
電気・通信・電子・情報工学実験C(通信) / Laboratory C

単位数: 2. 担当教員: 今野 佳祐, 鬼沢 直哉, 川本 雄一, 桑波田 晃弘. 開講年度: 2024. 科目ナンバリング: TEI-EIP303J.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects


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1. Objective: the purpose of this experimental course is to provide students basic knowledge of experiments and basic techniques in the fields of electric/communication/electronic/information engineering. Furthermore, this course aims to improve students’ abilities to analyze and discuss experimental data, to make scientific reports, and to make technical presentations, which are required to conduct their graduation thesis and research activities.
2. Overview: students should learn about the objective and methods prior to the actual experiments. During the experiments, they take measurement data and analyze them, through this, they learn about the measurement methods and operation of equipment. After each experiment, a report should be made based on the results, discussions and the references. After the submission of reports, the contents are discussed with teachers. In addition, students will have oral presentations based on the reports.
3. Goal: at the end of this course, students are required to understand each experimental topic. The goal is that students will be able to perform experiments properly, to make clear and logical scientific reports, and to have well-organized technical presentations.




Students are required to attend all of the assigned experiments on time. They should read the guideline of the experiments and understand their contents. After each experiment, each student is required to write a report and submit it.


1.実験を行う当日までに実験計画書を作成する。実験の目的・原理・方法を理解して、各自がA4 レポート用紙 3 枚程度に簡潔にまとめ、実験開始前にTAに提出し、チェックを受ける。

2.実験当日は実験開始前に指導員から実験の目的と概要について説明を受ける。 実験中は随時データの整理、必要な箇所のコピーを行い、各自で持ち帰る。 実験ノートを各自用意し、 実験装置のセットアップ、条件、実験日等を記録する。

3.実験終了後、 次週までにレポートを作成する。実験の目的・原理・方法と実験結果をまとめ、考察を作成して各自で完成させる。 次回実験実施日の 10:30 までに提出する。

4.レポート提出後、内容について、指導員(教員)から面接試問を受ける場合がある。 面接試問では、レポートの書き方に関する指導や、実験内容の理解度を測るための試問が行われる。

5.口頭発表技術の訓練を目的として、発表会を行う。発表会の採点項目は、配布資料、発表スライド、発表内容、質疑応答の4 項目である。

1 アンテナ・分布定数回路
2 光通信の基礎
3 トランジスタ増幅器
4 変調・復調
5 ディジタル信号処理
6 制御系設計の基礎
7 コンピュータネットワーク
8 交流回転機
9 パワーエレクトロニクスの基礎
10 磁化プラズマ
11 超電導体
12 光電変換


1.A design of experiment should be written and submitted prior to each experiment. Student should understand the objective, principle and methods of the experiment and summarized them in the design of experiment within three A4-format papers. It should be submitted before each experiment to be checked by TAs.

2.A brief guidance about the objective and overview of each experiment will be provided to students by teachers. During the experiments, students should take measurement data and also take a note on experimental setup, condition date and so on.

3.After each experiment, a report should be written and submitted prior to the next experiment in the following week. A report must contain objective, principle and methods of experiment, experimental data and discussions. Students are required to submit their reports before 10:30 on the date of next experiment.

4.After the submission of reports, interviews with teachers may take place on the contents of the reports. During the interviews, guidance about how to write a scientific report will be provided as well as oral quiz will be asked to check how much students understand the experiments.

5.In order to improve students’ skills of scientific presentations, oral presentations will take place. The handouts, slides, presentation and answers to the questions will be scored at the oral presentations.

Nine experiments will be conducted among following topics.
1 Antennas and distributed constant circuits
2 Basics of optical communication
3 Transistor amplifiers
4 Modulation and demodulation
5 Digital signal processing
6 Basics of control system design
7 Computer networks
8 AC rotating machines
9 Basics of power electronics
10 Magnetic plasma
11 Superconductors
12 Photoelectric conversion




Before conducting experiments, prepare and understand the setup and contents of experiments and write a design of experiment for each time.
After conducting experiments, analyze data, discuss the obtained results, examine related papers, and write and submit a report.




Scoring items of this course include attitude towards experiments, contents of reports, results of oral quiz at the interviews and the contents of presentation at the oral presentation. Grade will be given based on the total score of these items.


  • 実験指針 電気・通信・電子・情報工学実験C, 東北大学工学部電気・情報系, 東北大学工学部電子・応物・情報系
  • 電気・通信・電子工学実験II, 福島弘毅編, 丸善 ISBN/ISSN: 9784621019023


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