
野外実習Ⅰ / Geological field course for the Ou Backbone Range

前期集中 その他 連講. 単位数/Credit(s): 2. 担当教員/Instructor : 武藤 潤, 澤 燦道. 学期/Semester: 前期集中. 開講年度/Year: 2024. 科目ナンバリング/Course code/number: SGS-EAS325J. 使用言語/Language Used in Course: 日本語.

主要授業科目/Essential Subjects





Course Title

Geological field course for the Ou Backbone Range




This intensive course is a geological field course for the Ou Backbone Range as the intermediate level among a series of geological field courses of the department. We have 6-days field course targeting the Okunikkawa area in the west of Sendai, along the Ou Backbone Range. We observe the lithology and geological structures of various altered volcanic, pyroclastic and sedimentary rocks in tertiary, and acquire the method of geological field survey in tectonically active regions. As well as acquiring a method of safe field works in a steep mountainous area, it is also one of the purpose to become familiar with beautiful nature.





1) To observe the occurrence, lithology and geological structure of altered various volcanic rocks, pyroclastic rocks, sedimentary rocks and to acquire the intermediate level geological survey methods.

2) To acquire a safe outdoor survey method through practical training in a somewhat steep mountainous area and at the same time to get in touch with beautiful nature.

3) To submit a report in paper format and to acquire the beginning of how to write a paper.


1) To observe the occurrence, lithology and geological structure of altered various volcanic rocks, pyroclastic rocks, sedimentary rocks and to acquire the intermediate level geological survey methods.

2) To acquire a safe outdoor survey method through practical training in a somewhat steep mountainous area and at the same time to get in touch with beautiful nature.

3) To submit a report in paper format and to acquire the beginning of how to write a paper.



1日目: 奥新川川本流:新期デイサイト、柱状節理、断層破砕帯、泥岩とタービダイト、水中軽石流・岩屑流、安山岩質火山礫凝灰岩、玄武岩シル・岩脈、変質

2日目: 第1の支流:本流との対比、水中軽石流・flow unit・再堆積、流紋岩溶岩・流理・溶岩ドーム、中規模褶曲

3日目: 第2の支流の下流部:本流との対比、フィーダーダイクからシルへの立体構造、流紋岩溶岩・溶岩ドーム・ルー フペンダント・保獲岩、変質と鉱化作用、岩脈群と古応力場

4日目: 第2の支流の上流部:基盤花崗岩、断層、変質と鉱化作用、岩脈群と古応力場、不整合、カルデラの湖成層・植物化石、バーブ、岩屑流、急峻な山地・滝の安全な歩き方

5日目: 新川川本流(北沢との分岐点→奥新川駅):流紋岩水中自破砕溶岩、水中軽石流、流紋岩岩脈と変質、褶曲解析、岩脈中の流理・気泡・急冷周縁層

6日目: 褶曲と層序、上下判定法、作並断層の大規模断層破砕帯と周囲の構造

Contentsandprogressscheduleofthe class

Day 1: Okukikkawa River mainstream: New Dasite, columnar joint, fault fracture zone, mudstone, turbidite, underwater pumice stone, debri flow, andesitic volcanic gravel tuff, basalt dyke and sill and alteration

Day 2: 1st tributary: Comparison with mainstream, underwater pumice flow, flow unit, redeposition, rhyolite lava, lava flow, lava dome and medium-scale fold

Day 3: Downstream part of the second tributary: Contrast with mainstream, three-dimensional structure from feeder dyke to sill, rhyolite lava, lava dome, roof pendant, holding rock, alteration and mineralization, dikes group and old stress field

Day 4: Upstream part of the second tributary: Basement granite, fault, alteration and mineralization, dike group and paleo stress field, inconsistency, lake stratification of caldera, plant fossils, barbs, rock waste streams, steep safe walking way of mountains and falls

Day 5: Nikkawa River main stream (branch point with Kitazawa → Okunikkawaa station): Rhyolite underwater self-crushed lava, submerged pumice flow, rhyolite dike, alteration, altitude analysis, fold analysis in the dikes, bubbles, child margin

Day 6: Fold and stratigraphy, vertical judgment method, large-scale fault fracture zone, surrounding structure of fault zone





1) The students will graphicize the survey results into geological maps, conceptual geological section maps, and submit reports on paper format of about A4 paper.

2) Evaluation is performed comprehensively based on this report and attendance status.



We distribute the handout of "Geological Survey Guide".



Preparation and review

We hold a briefing session on the geological background of the target area and preparations for the survey in advance, and distribute related materials.


履物、衣類などの周到な準備が必要。 なお、上記のことも含め、事前に説明会を開いて周知徹底する。


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