
172 件ヒット (0.022秒):

  •   解析力学 / Analytical Mechanics  
      白井 正文  

    目的: 変分の考えを用いてNewton力学をより一般的に定式化した解析力学の基礎を学ぶ。

    概要: Newtonの運動方程式からLagrangeの運動方程式を導出し、Lagrangianの性質と保存則の関係、質点の運動を学習する。さらに、微小振動を学び、Hamiltonの正準方程式の概略を理解する。

    達成目標等: Lagrangeの方法を正しく理解し、多くの例題を通してLagrangeの運動方程式を立てて解けるようになることを目標とする。

    This course provides the derivation of Lagrangian equations of motion form Newtonian mechanics and the relationship between the character of Lagrangian and the conservation laws of energy, momentum, and angular momentum. Then, students will learn about the motion of forced, damped, and coupled oscillators. Finally, this course will help students understand an outline of Hamiltonian equations of motion.

  •   解析力学 / Analytical Mechanics  
      加藤 雅恒  

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    The purpose of this course is to introduce the Lagrangian formulation of mechanics and learn its application to a variety of problems, including those involving central forces and simple harmonic oscillations. Students also learn about Hamiltonian formulation of mechanics briefly.

  •   物理学A  
      小野 円佳  
      前期 木曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスB202  


    Acquisition of basic knowledge of classical mechanics as the fundamental physics, obtaining skills of solving problems, and thereby getting familiar with the way of thinking in physics are the purposes of the course. Specifically, students will learn mechanics of particles and rigid bodies, through which knowledge of the basic principles and laws on the motion of bodies will be gained, with deeper insight into physics and skills for problem solving being obtained. Skills for mathematical analysis are also developed.

  •   物理学A  
      村島 基之  
      前期 木曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスB102  


    Acquisition of basic knowledge of classical mechanics as the fundamental physics, obtaining skills of solving problems, and thereby getting familiar with the way of thinking in physics are the purposes of the course. Specifically, students will learn mechanics of particles and rigid bodies, through which knowledge of the basic principles and laws on the motion of bodies will be gained, with deeper insight into physics and skills for problem solving being obtained. Skills for mathematical analysis are also developed.

  •   物理学A  
      加藤 俊顕  
      前期 木曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスB203  


    Acquisition of basic knowledge of classical mechanics as the fundamental physics, obtaining skills of solving problems, and thereby getting familiar with the way of thinking in physics are the purposes of the course. Specifically, students will learn mechanics of particles and rigid bodies, through which knowledge of the basic principles and laws on the motion of bodies will be gained, with deeper insight into physics and skills for problem solving being obtained. Skills for mathematical analysis are also developed.

  •   解析力学 / Analytical mechanics  
      服部 誠  
      前期 金曜日 3講時  


    Analytical mechanics, which is a mathematical reformulation of Newtonian classical mechanics from the viewpoint of "covariance", is now used as a basis for many fields of science such as quantum mechanics.

    Through the present lecture, students will understand the relationship between Newtonian mechanics and Lagrangian mechanics. Moreover, by transforming from real space to momentum space and using Poisson bracket, we introduce the Hamiltonian mechanics, with which the students can prepare for the future studies on quantum mechanics and field theory..

  •   物理学A  
      南部 雄亮  
      前期 金曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスB104  


    The purpose of the course is to acquire basic knowledge of classical mechanics as fundamental physics, obtain skills in solving problems, and become familiar with the way of thinking in physics. Specifically, students will learn the mechanics of particles and rigid bodies, through which knowledge of the basic principles and laws on the motion of bodies will be gained, with deeper insight into physics and problem-solving skills. Skills for mathematical analysis are also developed.

  •   物理学A  
      石鍋 隆宏  
      前期 木曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスB204  


    Acquisition of basic knowledge of classical mechanics as the fundamental physics, obtaining skills of solving problems, and thereby getting familiar with the way of thinking in physics are the purposes of the course. Specifically, students will learn mechanics of particles and rigid bodies, through which knowledge of the basic principles and laws on the motion of bodies will be gained, with deeper insight into physics and skills for problem solving being obtained. Skills for mathematical analysis are also developed.

  •   物理学A  
      泉田 渉  
      前期 金曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスB101  

    物体の運動法則を運動方程式として表現しこれを解くことなどにより、自然現象の中から法則を見いだす物理学の方法を学ぶ。 / This course covers the classical mechanics to learn the concept of the physics finding laws of physics in the natural phenomena.

  •   物理学A  
      井上 邦雄  
      前期 月曜日 2講時 川北キャンパスB204  


    Acquisition of basic knowledge of classical mechanics as the fundamental physics, obtaining skills of solving problems, and thereby getting familiar with the way of thinking in physics are the purposes of the course. Specifically, students will learn mechanics of particles and rigid bodies, through which knowledge of the basic principles and laws on the motion of bodies will be gained, with deeper insight into physics and skills for problem solving being obtained. Skills for mathematical analysis are also developed.
