
996 件ヒット (0.024秒):

  •   (IMAC-U)日本の産業と科学技術 / Science, Technology and Industry in Japan  
      渡邉 由美子  

    Google Classroomのクラスコードは工学部Webページにて確認すること。


    The class code for Google Classroom can be found on the Web site of

    the School of Engineering:

    https://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/edu/syllabus-ug.html (JP Only)

    This specialized subject course (one credit) is a multidisciplinary course that has been organized by the faculties of science, engineering, and agriculture since 2016. Except for the first class, each class will feature a lecture by a specialist in his field. The topic of each lecture will be related to the science, technology, and industry, and their relationships in Japan and the globe”. The topics also include issues and efforts in specific fields of industry to implement the 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) announced by the United Nations in 2016.

    Students will learn how science, technology, and industry in different fields were integrated and developed, and how they contributed, contribute, and will contribute to our society with different cultures, and in diverse circumstances.

    MEXT scholarship students in FGL courses are expected to apply what they learn from this course in another course titled "Multidisciplinary Internship" which will be given in the spring/summer 2024.

    Goal: The goal of this course is to give students a multidisciplinary perspective and open-minded attitude in a diverse group of people with different cultural and academic backgrounds.

  •   東アジア国際関係論Ⅱ  
      勝間田 弘  
      後期 水曜日 6講時  

    The aim of this course is to gain comprehensive knowledge of international relations in East Asia. In particular, it aims to explore the characteristics of international relations in this region and the key determinants of those characteristics. The term "East Asia" here refers to the region encompassing Northeast and Southeast Asia. The former is the area in which China, Japan and Korea coexist, and the latter is the area managed by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). This East Asian region is diverse in terms of culture, religion, political systems and the levels of economic development. What are the characteristics of international relations in such a diverse region, and what are their key determinants? It is imperative that these issues be examined from multiple points of views. This is why, in this course, various analytical concepts and theories in the social sciences will be covered, so as to gain comprehensive knowledge of international relations in East Asia.

    International Relations of East Asia I (in Japanese) and International Relations of East Asia II (in English) can be considered different courses. The latter need not be seen as an extension of the former. Students may choose to take either/both of them.

  •   エネルギー変換化学 / Chemistry of Energy Conversion  
      本間 格, 岩瀬 和至, 大野 真之  


    Google classroom code : dsschvm

    Renewable energy technology is a base for sustainable society and this lecture covers science and technology of energy conversion chemistry and students learn their engineering principles on scientific bases. In particular, this lecture serves as a fundamental understanding of physical chemistry of electrochemical energy conversion devices such as solar cells, fuel cells and secondary batteries, which are very important energy technologies in the industry. This course aims to develop student's knowledge of electronics and ionics, and provides deep understanding of fundamental principles of material functionalities, photoelectric conversion, electrodics, charge transfer processess for practical devices.

    Google classroom code : dsschvm

  •   エネルギー変換化学 / Energy Device Engineering  
      本間 格  
      前期 月曜日 4講時  


  •   多文化PBL  
      虫明 美喜、虫明 元  
      後期 水曜日 4講時 川北キャンパスA101  


    In international relations, it is important to communicate with people of multicultural backgrounds in a non-discriminatory manner. In the Corona disaster, various issues have been highlighted in the current culture, such as the challenges of isolation and loneliness, and the fragmentation of communities. Theatrical methods have accumulated expertise in building human relationships with people across language and cultural barriers. However, there are few opportunities to acquire such cross-disciplinary skills in university education. In this course, students will work on practical issues while incorporating findings on personality traits and human science to understand the diversity of people. Specifically, I would like to work with students on issues of building rich relationships and living in harmony with people, while practicing group work that incorporates theatrical techniques, in face-to-face settings.

  •   アントレプレナーシップの経済学A / Economics of Entrepreneurship A  
      福川 信也  


    Learning Management System (LMS): GoogleClassroom

    classcode: 4csyf54

    Friday, 13:00-14:30 JST, Winter 2024-2025

    Students who consider taking this course must attend the first class held at LMS using Tohoku University email address. Access using non-TU accounts will be denied.


    Students will be able to acquire theoretical framework for entrepreneurship and innovation. Students will be able to apply the framework to managerial and institutional changes that took place in a real world by giving presentations and discussing with others.

    Course structure and requirements

    This online course is a hybrid of my lecture (45 min) and students’ presentations (45 min).

    13:00-13:45: lecture session

    13:45-14:30: presentation session

    This course requires participants to invest 90 study hours.

    Papers are assigned every week for students to deliver presentations. Evaluation builds on the quality of presentations.

    All students must upload a presentation file at LMS before the lecture starts.

    Speakers are randomly selected during the lecture session. Non-speakers are randomly assigned to be discussants.

    This course does not accept observers. All participants must be eligible for grading and credits.

    A real-time participation in all sessions is required.

    All communications are made in English. Participants need to have a good command of English.


    Week 1

    Freeman, C. and Soete, L. 1997 The Economics of Industrial Innovation, Routledge, London. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/mono/10.4324/9780203357637/economics-industrial-innovation-luc-soete-chris-freeman?refId=73331dae-cdcf-4c58-a511-d904d32c4dd6&context=ubx Chapter 2 Industrial revolution

    Week 2

    Chapter 3 Electricity and steel

    Week 3

    Chapter 4 Oil and chemicals

    Week 4

    Chapter 5 Synthetic materials

    Week 5

    Odagiri, H. and Goto, A. 1996 Technology and Industrial Development in Japan, Oxford University Press. https://academic.oup.com/book/27388 Chapter 6 Textiles

    Week 6

    Chapter 7 Iron and steel

    Week 7

    Chapter 8 Electronics

    Week 8

    Chapter 9 Automotive

    Week 9

    Chapter 10 Shipbuilding and aircraft

    Week 10

    Chapter 11 Pharmaceuticals


    No. Date Lecture Students’ presentation

    1 4Oct Guidance .

    2 11Oct Module 1: Innovation Economics .

    3 18Oct Module 1 Industrial revolution: Freeman and Soete

    . 25Oct* *Tohoku University Festival .

    4 1Nov Module 2: Econ of E-ship Electricity and steel

    5 8Nov Module 2 Oil and chemicals

    6 15Nov Module 2 Synthetic materials

    7 22Nov Module 2 Textiles: Odagiri and Goto

    8 29Nov Module 2 Iron and steel

    9 6Dec Module 2 Electronics

    10 13Dec Module 3: Applied topics Automotive

    11 20Dec Module 3 Shipbuilding and aircraft

    . 10Jan* *cancelled .

    12 17Jan Module 3 Pharmaceuticals


    Learning Management System (LMS): GoogleClassroom

    classcode: 4csyf54

    Friday, 13:00-14:30 JST, Winter 2024-2025

    Students who consider taking this course must attend the first class held at LMS using Tohoku University email address. Access using non-TU accounts will be denied.


    Students will be able to acquire theoretical framework for entrepreneurship and innovation. Students will be able to apply the framework to managerial and institutional changes that took place in a real world by giving presentations and discussing with others.

    Course structure and requirements

    This online course is a hybrid of my lecture (45 min) and students’ presentations (45 min).

    13:00-13:45: lecture session

    13:45-14:30: presentation session

    This course requires participants to invest 90 study hours.

    Papers are assigned every week for students to deliver presentations. Evaluation builds on the quality of presentations.

    All students must upload a presentation file at LMS before the lecture starts.

    Speakers are randomly selected during the lecture session. Non-speakers are randomly assigned to be discussants.

    This course does not accept observers. All participants must be eligible for grading and credits.

    A real-time participation in all sessions is required.

    All communications are made in English. Participants need to have a good command of English.


    Week 1

    Freeman, C. and Soete, L. 1997 The Economics of Industrial Innovation, Routledge, London. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/mono/10.4324/9780203357637/economics-industrial-innovation-luc-soete-chris-freeman?refId=73331dae-cdcf-4c58-a511-d904d32c4dd6&context=ubx Chapter 2 Industrial revolution

    Week 2

    Chapter 3 Electricity and steel

    Week 3

    Chapter 4 Oil and chemicals

    Week 4

    Chapter 5 Synthetic materials

    Week 5

    Odagiri, H. and Goto, A. 1996 Technology and Industrial Development in Japan, Oxford University Press. https://academic.oup.com/book/27388 Chapter 6 Textiles

    Week 6

    Chapter 7 Iron and steel

    Week 7

    Chapter 8 Electronics

    Week 8

    Chapter 9 Automotive

    Week 9

    Chapter 10 Shipbuilding and aircraft

    Week 10

    Chapter 11 Pharmaceuticals


    No. Date Lecture Students’ presentation

    1 4Oct Guidance .

    2 11Oct Module 1: Innovation Economics .

    3 18Oct Module 1 Industrial revolution: Freeman and Soete

    . 25Oct* *Tohoku University Festival .

    4 1Nov Module 2: Econ of E-ship Electricity and steel

    5 8Nov Module 2 Oil and chemicals

    6 15Nov Module 2 Synthetic materials

    7 22Nov Module 2 Textiles: Odagiri and Goto

    8 29Nov Module 2 Iron and steel

    9 6Dec Module 2 Electronics

    10 13Dec Module 3: Applied topics Automotive

    11 20Dec Module 3 Shipbuilding and aircraft

    . 10Jan* *cancelled .

    12 17Jan Module 3 Pharmaceuticals

  •   アントレプレナーシップの経済学B / Economics of Entrepreneurship B  
      福川 信也  


    Learning Management System (LMS): GoogleClassroom

    classcode: aukexkx

    Friday, 13:00-14:30 JST, Winter 2024-2025

    Students who consider taking this course must attend the first class held at LMS using Tohoku University email address. Access using non-TU accounts will be denied.


    Students will be able to acquire theoretical framework for entrepreneurship and innovation. Students will be able to apply the framework to managerial and institutional changes that took place in a real world by giving presentations and discussing with others.

    Course structure and requirements

    This online course is a hybrid of my lecture (45 min) and students’ presentations (45 min).

    13:00-13:45: lecture session

    13:45-14:30: presentation session

    This course requires participants to invest 90 study hours.

    Papers are assigned every week for students to deliver presentations. Evaluation builds on the quality of presentations.

    All students must upload a presentation file at LMS before the lecture starts.

    Speakers are randomly selected during the lecture session. Non-speakers are randomly assigned to be discussants.

    This course does not accept observers. All participants must be eligible for grading and credits.

    A real-time participation in all sessions is required.

    All communications are made in English. Participants need to have a good command of English.


    Week 1

    Freeman, C. and Soete, L. 1997 The Economics of Industrial Innovation, Routledge, London. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/mono/10.4324/9780203357637/economics-industrial-innovation-luc-soete-chris-freeman?refId=73331dae-cdcf-4c58-a511-d904d32c4dd6&context=ubx Chapter 2 Industrial revolution

    Week 2

    Chapter 3 Electricity and steel

    Week 3

    Chapter 4 Oil and chemicals

    Week 4

    Chapter 5 Synthetic materials

    Week 5

    Odagiri, H. and Goto, A. 1996 Technology and Industrial Development in Japan, Oxford University Press. https://academic.oup.com/book/27388 Chapter 6 Textiles

    Week 6

    Chapter 7 Iron and steel

    Week 7

    Chapter 8 Electronics

    Week 8

    Chapter 9 Automotive

    Week 9

    Chapter 10 Shipbuilding and aircraft

    Week 10

    Chapter 11 Pharmaceuticals


    No. Date Lecture Students’ presentation

    1 4Oct Guidance .

    2 11Oct Module 1: Innovation Economics .

    3 18Oct Module 1 Industrial revolution: Freeman and Soete

    . 25Oct* *Tohoku University Festival .

    4 1Nov Module 2: Econ of E-ship Electricity and steel

    5 8Nov Module 2 Oil and chemicals

    6 15Nov Module 2 Synthetic materials

    7 22Nov Module 2 Textiles: Odagiri and Goto

    8 29Nov Module 2 Iron and steel

    9 6Dec Module 2 Electronics

    10 13Dec Module 3: Applied topics Automotive

    11 20Dec Module 3 Shipbuilding and aircraft

    . 10Jan* *cancelled .

    12 17Jan Module 3 Pharmaceuticals


    Learning Management System (LMS): GoogleClassroom

    classcode: aukexkx

    Friday, 13:00-14:30 JST, Winter 2024-2025

    Students who consider taking this course must attend the first class held at LMS using Tohoku University email address. Access using non-TU accounts will be denied.


    Students will be able to acquire theoretical framework for entrepreneurship and innovation. Students will be able to apply the framework to managerial and institutional changes that took place in a real world by giving presentations and discussing with others.

    Course structure and requirements

    This online course is a hybrid of my lecture (45 min) and students’ presentations (45 min).

    13:00-13:45: lecture session

    13:45-14:30: presentation session

    This course requires participants to invest 90 study hours.

    Papers are assigned every week for students to deliver presentations. Evaluation builds on the quality of presentations.

    All students must upload a presentation file at LMS before the lecture starts.

    Speakers are randomly selected during the lecture session. Non-speakers are randomly assigned to be discussants.

    This course does not accept observers. All participants must be eligible for grading and credits.

    A real-time participation in all sessions is required.

    All communications are made in English. Participants need to have a good command of English.


    Week 1

    Freeman, C. and Soete, L. 1997 The Economics of Industrial Innovation, Routledge, London. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/mono/10.4324/9780203357637/economics-industrial-innovation-luc-soete-chris-freeman?refId=73331dae-cdcf-4c58-a511-d904d32c4dd6&context=ubx Chapter 2 Industrial revolution

    Week 2

    Chapter 3 Electricity and steel

    Week 3

    Chapter 4 Oil and chemicals

    Week 4

    Chapter 5 Synthetic materials

    Week 5

    Odagiri, H. and Goto, A. 1996 Technology and Industrial Development in Japan, Oxford University Press. https://academic.oup.com/book/27388 Chapter 6 Textiles

    Week 6

    Chapter 7 Iron and steel

    Week 7

    Chapter 8 Electronics

    Week 8

    Chapter 9 Automotive

    Week 9

    Chapter 10 Shipbuilding and aircraft

    Week 10

    Chapter 11 Pharmaceuticals


    No. Date Lecture Students’ presentation

    1 4Oct Guidance .

    2 11Oct Module 1: Innovation Economics .

    3 18Oct Module 1 Industrial revolution: Freeman and Soete

    . 25Oct* *Tohoku University Festival .

    4 1Nov Module 2: Econ of E-ship Electricity and steel

    5 8Nov Module 2 Oil and chemicals

    6 15Nov Module 2 Synthetic materials

    7 22Nov Module 2 Textiles: Odagiri and Goto

    8 29Nov Module 2 Iron and steel

    9 6Dec Module 2 Electronics

    10 13Dec Module 3: Applied topics Automotive

    11 20Dec Module 3 Shipbuilding and aircraft

    . 10Jan* *cancelled .

    12 17Jan Module 3 Pharmaceuticals

  •   物性物理学特論 / The current research in Physics in IMR and IMRAM  
      小野瀬 佳文  
      後期 木曜日 5講時  


    The knowledge and courses which have been taken in the undergraduate course should be extended for the researches in the 4th year under graduate course in each laboratory and in the graduate course. Such extension is spreading over varieties of fields in physics such as fundamental condensed matter physics, material science and nano-science. This lecture will guide you to overview the present status of the most advanced researches in the well-known research institutes, IMR and IMRAM. The lecturers from the IMR and IMRAM will give a topical review for some topics. It will help to students to make a map for their research life.

  •   巨大災害に対する健康と社会のレジリエンス/Health and social resilience for large-scale disaster  
      江川 新一  
      2024年10月11日(金)~2025年1月31日(金) / Oct. 11, 2024 (Fri.)- Jan. 31, 2025 (Fri.)  
      毎週金曜日 16:20-17:50 / Friday, 16:20-17:50  



    In disaster, many lives are in danger and a huge amount of health crises will threaten human security, i.e. freedom from fear, freedom from want, and freedom of life with dignity. Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 is the ongoing international framework. Sendai Framework focuses on “health” more than previous frameworks. Multi-hazard approach and physical and mental health damage in disaster are keywords. This course is aiming to clarify the current situation and gaps in medical and public health preparedness, response, recovery, and reconstruction in disaster.

  •   政治学  
      勝間田 弘  
      前期 木曜日 2講時 マルチメディア棟M206  


    The aim of this course is to gain comprehensive knowledge of world affairs by using various theories of the social sciences. In other words, its aim is to arrive at a thorough understanding of a variety of events taking place in today's globalizing world, by applying various theories used in the fields of Political Science, Economics, and International Relations to those events. In such a world today, conflicts between nations are rampant, but institutionalized forms of cooperation between them are also emerging. This course sheds light on some new aspects of these negative and positive developments while making various social science theories at the advanced level understandable to those who are unfamiliar with such theories.
