
1602 件ヒット (0.062秒):

  •   化学・バイオ工学実験A / Laboratory Experiments A  
      伊野 浩介  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。










    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    1. Objective

    Students will learn the basic operations and manners in the experimental studies of applied chemistry, chemical engineering and biological engineering.

    2. Outline

    In this course, students carry out experiments in the fields of inorganic & physical chemistry, organic chemistry, biology and chemical engineering. The themes of the experiments are related with the lectures of 3rd-5th semesters in our Department.

    3. Goal

    - To learn basic operations including handling of instruments and apparatuses employed in chemical research

    - To learn about the handling of reagents and chemical wastes that are potentially hazardous

    - To acquire the basic rules of good experimental practice, such as careful observations, recording and analysis of the results

  •   工業化学実験 / Industrial Chemistry Labolatory  
      伊野 浩介  









    1. Objective

    Students will learn the basic operations and manners in the experimental studies of applied chemistry, chemical engineering and biological engineering.

    2. Outline

    In this course, students carry out experiments in the fields of inorganic & physical chemistry, organic chemistry, biology and chemical engineering. The themes of the experiments are related with the lectures of 3rd-5th semesters in our Department. Students select three topics from 12 topics in this syllabus. Confirm the student handbook (gakusei-binran) to get detailed information on the course requirement.

    3. Goal

    - To learn basic operations including handling of instruments and apparatuses employed in chemical research

    - To learn about the handling of reagents and chemical wastes that are potentially hazardous

    - To acquire the basic rules of good experimental practice, such as careful observations, recording and analysis of the results

  •   化学・バイオ工学実験B / Laboratory Experiments B  
      伊野 浩介  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。










    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    1. Objective

    Students will learn the basic operations and manners in the experimental studies.

    2. Outline

    In this course, which follows the Laboratory Experiments A, students carry out experiments in the fields of inorganic & physical chemistry, organic chemistry, biology and chemical engineering. The themes of the experiments are related with the lectures of 3rd-6th semesters in our Department.

    3. Goal

    - To learn the basic operations including handling of instruments and apparatuses employed in chemical research

    - To learn about the handling of reagents and chemical wastes that are potentially hazardous

    - To acquire the basic rules of good experimental practice, such as careful observations, recording and analysis of the results

  •   基礎化学実験(動物)  
      盧 尚建, 佐藤 幹, 種村 健太郎, 北澤 春樹, 野地 智法, 佐藤 正寛, 喜久里 基, 原 健士朗, 戸部 隆太, 西山 啓太, 芳賀 聡, 上本 吉伸, 古川 睦実, 大坪 和香子  
      通年集中 その他 連講 農学部各コース学生実験室  




    In this course, students will learn about laboratory safety, skills of basic experiments e.g., handling of lab equipment.

  •   基礎生物学実験(生化)  
      早川 俊彦, 金子 淳, 二井 勇人, 小島 創一, 阿部 直樹  
      通年集中 その他 連講 農学部各コース学生実験室  




    In this practical training, students will conduct basic experiments on microorganisms and plant proteins.

    In the basic experiment on microorganisms, students will perform aseptic manipulation and isolation, culture, microscopic examination and quantification of microorganisms so that they can learn safe handling of microorganisms and biohazard countermeasures.

    In the basic experiment on plant protein, students will learn manipulation of enzymes and proteins as the basis of biochemical experiments so that they can gain skills to handle small quantities of biological materials.

  •   電気・通信・電子・情報工学実験C(通信) / Laboratory C  
      今野 佳祐, 鬼沢 直哉, 川本 雄一, 桑波田 晃弘  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。








    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    1. Objective: the purpose of this experimental course is to provide students basic knowledge of experiments and basic techniques in the fields of electric/communication/electronic/information engineering. Furthermore, this course aims to improve students’ abilities to analyze and discuss experimental data, to make scientific reports, and to make technical presentations, which are required to conduct their graduation thesis and research activities.

    2. Overview: students should learn about the objective and methods prior to the actual experiments. During the experiments, they take measurement data and analyze them, through this, they learn about the measurement methods and operation of equipment. After each experiment, a report should be made based on the results, discussions and the references. After the submission of reports, the contents are discussed with teachers. In addition, students will have oral presentations based on the reports.

    3. Goal: at the end of this course, students are required to understand each experimental topic. The goal is that students will be able to perform experiments properly, to make clear and logical scientific reports, and to have well-organized technical presentations.

  •   化学一般実験B / Laboratory Experiments in Chemistry  
      豊田 耕三, 石田 真太郎, 井上 賢一, 上野 裕, 梅宮 茂伸, 大下 慶次郎, 大槻 幸義, 大橋 一正, 加治 拓哉, 川畑 公輔, 菅野 学, 岸本 直樹, 金 鉄男, 近藤 梓, 佐々木 茂, 柴田 穣, 髙岡 洋輔, 高橋 英明, 千葉 秀平, 平野 智倫, 松田 欣之, 森 直紀, 安元 研一  
      前期 月曜日 3講時 / 前期 月曜日 4講時 / 前期 月曜日 5講時 / 前期 火曜日 3講時 / 前期 火曜日 4講時 / 前期 火曜日 5講時 / 前期 水曜日 3講時 / 前期 水曜日 4講時 / 前期 水曜日 5講時 / 前期 木曜日 3講時 / 前期 木曜日 4講時 / 前期 木曜日 5講時 / 前期 金曜日 3講時 / 前期 金曜日 4講時  


    You learn fundamental experimental operations of physical chemistry, organic chemistry, and biochemistry, in Japanese.

  •   機械知能・航空実験A(エ環) / Laboratory Experiment A  
      宇野 正起  








    この科目ではGoogle Classroomを使用しますので、Classroomにアクセスしてクラスコード「wqz3x5i」を入力して参加してください。


    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認できます。


    1.Class subject

      Students learn fundamental knowledge acquired in lectures from laboratory experiments. They learn the fundamental skills to accomplish the advanced experiments and how to discuss about the experimental results.

    2.Object and summary of class

      The experimental themes on heat, flow, structure, control, materials and radiation are conducted under the guidance of professional instructors. Students produce the reports through discussions with these instructors and also submit the reports to them.

    3.Goal of study

      Goal is for developing the ability to understand the fundamental contents of experiments, and to discuss the results of experiments and to complete the reports.

    This class is conducted using Google Classroom. For accessing the classroom, use the class code "wqz3x5i".

  •   化学一般実験B(AMC) / Laboratory Experiments in Chemistry  
      豊田 耕三, 荒木 保幸, 岡 弘樹, 岡村 秀紀, 鬼塚 和光, 鎌形 清人, 小関 良卓, 小和田 俊行, 道祖尾 恭之, 志賀 大亮, 髙岡 毅, 田口 真彦, 藤原 孝彰  
      前期 月曜日 3講時 / 前期 月曜日 4講時 / 前期 月曜日 5講時 / 前期 火曜日 3講時 / 前期 火曜日 4講時 / 前期 火曜日 5講時 / 前期 水曜日 3講時 / 前期 水曜日 4講時 / 前期 水曜日 5講時 / 前期 木曜日 3講時 / 前期 木曜日 4講時 / 前期 木曜日 5講時 / 前期 金曜日 3講時 / 前期 金曜日 4講時  

    You learn fundamental experimental operations of physical chemistry, organic chemistry, and biochemistry.

    You learn fundamental experimental operations of physical chemistry, organic chemistry, and biochemistry.

  •   基礎生物学実験(生命)  
      田中 良和  
      通年集中 その他 連講 農学部各コース学生実験室  



    This course provide the first steps to get used to experimental environments: to learn principle of biological experiments. Students lean methods to handle biological samples, and also learn the basic skill to evaluate the experimental results.

    Students study the basic biological concept by performing animal DNA experiments to prepare for applicative experiments.

    [概要]・実験は全学生が個別に行う。Students perform the experiment individually.



    This course include genetic experiments, purification of DNA from animal tissues, DNA sequence analysis, and homology search. During these experiments, students learn risk control of experiments and technics to keep laboratory clean.

    Students should submit experimental reports, and lean how to evaluate the results of experiments.
