
208 件ヒット (0.038秒):

  •   学際フロンティア特別研修  
      日笠 健一  
      通年集中 その他 連講 その他  


  •   学際研究特別研修III  
      日笠 健一  
      通年集中 その他 連講 その他  

    学際研究特別研修IIに引き続き,学際高等研究教育院が学際科学フロンティア研究所と協力して開催する全領域合同研究交流会および FRIS/DIARE Joint Workshop において,自分の研究内容を異分野の学生・研究者に理解できるよう工夫された発表を行い,専門外の視点からの質問・議論により,発表者も含め,理解を深化させる。

  •   学際研究特別研修IV  
      日笠 健一  
      通年集中 その他 連講 その他  

    学際研究特別研修IIIに引き続き,学際高等研究教育院が学際科学フロンティア研究所と協力して開催する全領域合同研究交流会および FRIS/DIARE Joint Workshop において,自分の研究内容を異分野の学生・研究者に理解できるよう工夫された発表を行い,専門外の視点からの質問・議論により,発表者も含め,理解を深化させる。

  •   学際研究特別研修II  
      日笠 健一  
      通年集中 その他 連講 その他  

    学際研究特別研修Iに引き続き,学際高等研究教育院が学際科学フロンティア研究所と協力して開催する全領域合同研究交流会および FRIS/DIARE Joint Workshop において,自分の研究内容を異分野の学生・研究者に理解できるよう工夫された発表を行い,専門外の視点からの質問・議論により,発表者も含め,理解を深化させる。

  •   学際研究特別研修I  
      日笠 健一  
      通年集中 その他 連講 その他  

    学際高等研究教育院が学際科学フロンティア研究所と協力して開催する全領域合同研究交流会および FRIS/DIARE Joint Workshop において,自分の研究内容を異分野の学生・研究者に理解できるよう工夫された発表を行い,専門外の視点からの質問・議論により,発表者も含め,理解を深化させる。

  •   融合領域研究合同講義  
      日笠 健一  
      後期 水曜日 3講時 その他  


  •   エネルギーや資源と持続可能性  
      久保田 健吾、他  
      後期 水曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスC105  


    The purpose of this subject is to acquire basic knowledge about various issues related with the social sustainability, such as energy and resources. Faculty members of graduate school of environmental studies give lectures including the latest topics in omnibus style.

  •   環境・地球科学基礎講義Ⅱ / Advanced Geochemistry : a solid Earth perspective  
      掛川 武, MC DONOUGH WILLI  
      前期 木曜日 5講時  

    1. Stars: birthplace of the elements (nucleosynthesis)

     origin of the elements, fusion processes, types of stars, abundances of the elements

    2. Meteorites and cosmochemical abundances

     behavior of the elements, refractory vs volatile elements, the building blocks, ages of meteorites

    3. Planetary accretion, differentiation, solar system

     Accretion disks, assembling the Earth, planetary comparisons, Moon formation, core formation,

    4. Radiogenic isotopes: Rb‐Sr, Sm‐Nd, Lu‐Hf

     Basics of geochronology, model ages, crust-mantle fractionation, mantle recycling, lithophile


    5. Radiogenic isotopes: Re‐Os, U‐Pb, Hf-W

     Core - mantle fractionation, age of core formation, kappa conundrum, litho-sidero-chalcophile


    6. Radiogenic isotopes: extinct isotope systems

     26Al, 53Mn, 182W, 142Nd, 129I 244Pu and their very different stories – constraining early Earth


    7. Radiogenic isotopes: Noble Gases and Stable isotopes

     K/U, K-Ar, He/Ne/Ar, Xe isotopes, the He heat flow paradox; Li – recycling and weathering

    8. Radiogenic isotopes: cosmogenic and subterranean production

     surface dating, ocean water circulation, groundwater dating, calculating neutron fluxes and novel

     applications of these data, radiogenic noble gases production

     The composition and differentiation of the Earth: BSE, core, modern mantle and crust

    9. The Primitive Mantle (BSE)

     what do meteorites say? models for making the Earth, layering in the mantle, heat budget for the

     Earth (K, Th & U), geoneutrinos and their constraints

    10. The Core

     Fe + Ni + light element(?), physical description, CMB & ICB temperatures, radiogenic heat, W & Pb

     ages, geodynamo

    11. The modern mantle

     mantle melting, mantle geotherm, layering the mantle, sources of basalts, its domains: products of

     early magma oceans or products of recycled slabs, recent news…

    12. The Crust

     oceanic vs continental, their masses and ages, growth of the continents, what is and isn’t a

     continent, heat production and heat flow, the Moho: a poorly understood boundary, mass balances in

     the BSE

    1. Stars: birthplace of the elements (nucleosynthesis)

     origin of the elements, fusion processes, types of stars, abundances of the elements

    2. Meteorites and cosmochemical abundances

     behavior of the elements, refractory vs volatile elements, the building blocks, ages of meteorites

    3. Planetary accretion, differentiation, solar system

     Accretion disks, assembling the Earth, planetary comparisons, Moon formation, core formation,

    4. Radiogenic isotopes: Rb‐Sr, Sm‐Nd, Lu‐Hf

     Basics of geochronology, model ages, crust-mantle fractionation, mantle recycling, lithophile


    5. Radiogenic isotopes: Re‐Os, U‐Pb, Hf-W

     Core - mantle fractionation, age of core formation, kappa conundrum, litho-sidero-chalcophile


    6. Radiogenic isotopes: extinct isotope systems

     26Al, 53Mn, 182W, 142Nd, 129I 244Pu and their very different stories – constraining early Earth


    7. Radiogenic isotopes: Noble Gases and Stable isotopes

     K/U, K-Ar, He/Ne/Ar, Xe isotopes, the He heat flow paradox; Li – recycling and weathering

    8. Radiogenic isotopes: cosmogenic and subterranean production

     surface dating, ocean water circulation, groundwater dating, calculating neutron fluxes and novel

     applications of these data, radiogenic noble gases production

     The composition and differentiation of the Earth: BSE, core, modern mantle and crust

    9. The Primitive Mantle (BSE)

     what do meteorites say? models for making the Earth, layering in the mantle, heat budget for the

     Earth (K, Th & U), geoneutrinos and their constraints

    10. The Core

     Fe + Ni + light element(?), physical description, CMB & ICB temperatures, radiogenic heat, W & Pb

     ages, geodynamo

    11. The modern mantle

     mantle melting, mantle geotherm, layering the mantle, sources of basalts, its domains: products of

     early magma oceans or products of recycled slabs, recent news…

    12. The Crust

     oceanic vs continental, their masses and ages, growth of the continents, what is and isn’t a

     continent, heat production and heat flow, the Moho: a poorly understood boundary, mass balances in

     the BSE

  •   エネルギーや資源と持続可能性  
      久保田 健吾、他  
      後期 金曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスB104  


    The purpose of this subject is to acquire basic knowledge about various issues related with the social sustainability, such as energy and resources. Faculty members of graduate school of environmental studies give lectures including the latest topics in omnibus style.

  •   学際研究特別講義I  
      日笠 健一  
      後期前半 水曜日 3講時 その他  

