
771 件ヒット (0.061秒):

  •   学問論演習  
      亀井 尚、赤松 大二朗、谷山 裕亮、戸子台 和哲  
      後期後半 月曜日 1講時 川北キャンパスC104 / 後期後半 月曜日 2講時 その他  

    いったい何歳から高齢者なのか?実はこれは地域やそこに住む人々の認識によって時代ごとに変わって行くものなのです。現在WHOでは65歳以上を高齢者と定義していますが、本邦で近年行われたアンケートによると70歳以上を高齢者とみなしている人が多く、行政上では目的によって定義を変えているといった状況です。例えば、改正道路交通法では70歳以上を「高齢者」としていますが、「高齢者の医療の確保に関する法律」では、65歳以上を高齢者とした上で、65-74歳までを前期高齢者、75歳以上を後期高齢者と分けて定義しています(内閣府HP、厚労省HPより参照)。さて定義はさておき、令和4年10月時点での日本の総人口は1億 2,495 万人で、その内65 歳以上の人口は3,624 万人となり、総人口 に占める割合(高齢化率)が 29.0%となりました(総務省人口推計)。30年前は14%でしたので、飛躍的に上がっていると言えます。このままの出生率と死亡率で推移すると仮定しますと、令和52年には65 歳以上の人口が38.7%に達すると見込まれています。




    At what ages one become classified as an elderly person? This actually varies over time due to regional and community perceptions. The World Health Organization defines individuals aged 65 and above as elderly. However, recent surveys in Japan suggest that many consider those aged 70 and above as elderly, and administrative definitions change based on the purpose. For instance, the low of road traffic defined those aged 70 and above as "elderly," while the law of medical care for the elderly defines the elderly as 65 and above, further categorizing 65-74 as early elderly and 75 and above as late elderly.

    Japan's total population has reached 124.95 million, with 36.24 million aged 65 or older, constituting 29.0% of the total population. This is a significant increase from 30 years ago when it was 14%. If the current birth and mortality rates go the same, the population aged 65 and above will reach 38.7% by the next 50 years.

    The term "super-aged society" generally gives us a negative impression. Indeed, continuing current healthcare and welfare systems may cause heavy economic and social burdens on the younger generation, potentially leading to some confusion among those citizens. However, there might be a possibility that through individual mindset changes and systemic improvements, the entire Japanese population can age gracefully and live out their limited lives happily. This is not a future concern; it is an issue for everyone who lives in this society.

    This lecture focuses on "What should healthcare be in a super-aged society?" There are various diseases, including cancer, vascular and neurological diseases, each of which may or may not be life-threatening. There are also different phases for medical care, such as the early phase for injury or illness, the recovery phase as the condition stabilizes, and the chronic phase for situations where recovery is challenging but the condition is relatively stable. Moreover, desirable outcomes depend on individual circumstances such as residence, employment, income, family structure, and physical independence. Welfare discussions cannot be detached from healthcare considerations.

    This course explores cancer treatment (liver cancer, esophageal cancer), transplant medicine, and vascular treatment. Through self-learning and group discussions, we seek answers from students regarding what medical and healthcare should be appropriate for a super-aged society. This involves considering various perspectives, including systems (healthcare, welfare, tax, etc.) and public awareness.

    Rather than discussing the entire topic vaguely, I encourage students to focus on a specific aspect, utilize data, and logically organize and analyze the issue as much as possible.

  •   放射線腫瘍学/Radiation Oncology  
      武田 賢  
      2024年10月~2024年12月/From 2024/Oct to 2024/Dec  
      毎週金曜日 08:50~10:20/Every Friday 8:50-10:20  

    手術と薬物療法に加えて、放射線療法はがん治療の3つの柱で重要な役割を果たします。 がん患者の高齢化とそれに伴う基礎疾患により、手術や抗がん剤が困難な症例が増えており、身体的負担の少ない放射線療法の需要が高まっています。 この講義では、がん患者に適切な放射線療法を提供することを目的とした放射線腫瘍学の基本的な知識を学びます。

                 /Along with surgery and drug therapy, radiation therapy plays an important role in the three pillars of cancer treatment. The aging of cancer patients and the accompanying underlying disease are increasing the number of cases in which surgery and anticancer drugs are difficult, and the demand for radiation therapy with less physical burden is increasing. In this lecture, students will learn the basic knowledge ofradiation oncology aiming for delivering adequate radiation therapy for cancer patients.

  •   放射線腫瘍学/Radiation Oncology  
      武田 賢  
      2024年10月~2024年12月/From 2024/Oct to 2024/Dec  
      毎週金曜日 08:50~10:20/Every Friday 8:50-10:20  

    手術と薬物療法に加えて、放射線療法はがん治療の3つの柱で重要な役割を果たします。 がん患者の高齢化とそれに伴う基礎疾患により、手術や抗がん剤が困難な症例が増えており、身体的負担の少ない放射線療法の需要が高まっています。 この講義では、がん患者に適切な放射線療法を提供することを目的とした放射線腫瘍学の基本的な知識を学びます。

                 /Along with surgery and drug therapy, radiation therapy plays an important role in the three pillars of cancer treatment. The aging of cancer patients and the accompanying underlying disease are increasing the number of cases in which surgery and anticancer drugs are difficult, and the demand for radiation therapy with less physical burden is increasing. In this lecture, students will learn the basic knowledge ofradiation oncology aiming for delivering adequate radiation therapy for cancer patients.

  •   がん看護学セミナーⅡ (Oncology Nursing Seminar Ⅱ)  
      宮下 光令  
      令和5年10月1日(火)~令和5年12月17日(火) From Tuesday, October 1, 2024 to Tuesday, December 17  
      毎週火曜日 14:40~16:10 第5-6回、第10-11回、第14-15回は14:40~17:50 Every Tuesday, From 14:40~16:10 Lecture 5-6・10-11・14-15 Every Tuesday, From 14:40~17:50  

    1) がん患者・家族の受診・診断、病名・予後告知、治療選択、集学的治療、再発・転移時、終末期の患者・家族に関する身体・心理・社会的側面についてアセスメントを行い、人間関係の諸理論を活用し、患者・家族の意思決定を支える看護について探究する。

    2) がん看護専門看護師の役割・活動である教育、相談、調整者としての能力を開発し、家族・重要他者・医療者のストレスマネジメント及び倫理的問題を探究する。

    1) Assess the physical, psychological and social aspects of cancer patients and their families during consultation and diagnosis, disease and prognosis announcement, treatment selection, multidisciplinary treatment, recurrence and metastasis, and at the end of life, and utilise various theories of human relationships to explore nursing care to support patient and family decision-making.

    2) Develop the competencies of the oncology nurse specialist nurse's roles and activities as educator, consultant and coordinator, and explore stress management and ethical issues for families, significant others and healthcare professionals.

  •   保健医療福祉行政論  
      大森 純子, 岩本 萌  
      前期 月曜日 4講時 保健学科大講義室  



    To understand a comprehensive overview of the concept of social security in Japan and other countries, healthcare, welfare, pensions, etc., and the basic concept, legal basis and specific measures of healthcare and welfare administration.

    To learn about the planning and evaluation of actual health and medical welfare plans through specific examples on child welfare and disability (child) welfare, medical consultation support in hospitals, and various issues of local medical service.

    In addition, the impact of preventive medicine on the social security system and healthcare economy will be captured along with the future vision.

  •   放射線腫瘍学  
      武田 賢  
      後期 金曜日 1講時 保健学科大講義室  

    手術と薬物療法に加えて、放射線療法はがん治療の3つの柱で重要な役割を果たします。 がん患者の高齢化とそれに伴う基礎疾患により、手術や抗がん剤が困難な症例が増えており、身体的負担の少ない放射線療法の需要が高まっています。 この講義では、がん患者に適切な放射線療法を提供することを目的とした放射線腫瘍学の基本的な知識を学びます。

                 /Along with surgery and drug therapy, radiation therapy plays an important role in the three pillars of cancer treatment. The aging of cancer patients and the accompanying underlying disease are increasing the number of cases in which surgery and anticancer drugs are difficult, and the demand for radiation therapy with less physical burden is increasing. In this lecture, students will learn the basic knowledge ofradiation oncology aiming for delivering adequate radiation therapy for cancer patients.

  •   医療薬学病院実習  
      富岡 佳久  
      前期集中 その他 その他  


    In this training, students will understand the practices and responsibilities of hospital pharmacists and acquire basic knowledge, skills and attitudes about pharmacist skills such as dispensing and preparation, patient’s education, etc. so that they can participate in team medicine.

  •   放射線腫瘍学/Radiation Oncology  
      武田 賢  
      2024年10月~2024年12月/From 2024/Oct to 2024/Dec  
      毎週金曜日 08:50~10:20/Every Friday 8:50-10:20  

    手術と薬物療法に加えて、放射線療法はがん治療の3つの柱で重要な役割を果たします。 がん患者の高齢化とそれに伴う基礎疾患により、手術や抗がん剤が困難な症例が増えており、身体的負担の少ない放射線療法の需要が高まっています。 この講義では、がん患者に適切な放射線療法を提供することを目的とした放射線腫瘍学の基本的な知識を学びます。

                 /Along with surgery and drug therapy, radiation therapy plays an important role in the three pillars of cancer treatment. The aging of cancer patients and the accompanying underlying disease are increasing the number of cases in which surgery and anticancer drugs are difficult, and the demand for radiation therapy with less physical burden is increasing. In this lecture, students will learn the basic knowledge ofradiation oncology aiming for delivering adequate radiation therapy for cancer patients.

  •   保健医療福祉情報ネットワーク論 Health Care Network and Informatics  
      中山 雅晴  
      2024年10月1日(火)~ 2025年3月25日(火) Oct. 3, 2022 – Mar. 25, 2025  
      毎週 火 曜日 14:40~16:10 Every Tuesday 14:40~16:10  


    Learning the basics on networking of healthcare information and data utilization.


    Learning the basic knowledge about the utilization of medical information and health care to solve social issues related to medical care and welfare.

  •   福祉心理学  
      神谷 哲司, その他教員  
      前期 火曜日 1講時 総合研究棟206教室  

