
3281 件ヒット (0.049秒):

  •   現代暗号の理論  
      静谷 啓樹  
      後期 火曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスC104  

    情報技術が社会に広く深く織り込まれた現在、その基盤となる科学を理解した上で技術と向き合うことこそが、技術に流されない自分を確立する第一歩になる. この授業では、情報社会の安全を支える現代暗号理論について、その入門的事項を輪講形式で学ぶ. この場合の輪講形式とは、受講学生が教科書の担当部分を全員に講義することを意味する.

    The first step not to lose ourselves in today's advanced information society is to understand the science underling the technology.In this introductory class, we will learn in seminar style, basics of the modern cryptology which supports the security of information society. Seminar style in this context means that each student is expected to give a presentation to other students on the assigned part of the textbook.

  •   セキュア情報通信システム論  
      後期 木曜日 4講時  


  •   セキュア情報通信システム論 / Secure Information Communication Systems  
      本間 尚文  


    The objective is to learn the basics for building an information communication system securely. In this lecture, we first study the basicsof modern cryptography which is the fundamental technology to construct information security. In particular, we learn about thealgorithms and implementation of symmetric key and public key cryptography. We then learn about the outline of physical attacks appliedto the implementation and countermeasures against them. On that basis, we learn the related technologies such as next-generationcryptography, secure computing technique, hardware authentication, electromagnetic information security, and IoT security.

  •   暗号理論  
      後期 木曜日 2講時  


  •   コンピュテーショナル・シンキング  
      静谷 啓樹  
      後期 金曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA103  


    問題を解決する知的スキルのこと、となる。 CTの核心部分は「二つのA」と表現される。二つとは、抽象化(abstraction)と自動化(automation)を指す。この授業ではCTを理解し、経験してみることを目指して、輪講形式で学ぶ。この場合の輪講形式とは、受講学生が教科書の担当部分を全員に講義することを意味する。

    In a nutshell, the computational thinking, CT for short is the mental skill to think and solve a problem in the style of computer science. The core part of CT is expressed as two A's, namely abstraction and automation.

    In this introductory class, we will understand CT and get some CT experience in seminar style. Each student is expected to give a presentation to other students on the assigned part of the textbook.

  •   問題の難しさの科学  
      静谷 啓樹  
      前期 火曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスA104  


    The first step not to lose ourselves in today's advanced information society is to understand

    the science underling the technology. In this introductory class, we will learn basics of

    Computational Complexity Theory which is a part of the mathematical and fundamental theory of information.

    Specifically we will understand that each problem belongs to some class of

    difficulty and that difficulty can be ordered by some reducibility.

  •   情報の量の科学  
      静谷 啓樹  
      前期 木曜日 5講時 川北キャンパスC104  


    The first step not to lose ourselves in today's advanced information society is to understand

    the science underling the technology. In this introductory class, we will learn basics of

    Information Theory which is a part of the mathematical and fundamental theory of information.

    Specifically we will recognize that that daily life is filled with the fruits of

    Information Theory.

  •   哲学特論Ⅲ / Philosophy(Advanced Lecture)III  
      後期集中 その他 その他  


    In this lecture, we will learn about the debate over the nature of oictorial representation that has been developed in contemporary analytical philosophy, and aim to deepen our understanding of the series of concepts used in the debate and the series of propositions that have been the subject of controversy.

  •   哲学思想各論 / Western Philosophical Thought (Special Lecture)  
      後期集中 その他 その他  


    In this lecture, we will learn about the debate over the nature of oictorial representation that has been developed in contemporary analytical philosophy, and aim to deepen our understanding of the series of concepts used in the debate and the series of propositions that have been the subject of controversy.

  •   美学・西洋美術史各論 / Aesthetics and History of European Fine Arts (Special Lectur  
      足達 薫  
      前期 月曜日 4講時  


    In contemporary art and photography, we often refer to works of art that shake the boundaries between reality and fiction, nature and technology as "magical. However, the correlation between art and magic was already discovered in ancient times, and in the early modern period, art and magic (and science) developed as artificial arts that manipulate nature, intermingling at an essential level. In this class, we will focus on the Italian Renaissance in particular, and through the analysis of specific works and examples of artists, we will explain aspects of art that are often forgotten in the modern world.
