャリア教育Ⅰ(1年)  
      朝倉 京子, 杉山 祥子, 高田 望  
      前期 金曜日 1講時 保健学科第2講義室  

    1. キャリアデザインについての理解を深める

    2. 先輩看護職のキャリアを知り、自分のキャリアについて考える機会とする

    1. To deepen understanding of career design.

    2. To learn about the careers of senior nurses and to think about one's own career

  •   キャリア教育Ⅱ  
      朝倉 京子, 杉山 祥子, 高田 望  
      前期 月曜日 1講時 保健学科大講義室  

    1. キャリアデザインについての理解を深める

    2. 先輩看護職のキャリアを知り、自分のキャリアについて考える機会とする

    1. To deepen understanding of career design.

    2. To learn about the careers of senior nurses and to think about one's own career.

  •   看護教育学  
      朝倉 京子, 杉山 祥子, 高田 望  
      後期 火曜日 2講時 保健学科第2講義室  


    Learning the theory and methods of nursing education.

  •   看護学概論  
      朝倉 京子, 杉山 祥子  
      前期 水曜日 2講時  






    ・ Learning about nursing and the development of nursing and Deepen your understanding of the key concepts of nursing.

    ・Developing a deeper understanding of professionalism and responsibilities of nursing professionals.

    ・Deepen understanding of nursing ethics

  •   キャリア教育特別講義(専門職キャリアのための口腔保健学総論)  
      小関 健由、他  
      後期 金曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスB101  


    Oral health management and promotion for from infants to the elderly, the disabled and the diseased, is an important task for medical doctors, nurses, pharmacists, care workers and teachers while the opportunity of learning about oral health is limited in their curriculum of career education. The aim of this course is to provide students with lectures about the basic of oral heath required for these professionals and to be of assistance for their career development.

  •   精神専門看護学実習Ⅰ Mental Health Nursing PracticeⅠ 専門看護師の役割機能の理解と実践 Understanding and practice of role and functioning of clinical nurse specialists  
      吉井 初美  
      2025年2月10日(月)~14日(金) From Monday, 10 February 2025 to Fr. 14 February 2025  
      5日間(うち1日は学内演習)9:30-16:00 Five days (including one day of practice in the university), 9 / 30am-5 / 00pm  


    Students will learn the role and functioning of psychiatric-menta health clinical nurse specialists (PMH-CNSs) through shadowing of clinical practice at mental healthcare organizations. Specifically, PMH-CNSs will serve as role models to enable students learn advanced nursing practice that integrates care and cure based on scientific evidence, education for other nurses for care quality improvement, consultation with care providers including nurses, coordination within stakeholders in health and social care services which is needed for smooth care provision, researches to improve and develop expert knowledge and skills, and ethical coordination to address ethical challenges and conflicts. Furthermore, students will identify own tasks that should be achieved to perform the role of PMH-CNS, through the discussion with faculty members and PMH-CNSs who are trainers of nursing practice, literature reviews, and research presentations. Students will accomplish such identified tasks to foster own skills for nursing practice.

  •   看護管理・政策論  
      朝倉 京子, 大森 純子, 杉山 祥子, 高田 望, 原 ゆかり  
      後期 火曜日 1講時 保健学科第2講義室  



    1. Understand nursing management as a "structure" for providing nursing care, and learn various theories and foundational knowledge necessary to manage nursing services.

    2. Gain an understanding of legal systems related to health, nursing, medical care, and welfare, contemplate the role and responsibilities of nursing professionals with national qualifications in policy-making, and deepen perspectives on nursing care.

  •   がん看護学セミナーⅡ (Oncology Nursing Seminar Ⅱ)  
      宮下 光令  
      令和5年10月1日(火)~令和5年12月17日(火) From Tuesday, October 1, 2024 to Tuesday, December 17  
      毎週火曜日 14:40~16:10 第5-6回、第10-11回、第14-15回は14:40~17:50 Every Tuesday, From 14:40~16:10 Lecture 5-6・10-11・14-15 Every Tuesday, From 14:40~17:50  

    1) がん患者・家族の受診・診断、病名・予後告知、治療選択、集学的治療、再発・転移時、終末期の患者・家族に関する身体・心理・社会的側面についてアセスメントを行い、人間関係の諸理論を活用し、患者・家族の意思決定を支える看護について探究する。

    2) がん看護専門看護師の役割・活動である教育、相談、調整者としての能力を開発し、家族・重要他者・医療者のストレスマネジメント及び倫理的問題を探究する。

    1) Assess the physical, psychological and social aspects of cancer patients and their families during consultation and diagnosis, disease and prognosis announcement, treatment selection, multidisciplinary treatment, recurrence and metastasis, and at the end of life, and utilise various theories of human relationships to explore nursing care to support patient and family decision-making.

    2) Develop the competencies of the oncology nurse specialist nurse's roles and activities as educator, consultant and coordinator, and explore stress management and ethical issues for families, significant others and healthcare professionals.

  •   老年看護学実習(3年)  
      尾﨑 章子, 清水 恵  
      通年集中 その他 連講  


    Understand health and health problems of older adults/people received home care services and their families in communities, and how to provide nursing care according to needs. And learn collaboration and coordination of services with related health service facilities and roles of nurses in integrated community care systems.
