
81 件ヒット (0.015秒):

  •   地球環境変遷学特論 / Advanced training for geologic field survey  
      髙嶋 礼詩, 黒栁 あずみ  
      前期集中 その他 連講  


    The purpose of this course is to understand the geological structure and environmental evolution of an area based on observation of strata. Students visit Miocene-Pliocene strata exposed verious sections near Sendai, and make columns and sketches.

  •   野外調査演習(測量学を含む) / Methodology of field survey  
      掛川 武, 石田 章純, 奥村 聡, 後藤 章夫, 長瀬 敏郎, 宮本 毅  
      前期 月曜日 1講時 / 前期 月曜日 2講時 / 前期 月曜日 3講時 / 前期 月曜日 4講時  


    This is practice course of geological survey.

    This is the field training cause for undergraduate students.

  •   野外実習Ⅰ / Geological field course for the Ou Backbone Range  
      武藤 潤, 澤 燦道  
      前期集中 その他 連講  


    This intensive course is a geological field course for the Ou Backbone Range as the intermediate level among a series of geological field courses of the department. We have 6-days field course targeting the Okunikkawa area in the west of Sendai, along the Ou Backbone Range. We observe the lithology and geological structures of various altered volcanic, pyroclastic and sedimentary rocks in tertiary, and acquire the method of geological field survey in tectonically active regions. As well as acquiring a method of safe field works in a steep mountainous area, it is also one of the purpose to become familiar with beautiful nature.

  •   地圏環境科学実習Ⅱ / 「Geoenvironmental Science and Anthropogeographic Practice II (Before-and-after survey of the course "Basic Field Survey II")  
      黒栁 あずみ, 磯田 弦, 大月 義徳, 関根 良平, 髙嶋 礼詩, 山田 努  
      前期 火曜日 4講時 / 前期 火曜日 5講時前半  


    In this course, students will learn the methodology how to prepare geological, geomorphological, and anthropogeographic field surveys and how to analysis observational data from the surveys.

  •   基礎野外実習Ⅰ / Learn the geological and geographical histories in Sendai  
      山田 努, 磯田 弦, 大月 義徳, 黒栁 あずみ, 関根 良平, 髙橋 尚志, 髙橋 直也, 髙栁 栄子  
      後期集中 その他 連講  


    Acquire observation skill for field surveys

  •   地圏環境科学実習Ⅰ / Basic training for geologic and geographic field survey  
      関根 良平, 大月 義徳, 鈴木 紀毅, 髙橋 尚志, 山田 努  
      後期 月曜日 3講時 / 後期 月曜日 4講時前半  


    Geo-environmental science is designed as the interdisciplinary branch among earth science to research phenomena occurred with interactions between geologic factors under the surface of ground and climatic environments above the surface. This study area evolves various information of geology, topography, climatology and vegetation and land use, so on, which are linked to be analyzed totally with GIS tools. Students learn the geo-environmental ideas and methods through air-photo interpretation, principle of paleontology, and sediment analysis with water tube in this class.

  •   構造地質学 / Introductory lecture courses and field and lab works on structural geology and crustal deformation  
      長濱 裕幸, 武藤 潤  
      後期 火曜日 3講時  


    Lectures on fundamental theories of structural geology and crustal deformation unifying the field observation and laboratory experiments toward comprehensive understanding on the basic knowledge in this field.

  •   基礎野外実習Ⅱ / Basic Field Survey II (Methodology for geoenvironmental and anthropogeographic field surveys)  
      黒栁 あずみ, 磯田 弦, 大月 義徳, 関根 良平, 髙嶋 礼詩, 髙橋 尚志, 髙橋 直也, 山田 努  
      前期 火曜日 1講時 / 前期 火曜日 2講時 / 前期 火曜日 3講時  


    In this course, students will learn the basic methodology how to collect primary data of geological, geomorphological, and anthropogeographic records, based on field work.

  •   構造地質学実習 / Introductory lecture courses and field and lab works on structural geology and crustal deformation  
      長濱 裕幸, 武藤 潤  
      後期 火曜日 4講時  


    Lectures on fundamental theories of structural geology and crustal deformation unifying the field observation and laboratory experiments toward comprehensive understanding on the basic knowledge in this field.

  •   地学実験 / Fundamental experiments in Earth Science II  
      宮本 毅, 髙栁 栄子  
      前期 金曜日 3講時前半 / 前期 金曜日 4講時前半  


    In this course, fundamental experiments, observations and measurements are carried out to acquire basic skills and knowledge necessary for earth science.Through these experiments and observations, you will deepen understanding of what you learn in earth science lectures.
