
547 件ヒット (0.028秒):

  •   伝熱・流体の力学 / Heat Transfer and Mechanics of Fluid  
      及川 勝成  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。






    3.達成目標等  (この授業を通して以下の能力を修得することを目標とする)

    ・ 本学科の学習・教育目標のA、B、C、Kに関する能力を含めて修得する.

    ・ 伝熱現象ならびにマクロな立場からの伝熱現象のモデル化手法を理解する.

    ・ 流体力学の基礎について理解する.

    ・ 伝熱・流れの問題に対する厳密解および近似解法について理解し応用できる能力を養う.

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    1. Objective

    The basis of manufacturing is to control the shape and characteristics by applying heat and force to the row material, and it is important to know the temperature field inside the material and the relationship between the applied force and deformation / flow.

    In this course, we focus on heat transfer phenomena appearing in engineering and their mathematical process. In addition, we introduce some mathematical models of fluid motion such as convection problems.

    2. Outiline

    Learn how to model heat transfer phenomena appearing in engineering problems from a macroscopic aspects and how to derive basic equations. Exact solutions and approximate solutions for qualitatively and quantitatively evaluating heat transfer phenomena in engineering are expound. In addition, learn the basics of fluid mechanics, focusing on convective heat transfer.

    3. Outcomes

    Understand heat transfer phenomena and modeling methods of heat transfer phenomena from a macroscopic aspect.

    Understand the basics of fluid mechanics.

    Develop the ability to understand and apply exact and approximate solutions to heat transfer and flow problems.

    This course includes the our program outcomes of A, B, C, K

  •   伝熱学 / Heat Transfer  
      小原 拓  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは i5cth6x です。2024年度は対面(機1)で授業を行いますが、資料の配布にClassroomを使います。

    1. 目的 


    2. 概要 


    3. 達成目標等 


    The class code of Google Classroom is i5cth6x. This Classroom is utilized to distribute the handout.

    1. Objectives 

    The purpose of this class is to provide students with an understanding of heat transfer science, which is the basis for the design of thermal energy equipment and devices in engineering fields such as mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, and environmental engineering. Students will learn the basic equations of the heat transfer mechanisms driven by a temperature difference. They will also learn how to solve the equations mathematically and how to apply the equations to industrial equipment, including specific exercises.

    2. Outline 

    In this class, students will learn how to formulate and solve the physical phenomena of heat conduction, convection, and radiation, which are the three basic forms of heat transfer, as well as the dimensionless numbers that govern the phenomena. In addition, students will learn how to apply them to the design of practical engineering equipments such as heating and cooling equipment, air conditioning equipment, and heat exchangers.

    3. Objectives 

    To understand the fundamentals of heat transfer and to acquire the academic skills to optimize the design of thermal energy devices in industry and engineering.

  •   数理流体力学 / Mathematical Fluid Dynamics  
      江原 真司, 橋爪 秀利  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。


    本講義ではGoogle Classroomを使用して講義情報を発信します(クラスコード: nwihw6n)。










    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    In this class, lecture information will be sent via Google Classroom (class code: nwihw6n).

    1. Objectives

    The purpose of this class is to provide students with an understanding of heat transfer science and fluid dynamics, which are the basis of the design of thermal engineering system such as advanced nuclear fission reactors, nuclear fusion reactors and particle accelerators, and of numerical analysis method as their applications.

    2. Outline

    In this class, students will learn how to formulate and solve the physical phenomena of heat conduction, convection, which are the basic mechanism of heat transfer, as regards heat transfer science. Regarding fluid mechanics, students will learn complex analysis of ideal fluid and motion of viscous fluid including boundary layer, as well as dimensionless numbers that govern the phenomena. In addition, students will understand the basics of tensor analysis, learn the relationship between viscous stress and strain rate, and derive the Navier-Stokes equation.

    3. Goal

    To understand the fundamentals of heat transfer and to acquire the academic skills to derive and handle the governing equations.

    To understand mathematical aspects of basic equations in fluid mechanics, and characteristic features and mathematical expressions of viscous fluid motions.

    To understand the way to derive relationships among dimensionless numbers through the dimension analysis

    To understand the basics of tensor analysis and understand the meaning of each term in the Navier-Stokes equation.

  •   伝熱学 / Heat Transfer  
      中田 俊彦  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。












    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)


    Class code: bjxjucq


    1. Objectives

    The purpose of this course is to provide students with an understanding of heat transfer science, which is the basis for the design of heat energy equipment in engineering fields such as mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, and environmental engineering. The aim of this course is to provide students with an understanding of the basic equations of heat transfer mechanisms, their mathematical solutions, and their applications to industrial equipment, including specific exercises, for the phenomena of heat energy transfer with temperature differences.

    2. Outline

    In this course, students will learn the formulation and solution methods of the physical phenomena of heat conduction, convection and radiation, which are the three basic forms of heat transfer, and the non-dimensional numbers that govern the phenomena. In addition, students will learn how to apply these phenomena to the design of practical engineering equipment such as heating and cooling equipment, air conditioning equipment, and heat exchangers.

    3. Methods of achievement 

    To understand the fundamentals of heat transfer and to acquire the academic skills for the optimum design of heat energy equipment in industry and engineering.

  •   エネルギー工学 / Energy Technology  
      青木 秀之  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。












    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    1. Objective

    Following the course, Transport Phenomena, students learn basic heat and mass transfer which are required to design the thermal equipment and reactor. The set of "Transport Phenomena" and this "Energy Engineering" complete the "Rate Processes".

    2. Summary

     Solid and fluid flow is generally used in industrial process with heating and cooling. To optimize the process design and its operation, analysis of heat and mass transfer is required. This course provides students with principle of equipment related with energy and mass transfer, and improvement of the equipment.

    3. Target

    Targets of this course are:

    1) Students understand the phenomena of heat and mass transfer for effective operation of chemical industrial plant.

    2) Students can derive heat conduction equation from Fourier's law, and calculate steady and unsteady heat conduction.

    3) Students understand the principle of thermal equipment and can conduct basic designing of the equipment.

    4) Students understand the principle of mass transfer behavior and calculate mass transport phenomena.

  •   移動現象工学 / Transport Phenomena  


    Transport phenomena, which cover fluid flow, heat transfer, and mass transfer, is fundamental laws for analyzing material recycling systems. The lecture will cover fluid mechanics, thermal engineering, and mass transfer kinetics, as well as combustion engineering, which is an applied technology that combines these three fields.

  •   数値材料プロセス学 / Numerical Methods for Materials Processing  
      埜上 洋, 夏井 俊悟  





    この科目の実施形態は、講義室の講義を想定していますが、状況によりオンライン配信を利用する場合があります。講義情報と講義資料は Google Classroom を通じて発信します。Google Classroomのクラスコードを工学研究科Webページにて確認し登録すること。



    1. Purpose

    Learn basic equations of physics that appear in the material processing phenomena and numerical analysis methods for solving the equations. And more, learn about the application of the methods to the actual materials processing problems.

    2. Outline

    Basic equations of physics that appear in the material processing phenomena can be obtained from dominant conservation laws and constitutive equations. Finally, basic equations can be reduced to differential or integral forms that can be solved numerically. Learn about typical numerical methods that can be available to solve the basic equations. And more, learn about the versatility of these numerical methods through the applications to actual materials processing.

    This lecture will be given in an actual classroom. The lecture style, however, will be changed if necessary. Information and documents about this lecture will be distributed through "Google Classroom". Check the class code for Google Classroom at School of Engineering Website and register for this class.

    Timetable & Course Description


  •   原子炉工学 / Nuclear Reactor Engineering  
      橋爪 秀利, 江原 真司  



    クラスコード :  sciukf4

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    The purpose is to understand the thermal flow analysis and structural analysis related to the design of nuclear reactors.

    In the lecture, we will use materials that summarize the basic contents and deepen understanding through explanations of the problems adopted by the national examination (chief engineer of reactors) as an example.

    Class code : sciukf4

  •   熱科学・工学B / Thermal Science and Engineering B  
      小宮 敦樹, 小原 拓, 菊川 豪太, 庄司 衛太, 琵琶 哲志  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学研究科Webページ



    本講義では,ミクロからマクロスケールに至る熱エネルギー変換および伝熱現象の基礎物理を理解し,その知識を工学的応用に結び付けることができる能力を養成することを目的とする。特に,(1) 熱流体現象の分子動力学表現と分子スケール解析,(2) 振動流れや音響振動に基づく熱輸送とエネルギー変換の基礎,(3)マルチスケールにおける熱物質輸送現象の可視化と制御,(4) 界面現象に関わる熱統計力学,に特化した講義を展開し,これらの講義を通して,熱現象および輸送現象の本質の理解を一層深め,工学分野おける実用機器への応用が可能となるようにする.

    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/academics/master.html (under "Timetable & Course Description")

    The students will master the basic physics of thermal energy conversion and heat transfer in both micro and macroscopic scales, and learn to link this knowledge to engineering applications. More specifically, the series lectures: i) the Molecular Dynamics and molecular-scale analyses of thermo-fluid phenomena, ii) oscillating-flow based heat transfer and energy conversion, iii) visualization and control of multi-scale heat and mass transfer, and iv) statistical mechanics regarding interface phenomena will be done. Students are expected further deepen their understanding of the essence of thermal phenomena.

  •   (IMAC-U) 流体力学Ⅱ / (IMAC-U)Fluid Mechanics II  
      船本 健一  

    本講義にはGoogle Classroomを利用する(クラスコード:rqgjuks).








    This class uses Google Classroom (class code: rqgjuks).

    1.Object of subject

    To obtain knowledge of mathematical aspects of fluid mechanics for ideal and viscous fluids.

    2.Summary of subject

    For ideal fluids, potential flows and vortex motions will be analyzed by complex functions. For viscous fluids, the exact solutions of basic equations and the boundary layer equations will be examined. The characteristics of turbulent flows will also be explained.

    3.Goal of study

    Students should understand mathematical aspects of basic equations in fluid mechanics.

    Students should understand characteristic features and mathematical expressions of viscous fluid motions.
