
1225 件ヒット (0.048秒):

  •   財務諸表分析  
      後期 月曜日 2講時  


     I will lecture on the basic framework of financial statement analysis, focusing on the basic method of ratio analysis. The techniques that can be acquired from this lecture are widely applicable to corporate evaluation, bankruptcy analysis, securities investment analysis, and auditing.

  •   会計情報論特論  
      後期 月曜日 2講時 会計大学院講義室A  



     I will lecture on the basic framework of financial statement analysis, focusing on the basic method of ratio analysis. The techniques that can be acquired from this lecture are widely applicable to corporate evaluation, bankruptcy analysis, securities investment analysis, and auditing.

  •   【トピックス会計学】財務会計/財務諸表分析  
      前期 金曜日 2講時 経済学部第2講義室  


    Financial accounting is an important mechanism to support modern companies, which aims to provide accounting information, mainly financial statements, to stakeholders outside the company. In this lecture, the function and structure of financial accounting will be outlined, and the methods of analyzing accounting information will be studied.

  •   簿記3  
      前期 木曜日 6講時  


    To learn the basics of bookkeeping to prepare financial statements that represent the economic activities of companies. The focus of the course is on consolidated financial statements.The goal of this course is to develop the ability to respond flexibly in any situation by fully understanding the ""core"" of the bookkeeping concept, while being aware of business processes such as sales, financing, and investment, even if a new change occurs in the economic environment.

  •   財務会計3  
      前期 水曜日 4講時  


    The purpose of this course is to learn accounting standards and the background of standard setting in financial accounting. This course covers accounting standards (Japanese Generally Accepted Accounting Principle) for income taxes, business combinations, business divestitures, foreign currency translation, consolidated financial statements, and other corporate disclosure.

  •   コーポレートファイナンス 1  
      後期 月曜日 7講時  


     This course introduces basic theory of corporate finance. This course demonstrates basic concepts on corporate investment decisions, financing and capital structure, dividend policy in corporate finance.

  •   会計原理  
      後期 火曜日 1講時 経済学部第1講義室 / 後期 金曜日 2講時 経済学部第1講義室  


    Financial accounting is a type of accounting that provides information about a company's financial performance and financial position to external stakeholders such as investors and creditors. This accounting information is used by stakeholders to make their own financial decisions and plays an important role in the economy.


    This course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of financial accounting. It covers various topics, including institutional accounting, accounting theory, accounting standards, and fundamental and advanced issues.


    The course will use a company’s financial statements to demonstrate the practical application of accounting knowledge and illustrate how accounting information can be vividly understood.

  •   財務会計の理論と実証  
      後期 木曜日 1講時  


    / The purpose of this course is to provide a theoretical background on the function of financial accounting, reviewing systematically empirical research. While accounting students generally study the process by which companies disclose financial statements based on accounting standards, they do not have many opportunities to learn about how financial statements work and what consequence they have. Such knowledge of the functions and economic consequences of financial accounting will be significant for us to understand the usefulness of financial accounting and deal with accounting information on practice. The academic research of financial accounting has developed economic theories and examined these theories empirically based on data such as financial statements and stock prices, which are called archival research in financial accounting. In this course, we will review the early research that provided the basis for much of the research to date, with a focus on empirical research in financial accounting and related fields. And then, we will also cover various research topics that have developed and expanded from that research. In the lectures, students will understand the process of hypothesis development based on the research question and theoretical background of each study, and discuss the implications of the empirical analysis results and issues for the future.

  •   財務報告論特論  
      前期 火曜日 6講時 会計大学院講義室B  



     The objective of this lecture is to acquire a framework for evaluating the value of a specific business of a company or the company itself. In the lecture, various corporate valuation methods will be explained theoretically and practically. In addition, students will deepen their understanding of corporate valuation by analyzing case of M&A and MBO.

  •   財務会計論特論  
      後期 木曜日 1講時 会計大学院演習室  


    / The purpose of this course is to provide a theoretical background on the function of financial accounting, reviewing systematically empirical research. While accounting students generally study the process by which companies disclose financial statements based on accounting standards, they do not have many opportunities to learn about how financial statements work and what consequence they have. Such knowledge of the functions and economic consequences of financial accounting will be significant for us to understand the usefulness of financial accounting and deal with accounting information on practice. The academic research of financial accounting has developed economic theories and examined these theories empirically based on data such as financial statements and stock prices, which are called archival research in financial accounting. In this course, we will review the early research that provided the basis for much of the research to date, with a focus on empirical research in financial accounting and related fields. And then, we will also cover various research topics that have developed and expanded from that research. In the lectures, students will understand the process of hypothesis development based on the research question and theoretical background of each study, and discuss the implications of the empirical analysis results and issues for the future.
